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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Why would we need info on an album that we already know is going to be folk?

can you come up with something else? can you come up with something else?



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After Lana released that fugly video for White Mustang, I stopped listening to it. Lana better not turn her back on the visuals this era.


Also, big budget ≠ good visuals. It's the artistic vision that makes a good video, you do not need a lotta $$$ for it.

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Friendly reminder that I have an account here and read this site.

Leak Yosemite

She needs strong visuals. After LFL got #1 I'm at least certain she'll be given more $ for films and promo for LDR6.

Or more ugly merch

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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You know what




...this bitch has been missing for nearly 2 FUCKING MONTHS. I'M SOOOOOO DONE w/ her if she doesn't stop this fuckery. We need new music, a quick lil single, a trailer. ANYTHING at this point ! She couldn't even bother to re-record that Lizzy Grant demo for the Elvis documentary ! Bitch has been teasing new music "coming soon" since March/April. WHERE ? WHERE ARE THEY ? She kept us waiting for soooo long and the hype for LDR6 is dying down. At least keep us updated on social media !



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@ the poster who said lana won't be in the industry 


I disagree 215%.

although technically it could be true, but Elizabeth Grant shall be here long after trump is gone and the world is moving in the correct direction again,

and she will be writing and relevant 50 years from now. Unlike Justice Anthony Kennedy who cut and ran, true artists remain forever.


Lana © is now Xerox.© this entire decade.

When one wants a copy they say get me a Lana type and instantly one knows what it means means

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Re: Lana being slow/not slow. It's true that her album release cycles are actually a lot quicker than most artists, but I think we get impatient very, very quickly because her "eras" are full of unfulfilled promises, lack of promotion around the album, lacklustre live performances or no live performances of the new songs, next to no videos (and when we do get them, they're recycled bits of other scrapped videos), etc. Her eras are dead on arrival. And that's not necessarily a bad thing-- that's just the type of artist Lana is. For her, the fun is in crafting the album itself. Once it drops, she pretty much stops giving a fuck and just moves on to crafting the next one, making each "era" isolated events of dropping a lead single, its video, an album, and then pretty well ending.


So, that being said, I think it's reasonable for us to be constantly pining for her to let us in on where she is at in the album creation (whether it's planning, writing, mixing, w/e), because it's pretty much the only excitement we get. I never understand why she doesn't just create documentaries for each album, because again, she hates promotion/touring but actually loves making/writing the thing, so it'd be cool if she let us in on the fun by documenting the process. It'd be awesome to watch Lana taking random voice memos to full-blown songs in the studio.

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Imagine the amount of snippets of scrapped songs we would get if lana made documentaries for each albums, lmao fans would go insane and harass her on every social media for the songs. again, i think y'all should just have a little more patience... it's not the first time she stops being active on instagram, i dont get why y'all are so mad at her. she's working on the album, it will come out sooner or later, just let her LIVE.

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Let's all stop and think of how lucky we all our in these moments though. One day Lana is going to quit the industry for good and right now we're experiencing the peak of a legends career. We're the lucky generation to all be young during Lana's creation process and album cycles because one day in about 50 years, teenagers will be looking back at her discography and wishing they were us. <3


Damn that hit me hard


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After Lana released that fugly video for White Mustang, I stopped listening to it. Lana better not turn her back on the visuals this era.


Also, big budget ≠ good visuals. It's the artistic vision that makes a good video, you do not need a lotta $$$ :toofunny:for it.

:toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

The white mustang video had a horrible tone of colour,  just dreary,  which did indeed make the song more dreary and plain. When I think of it,  i think of that gross bottle-green colour with a cool toned nude. 

Just horrible. 

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i bet lana sleeps until 3:30pm wakes up and eats a lean cuisine while watching dr phil and reads everything we post on here and laughs at our boredom 

According to that full Pitchfork interview I'd say it's The Bachelor but the rest is pretty damn right


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