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Anyone else heard these rumors yet?? Not sure of the validity or reliability of this user as a source but surely it came from somewhere, right?




Of course there's always a good chance someone just completely made this up, but I have to say... it kinda makes sense and I could definitely see Melanie doing something like this. After all, she did say the next album was going to be about the people who lived in Cry Baby's town, and this rumor could totally fit right in with that if each song is about different people in the mental institution.


I'm actually really excited if this is what she has planned for the second album, this is such a creative idea and I would love to see different songs about different mental illnesses (hopefully it wouldn't be too cringeworthy though, however I trust Melanie is sensitive enough to be respectful when dealing with a discussion on mental disorders). Mental illness is such a prevalent issue in society and unfortunately there is still a lot of stigma surrounding them, so I'd totally be down for an album like this if it's handled respectfully (and doesn't sound like something a twelve year old white girl wrote on tumblr in her spare time  :toofunny: )


Plus, the whole baby thing, as creative as it was, would probably get really old if recycled the same way on a second album. (And she'll probably run out of toy and accessory names to use as titles soon  :rip: )

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Thinking about it, it actually sounds like a good album idea, talking about different asylum patients. At first the asylum thing sounds dumb, but what is melanine going to write about the people of the town? The song Dollhouse basically summarized basic problems in a nuclear family, and I'm not sure how that would work out with other characters. The "issues" of the other characters would be too basic imo (things that most people have gone trough such as divorce, depression, etc, which I think will fall bland and overused) and wouldn't be surprised if she talked about someone being gay (the towns outcast) or a rape survivor (crybaby herself?)


But with this asylum thing she can make one song about one mental illness and the music of each song can convey how someone feels when they have that one specific issue, now I'm intrigued

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Thinking about it, it actually sounds like a good album idea, talking about different asylum patients. At first the asylum thing sounds dumb, but what is melanine going to write about the people of the town? The song Dollhouse basically summarized basic problems in a nuclear family, and I'm not sure how that would work out with other characters. The "issues" of the other characters would be too basic imo (things that most people have gone trough such as divorce, depression, etc, which I think will fall bland and overused) and wouldn't be surprised if she talked about someone being gay (the towns outcast) or a rape survivor (crybaby herself?)


But with this asylum thing she can make one song about one mental illness and the music of each song can convey how someone feels when they have that one specific issue, now I'm intrigued

There. That's better.

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I thought she said the second album was going to be about the town Cry Baby lived in and that was also going to be the title of the record?

Yes this exactly, she even posted a photo teasing the 2nd album which feature children at a bus stop.


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Is she being serious? All of her metaphors are as straightforward as can be, she even feels the need to literally play them out in her music videos. The way she and her fandom constantly act like her lyrics were super-deep is just embarassing. Crybaby was nice but did not age very well and her concept(s) are ok for an album but not really spectacular

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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A mess.. it is never cute seeing an artist defend their work this way. If your music / concept / success can't speak for itself, then at least get someone on your team to help write the preachy "no one understands" twitter rants.  :rip:


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