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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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not to mention people urging some to give the staff blowjowbs and such in return (obviously as a joke only i hope lol) of getting the CD early. oh wait, some already have been making those jokes around here :creep:

that sounds better than stealing?


at least prostituting in some countries / areas is legal  :hooker:


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This year I was at best buy and they had the new The XX album I see You on VINYL , ON STANDS , in the store before it was released . Maybe the same can happen with LFL


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‪I have a feeling that Summer Bummer and Groupie Love will be like Freak and Art Deco, running into one another and sounding rather similar. However, I hope they're diverse.‬


Still sad we aren't getting Cherry.

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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‪I have a feeling that Summer Bummer and Groupie Love will be like Freak and Art Deco, running into one another and sounding rather similar. However, I hope they're diverse.‬


Still sad we aren't getting Cherry.

wait hold up what? no dont tell me this? 






:scream:  :trisha:  :lange:  :crying2:

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Chill your tits before a meltdown. We're not getting it together with preorder. We'll get it on the album.

henny my tits have already been chopped off after learning roses bloom for you wont be on the album so my tits are long gone and i hope its on the album 

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I get £50 today and I'm keeping it aside purely for this album or vinyl box set if there is one cause that shit is pricey

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Summer Bummer and Groupie Love will probably outshine Ridin. The fact that Asap didn't like Ridin enough to release it, yet is releasing two fucking singles  :hdu:  :defeated:  i can't wait to get trashy to these songs I swear 


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Omg I'm high as fuck. Listening to Change snippet. I'm loving it nowwww. Yasss queen!!!!. Make this heartless bitch care about the betterment of the world.

I get £50 today and I'm keeping it aside purely for this album or vinyl box set if there is one cause that shit is pricey

Spend it on dope to listen to the vinyl booooo


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Yeah it's definitly the biggest racial problem that people who are not black are usibg hip-hop beats :toofunny: pack up your SJW-shit amd make place for people who are fighting actual racism-issues. "White washing of hip-hop music" kind of ruins the whole concept of music - that it should unite people and be a form of art. Music is attached to culture but it's not exclusive. Stop acting as if you'd be politically WOKE if all you do is nitpicking sh*t and putting label on people.

Oh man. All I did was say that someone made a good point about white washing hip-hop and this is what I get  :facepalm:


1. When did I ever say it was the biggest racial issue?

2. Which label did I put on you (or anyone)?


I know it's not the most comfortable thing to talk about race, but it's an important conversation to have. Because yes, big racial issues like gentrification do intersect with music, culture and society. If you'd just have an open mind and not get so scared when people mention race, then maybe we could have a real discussion about this. You can PM me if you want, I'm still learning but I'd be happy to teach what I know<3 For now, I'm leaving this conversation though because it's counterproductive and you seem to be getting upset and there are better things to do than get mad online  :awk:


*Also, I am a proud social justice warrior, it's not an insult lol I'd be happy to fight for social justice any day anywhere

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Omg gays we are almost at the point where they are gonna be stocking the CD in stores and we are all gonna debate if it's worth possibly getting arrested for stealing it.


We are also almost at the point where people will post a picture of a CD case with the LFL cover and will say they have stolen the CD from a shop or it shipped early

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I saw some interesting things in the website :



Do you know "Say Yes To Heaven" is the real title ? I always had "Yes To Heaven" in my iTunes.
Do we have the Robert Orton Mix of MPG ?!
+ Maybe "I Talk To Jesus" will be soon unveiled... 2014


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I saw some interesting things in the website :



Do you know "Say Yes To Heaven" is the real title ? I always had "Yes To Heaven" in my iTunes.

Do we have the Robert Orton Mix of MPG ?!

+ Maybe "I Talk To Jesus" will be soon unveiled... 2014

Yes we've known about these (: SYTH is an alt title

No idea about Rob Orton mix 

ITTJ is supposedly an UV outtake


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