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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I hope LDR6 has a shit ton of tambourines and guitars and sitars and harps and maracas and bongos.

i for one would rly be into a more of a kazoo, triangle, and washboard type ensemble but anything can work tbh

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Although I love LFL I do hope the next album doesn't have the trap beats. It works with some of the songs but I hope the next album is more like HM

HM first brought the trap beats into Lana's discography :krylie: but I agree

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If I remember correctly, Dan Auerbach talked about it. He said that Lana kind of put up with people at her label but he didn't  and that's why Ultraviolence ended up the way it did. Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't want to make stuff up. Not saying with Lust For Life it's the same, but it can happen.

the way i remember it, dan wasn't used to so much hand force from a label and Lana was shrugging it off while he got really angry about this kind of management. (This was after BTD/PE, it was another time.) Her label asked her to meet with another producer and she said yes but went to the meeting too late and the producer she was meant to see (one of Adele's) had time to listen to what lana and dan had already done (which her label hated) and they liked it so much they didn't want to touch it. Then suddenly everyone at the label started seeing the light liking the tracks/production and lana, like the boss she is, continued on her merry way undisturbed without putting a fight. Someone on top at interscope even said that others requested a single/hit from lana and he was like no, you get what you're going to get; that she had her own vision and everyone else only had to follow her way. How I see it, Lana downplayed all that and got the sound she wanted without much of a fuss. 


Even the management at her indie label company (AKA) said that you couldn't make lana do something she didn't want, that she was headstrong and determined enough. For me, Lana has the talent and the means to have come up with huge hits by now if she wanted. I do think she has some pressure, like everyone of us from work and school, but not what we imagine or to the same level as the biggest pop stars/rappers. Otherwise I can't explain how chill she is. Plus she works so much and she releases (#1) albums at a higher frequency than most these days  :flutter: lana is the true boss  :smokes2:

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Of course Lana is not free to do everything as she likes, there are stuff in her contract I guess, but she does have freedom in a way because she really won't do anything if she doesn't like it. No more tv shows, no interviews for a long time after that "Lana is suicidal!!!" article... you get the point. But she probably have to make a certain number of albums in that contract and do tours, promote the album and such.


I hope LDR6 has a shit ton of tambourines and guitars and sitars and harps and maracas and bongos.

i for one would rly be into a more of a kazoo, triangle, and washboard type ensemble but anything can work tbh


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I think a lot of people are just so dissatisfied with Lana because we all know how much potential she's got to truly be a modern-day cult legend of an artist. I honestly don't know anyone else today that garners such a healthy amount of fanatics, when it comes to her branch of music. 

And I know how much space she needs to create her art, I respect and empathize with that, but I have to agree with some of you that more intel and announcements would go so so far. 

In the meanwhile, we can still listen to her music to feed our glum moods like an ouroboros, and that's just how she gets you. 


Maybe that's like why some people don't know how to take in LFL, it's just new, even for her  :thankyou:


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I think a lot of people are just so dissatisfied with Lana because we all know how much potential she's got to truly be a modern-day cult legend of an artist. I honestly don't know anyone else today that garners such a healthy amount of fanatics, when it comes to her branch of music.


And I know how much space she needs to create her art, I respect and empathize with that, but I have to agree with some of you that more intel and announcements would go so so far.


In the meanwhile, we can still listen to her music to feed our glum moods like an ouroboros, and that's just how she gets you.




Maybe that's like why some people don't know how to take in LFL, it's just new, even for her :thankyou:

True..personally I have never been so obsessed with an artist before for such a long time. .she's got something special

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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You have a good point. Record companies can have specific demands they want a certain artist to meet that's strictly within their genre. Do people honestly think Interscope would let Lana (an alt pop artist) make a heavy metal album if she wanted to? Nope.

i don't think people on here understand what a contract is and how Labels work.....if she wanted to make all her own whatever music she wanted it'd literally be a legal battle to get out of a contract. until her contract is done, there will be alot of arguing (UV era for example) or compromising.


Flyleaf is a good example. They are a Christian band, their EPs you could 100% tell by their lyrics but their first album they had to change their lyrics and make them less obviously religious - but playing live they played them the same way recorded on their EPs.


You sign a deal, you compromise.


But she likes changing the sound. BTD is not similar to UV, UV is not similar to HM, HM is not similar to LFL, and LFL is like a combination of the 3 (in some songs) and also it has it's own style (tracks 6 - 11) I don't think the industry made her do it, she did it like that because she wanted to.

she does like to ... but not by much. you can even tell on LFL she still has an older sound on most of the songs.


i jus wanted to add my 2 cents in


i dont fucking appreciate all this goddamn diet mountain dew slander 



me either. like fuck that nasty ass soda but the song is cute


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Super unpopular opinion but the production of guns n rozes is one of her best and I'd love an album w that atmosphere and sound. And no, UV as a whole was much more dense sonically. I'd love something sparse and trippy like that


She should also re-release You and Me cos it's one of her best songs

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Super unpopular opinion but the production of guns n rozes is one of her best and I'd love an album w that atmosphere and sound. And no, UV as a whole was much more dense sonically. I'd love something sparse and trippy like that


She should also re-release You and Me cos it's one of her best songs



Me too though, I love the guitar and the dark atmosphere. They compensate the chorus.


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I think this record is an anamoly tbh and I don't think they'll be any link between any possible future albums or past ones aside from get free

Also I really just could not get into most of this record which is weird because I like all her albums all the way through except may jailer stuff

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