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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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i'm good at faking signatures, i used to do that for my classmates but i can't even sign my name the same way every time i need to. i just do how i feel and it's different, i'm afraid to get shit for that actually. also there's a 2 years gap between the two albums but it'd be tragic if any artist would fake their signature :( 

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there is a clear difference, but I think the difference can easily be explained by the fact that the only signatures we've seen are from concert signings where she has to quickly sign it while holding the record in her hands with no table/support

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13 Beaches needs to open the tour, those opening strings are the perfect entrance to heaven sound, Lana can come out from the ceiling dangling with angel wings x


angel wings and running tights aren't a good combo

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Was lurking and I don't know if someone pointed it before (sorry if) but while checking UO


"Comes complete with a download link to the visual album."



Re-Release as a visual masterpiece confirmed :creep: n

I think someone realized this like pages ago, but it was discussed that it was just the digital album. I wished it was true too. 


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so u girls think will there be anymore visuals this era? I'm guessing no  :azealia:  lol it's almost criminal to not give Cherry, Get Free or Heroin a video to end this messy era the latter two making the most sense, the visuals this era rlly disappointed me the album trailer got my gay boy hopes up 


let's not forget the scrapped Brooklyn Baby MV bc Lou fucking died, or the yet to be seen PWYC


or how Art Deco was meant for that Freak duo-feature and we got fed 5 minutes of piano


or how Honeymoon MV was somehow the same as UV, except more awkward n not in the cute orange way; oh, and also never officially uploaded :toofunny:


or how many people thought GKIT, TLY, or even TBD were on track to get a MV


and now let's take a look at this era


went from mother, to witchy, to hippie, to princess on her birthday to.. uhm.. post workout running outfits !


BAR was scrapped and hamfisted into White Mustang, with a snippet of Get Free put in the end, so that song is probably dead in the water for a MV


Cherry deserves a MV, so does SB/GL only as a double feature imho; but if SB/GL were meant to get one then it's too late, n Lana better not try and pull a Swishx2 or Havana and push a song/mv months later than their release dates.


And Cherry was the single that never got to spread it's wings. It's undeniably one of the best true to heart Lana bops on the album, and prob her career i'd say. (doesn't mean it fits in with her Magnum Opus' :hooker: )


Heroin and Get Free also 100% deserve one and Change would fit so well as a PWYC/Video Games style MV, (someone splice her IG stories of her singing it with the footage she pasted of roads and the flag and go from there) 


but comparing this era to HM.. i think we might just be done with videos :toofunny: we were spoiled BtD- Early UV, now we've been malnourished for three gotdamn years..Love was the rainbow in GF; a fucking illusion of better things to come :crai:

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let's not forget the scrapped Brooklyn Baby MV bc Lou fucking died, or the yet to be seen PWYC


or how Art Deco was meant for that Freak duo-feature and we got fed 5 minutes of piano


or how Honeymoon MV was somehow the same as UV, except more awkward n not in the cute orange way; oh, and also never officially uploaded :toofunny:


or how many people thought GKIT, TLY, or even TBD were on track to get a MV


and now let's take a look at this era


went from mother, to witchy, to hippie, to princess on her birthday to.. uhm.. post workout running outfits !


BAR was scrapped and hamfisted into White Mustang, with a snippet of Get Free put in the end, so that song is probably dead in the water for a MV


Cherry deserves a MV, so does SB/GL only as a double feature imho; but if SB/GL were meant to get one then it's too late, n Lana better not try and pull a Swishx2 or Havana and push a song/mv months later than their release dates.


And Cherry was the single that never got to spread it's wings. It's undeniably one of the best true to heart Lana bops on the album, and prob her career i'd say. (doesn't mean it fits in with her Magnum Opus' :hooker: )


Heroin and Get Free also 100% deserve one and Change would fit so well as a PWYC/Video Games style MV, (someone splice her IG stories of her singing it with the footage she pasted of roads and the flag and go from there) 


but comparing this era to HM.. i think we might just be done with videos :toofunny: we were spoiled BtD- Early UV, now we've been malnourished for three gotdamn years..Love was the rainbow in GF; a fucking illusion of better things to come :crai:

Stupid question, but are we sure PWYC had a full video and what she posted wasn't just something to "promote" (idk what else to call it) the song?




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Stupid question, but are we sure PWYC had a full video and what she posted wasn't just something to "promote" (idk what else to call it) the song?

i cant even fucking check the video to remind myself how it went because it's deleted off her ig :krylie: 


but tbh im not sure, its like a good 90% chance there was a full vid made but that entire time period to me with the rumors n guesses is foggy 

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let's not forget the scrapped Brooklyn Baby MV bc Lou fucking died, or the yet to be seen PWYC


or how Art Deco was meant for that Freak duo-feature and we got fed 5 minutes of piano


or how Honeymoon MV was somehow the same as UV, except more awkward n not in the cute orange way; oh, and also never officially uploaded :toofunny:


or how many people thought GKIT, TLY, or even TBD were on track to get a MV


and now let's take a look at this era


went from mother, to witchy, to hippie, to princess on her birthday to.. uhm.. post workout running outfits !


BAR was scrapped and hamfisted into White Mustang, with a snippet of Get Free put in the end, so that song is probably dead in the water for a MV


Cherry deserves a MV, so does SB/GL only as a double feature imho; but if SB/GL were meant to get one then it's too late, n Lana better not try and pull a Swishx2 or Havana and push a song/mv months later than their release dates.


And Cherry was the single that never got to spread it's wings. It's undeniably one of the best true to heart Lana bops on the album, and prob her career i'd say. (doesn't mean it fits in with her Magnum Opus' :hooker: )


Heroin and Get Free also 100% deserve one and Change would fit so well as a PWYC/Video Games style MV, (someone splice her IG stories of her singing it with the footage she pasted of roads and the flag and go from there) 


but comparing this era to HM.. i think we might just be done with videos :toofunny: we were spoiled BtD- Early UV, now we've been malnourished for three gotdamn years..Love was the rainbow in GF; a fucking illusion of better things to come :crai:

OMG @salvatore just went OFF  :ohsnap:

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let's not forget the scrapped Brooklyn Baby MV bc Lou fucking died, or the yet to be seen PWYC


or how Art Deco was meant for that Freak duo-feature and we got fed 5 minutes of piano


or how Honeymoon MV was somehow the same as UV, except more awkward n not in the cute orange way; oh, and also never officially uploaded :toofunny:


Literally none of this is true???


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Literally none of this is true???

iight then lemme drop some links w these claims since apparently it's all fake.




https://pitchfork.com/news/55558-lana-del-rey-says-lou-reed-died-the-day-they-were-supposed-to-record-brooklyn-baby-together/ would that have guaranteed a video ? Not necessarily but it's also not a big leap to assume with such a feature BB would have been pushed as a bigger single and given the same amount of work that SoC did.


http://lanadelrey.wikia.com/wiki/Pretty_When_You_Cry_(song)(IG post source deleted- can only assume full video was made. Regardless never leaked, found, or was destroyed much like the Get Free V1 


The Art Deco part was more of a fan consensus. I saw so many people on Reddit, Twitter, even here longing for a Freak/AD double feature because they fit so well together. 


And the hell do you mean the Honeymoon MV was never not officially released? Girl. Do you see it on her personal channel or vevo ??? because i sure the fuck don't






Because no, it was never officially released or promoted. However, it was leaked/posted by random ass users and it's still up on one of their YT channels. The premise of the video is exactly like UV as it looks like it was recorded on an iPhone with a vintage filter app; & good luck trying to convince me my opinion that the MV is awkward as hell and doesn't really carry any semi-cute moments like UV did, because you simply won't.


Ik this is aggressive but there's literally 0 reason that you couldn't have fact-checked before trying to claim everything I said was false. :pls:

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iight then lemme drop some links w these claims since apparently it's all fake.




https://pitchfork.com/news/55558-lana-del-rey-says-lou-reed-died-the-day-they-were-supposed-to-record-brooklyn-baby-together/ would that have guaranteed a video ? Not necessarily but it's also not a big leap to assume with such a feature BB would have been pushed as a bigger single and given the same amount of work that SoC did.


http://lanadelrey.wikia.com/wiki/Pretty_When_You_Cry_(song)(IG post source deleted- can only assume full video was made. Regardless never leaked, found, or was destroyed much like the Get Free V1


The Art Deco part was more of a fan consensus. I saw so many people on Reddit, Twitter, even here longing for a Freak/AD double feature because they fit so well together.


And the hell do you mean the Honeymoon MV was never not officially released? Girl. Do you see it on her personal channel or vevo ??? because i sure the fuck don't






Because no, it was never officially released or promoted. However, it was leaked/posted by random ass users and it's still up on one of their YT channels. The premise of the video is exactly like UV as it looks like it was recorded on an iPhone with a vintage filter app; & good luck trying to convince me my opinion that the MV is awkward as hell and doesn't really carry any semi-cute moments like UV did, because you simply won't.


Ik this is aggressive but there's literally 0 reason that you couldn't have fact-checked before trying to claim everything I said was false. :pls:

article obviously meant Lou Reed to feature in the song... and you stated Art Deco included in Freak video as if it was a fact when it was just fan assumptions...


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Yeah, the post about music videos is mostly false and assumptions that make no sense.


Lou Reed on a Brooklyn Baby video that was never planned to happen? Art Deco? That's not real lmao


And people are real quick to believe that WM video was originally for BAR. It almost makes sense if you want to get into a long, drawn out theory. But it's all speculation

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And people are real quick to believe that WM video was originally for BAR. It almost makes sense if you want to get into a long, drawn out theory. But it's all speculation


she literally fucking hums the song on set and is then asked if she's switching to the "other" song to which she replies yes. ofc it was for BAR. hardly speculation

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