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2 hours ago, teenangst said:

these are both after school?


edit: omg function!!! imagine if it was made into a pop rock song :defeated:

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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Why are After School outtakes so good? You can really see the shift from K-12 sound to MM3 sound with them. Loveeeee it

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5 hours ago, sack said:

random but the best songs on k-12 are the principal and recess. the chorus to the principal is SO iconic and makes me wanna dance while recess is beautifully written and makes me super emotional. if k-12 had more songs like those i’d be absolutely in love with the album

im sorry but the last minute or so of High School Sweethearts takes the cake for this :true:

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1 hour ago, 13 Bitches said:

The fact that After School and its outtakes would’ve made a better album than K-12 :rip:


2 hours ago, COLORINGBOOKS said:

Anybody else notice how she reused lyrics from Function for Labyrinth? 

maybe theres AS outtakes we dont know about that were reused for the new album songs that we do know? :oopna2:

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56 minutes ago, The Siren said:

i meant in tracklist order :hoe:

I'm doing:

1. Notebook

2. Function

3. Test Me

4. Brain & Heart

5. Absorb

6. Numbers

7. Glued

8. Field Trip

9. The Bakery

10. History

11. Under the Desk

12. Lost & Found

13. Copy Cat (Bonus Track)

14. PIGGYBACK (Bonus Track)

Banks   Billie Eilish    Evanescence   Florence + the Machine

Grimes   Halsey   Lady Gaga   Lana Del Rey   Lights   Lorde   MARINA   

Melanie Martinez   Poppy   Purity Ring   Sky Ferreira   

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1 hour ago, The Siren said:

i meant in tracklist order :hoe:

Here's my take:

  1. Test Me
  2. Function
  3. Lost & Found
  4. Notebook
  5. Absorb
  6. Under The Desk
  7. History
  8. Glued
  9. Copy Cat
  10. The Bakery
  11. Numbers
  12. Brain & Heart
  13. Fire Drill
  14. Field Trip

This is gonna be a long read but let me explain.


Test Me - Idc what anyone says, this 100% should've been the opener to After School. The whole EP (or LP in this case I guess) is based around this concept of "lessons" one can learn from the hardships in their daily life. Test Me just fits, seeing as the whole meaning of the song is accepting challenges and learning from them. Every song following it could be seen as a "challenge" - so it really sets the mood. Also the Test Me intro is epic, Mikey's prod snapped there, and it would've been amazing for the album to open like that.


Function - It's a calmer song, so I think it fits after Test Me to establish the quieter/simpler sound most of the other AS songs have. I think this existential/not knowing what your purpose is concept really fits after a song about mortality.


Lost & Found - How I see it, this song is basically about how "the past is in the past", you cant do anything to change it, so make due with what you have from this point on. It fits after Function, a song about feeling immobilized by your worried and bad experiences. She also kinda mentions being confident with her love life in this one. Which leads into...


Notebook - We all know what this is about, I just put it here to kick start the series of breakup songs. She's unsatisfied with her lover and wants to break up with them.


Absorb - She regrets the decision she made in Notebook and decides to give them a chance to "absorb all the love". She admits the breakup was a mistake ("I kinda took us here") and is ready to listen and forgive ("I'll hear you out I'll make it sprout").


Under The Desk - Once again, she steps back and realizes her lover hurt her as well, and it wasn't only her fault. She's ready to confront them (" I'll put up a fight") but she's still "just tryna find the solution").


History - Basically ties into the "back and forth" of the relationship. Even though she knows she and her partner "fucked it up so many times", she gets back together with them. She mentions ways that they hurt each other but she still wants to stop the back and forth fighting and accept the love between them. 


Glued - After the confusing back and forth of this relationship, she's ready to learn the lessons of a healthy attachment & detachment.


Copy Cat - I don't think there's a natural way to transition from the previous songs to Copy Cat, but this is a good song to start the next "phase" of the album, which is themed around her role in the industry. We all know what Copy Cat is about so moving on.


The Bakery - This song is about her working at a bakery but it really could double as a song about the music industry. She's constantly shelving out songs, videos, art etc. but the "Bakery" still wants her to "make some more"; the cash sound effects in the pre chorus and the mentions to her "boss" could really lead to the next song. 


Numbers - A song directed at the people behind the industry, I feel like I don't need to explain how The Bakery leads to this. She's calling out people who want to control her art and use it as a cash cow for their own gain.


Brain & Heart - Put this here because of the final line to Numbers: "My heart space and my cranium must be loved too my dear, don't push me to the edge until I'm useless and can't feel". I think this makes sense to be on the later half of the LP because it's a lesson that usually comes later for a lot of people, and takes a lot of effort to learn. 


Fire Drill - Using logic & emotion, she shows an understanding side to people who judge her or her art. She presents herself as someone who's always been misunderstood, which makes sense in the context of the songs previous to this one. The bridge of Fire Drill serves as a good conclusion to the rest of the songs ("I don't hold anger anymore"), and the "I'm getting out of here" at the end make it a really cool closer; this is, to me, the end of the After School "storyline". The next song is more like a "one last word" thing. 


Field Trip - Makes sense for this to be at the end, it's a song about being herself, living her life without caring what anybody says. Especially after Fire Drill, a song that touches upon people doubting her. This being the closer would make perfect sense: she's figured out who she is, doesn't care what others think, she's found her purpose. This song has a really fun and upbeat outro too, so it'd be cool to end this album on that note. 

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9 hours ago, The Siren said:

im sorry but the last minute or so of High School Sweethearts takes the cake for this :true:


if she cut the long ass intro out of high school sweethearts it’d be the 2nd best song on the album :agree:


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48 minutes ago, sack said:


if she cut the long ass intro out of high school sweethearts it’d be the 2nd best song on the album :agree:

i like how slow it starts :agree:

42 minutes ago, ItsRavenHunty said:

leak bike ride , between us . and sophomore next ... an afterschool mass yassss

forget them leak Take Me to the Moon :trisha:

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1 hour ago, The Siren said:

i like how slow it starts :agree:

forget them leak Take Me to the Moon :trisha:

we arent ever getting take me to the moon and we should accept that... but we can manifest for 2013 ep tracklist finals and outtakes!

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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7 minutes ago, JudahSoCewta said:

we arent ever getting take me to the moon and we should accept that... but we can manifest for 2013 ep tracklist finals and outtakes!

but i need :trisha:

almost as much as i want the studio version of Machine Gun Love by Kesha to leak

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