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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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People getting killed is a silly thing to Americans.

they're acquainted with governments that kill innocent people- they supported the military dictatorship here in latin america too lol, now they support the Israeli government.

It's "funny" how people in here think that the feelings of a bunch of twinks is more important than palestinian lives. Politics are important when their rights are in danger, but when it comes to other people, they just don't care (unless they can get some likes in their facebook/instagram for posting "fuck trump" or something like this, acting like they're making some change in the world bc of a hashtag)

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It's not that deep. Not every single person in Israel agrees with the fucked up shit that's going on. There are lots of people who strongly disagree with it, not everyone can just move to another country and start their life there. She has fans in Israel, why should they miss out for shit they have nothing to do with?


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It's not that deep. Not every single person in Israel agrees with the fucked up shit that's going on. There are lots of people who strongly disagree with it, not everyone can just move to another country and start their life there. She has fans in Israel, why should they miss out for shit they have nothing to do with?

Yeah! I mean, genocide is soooo overrated, isn't? And I mean, why should we care that our favorite artist isn't giving a fuck about this humanitarian crisis (which is pretty funny bc she's acting like she's being more political now)?

Btw, nobody said that every israeli person is pro-genocide, but instead of being pissed off that those artists are not going to their country, they should be pissed off bc their country is governed by fucking murderers. Sorry, but if you're not going to the streets to fight this bullshit, you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem. 

And oh, your comment reminded me of those "not all men" guys on the internet

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The “It’s not that deep” part is not referring to the shit Israel is doing, it’s referring to Lana performing at that festival. People can both fight for what’s right and not have to miss out on things like going to concerts because their government is severely fucked up. And I’m not saying they have a right to it and I haven’t mentioned people being pissed about artists not going to their country at all. I just said that Lana performing at that festival is not that deep.


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Should artists not perform in America because Trump's taking kids away from their families and putting them in literal concentration camps? People shouldn't be punished because their government is fucked up.


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My cousin went to Israel in January and came back just fine

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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So we know that Lana has been working on new music, obviously. But do ya'll think since Ben reposted her and Jack's pic, with a music note, it's coming sooner rather than later? I know it probably means nothing but one can hope.

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So we know that Lana has been working on new music, obviously. But do ya'll think since Ben reposted her and Jack's pic, with a music note, it's coming sooner rather than later? I know it probably means nothing but one can hope.

Perhaps. I can see Lana releasing a single sometime in September/October and we could possibly get the album in early 2019. Lana likes to work fast so I wouldn't be surprised

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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So we know that Lana has been working on new music, obviously. But do ya'll think since Ben reposted her and Jack's pic, with a music note, it's coming sooner rather than later? I know it probably means nothing but one can hope.

Im surprised nobody else has mentioned this, but yeah i think this was definitely a clue. He obviously knows that we know Lana and Jack have been making music together (hence the hanging out) so ben must've decided to use the music note as a hint that something could be releasing very soon (this year?)



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Perhaps. I can see Lana releasing a single sometime in September/October and we could possibly get the album in early 2019. Lana likes to work fast so I wouldn't be surprised


I was thinking early 2019 myself as well. If that's the case I'd say Nov promo rollout maybe. Who knows! She certainly does work fast, really intrigued to hear what's been happening. 


Im surprised nobody else has mentioned this, but yeah i think this was definitely a clue. He obviously knows that we know Lana and Jack have been making music together (hence the hanging out) so ben must've decided to use the music note as a hint that something could be releasing very soon (this year?)


I was too lol! When I saw that I was like hmmmm, okay Ben. He's always stirring things up a bit around release times lol. We all know that Lana likes a plan/schedule so whatever it is I'm sure it's already planned out. Hopefully it won't be hindered this go round and is sooner rather than later. We honestly are so spoiled but I just want to hear what direction we are going in .

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Should artists not perform in America because Trump's taking kids away from their families and putting them in literal concentration camps? People shouldn't be punished because their government is fucked up.

I know, right! All these privilaged fans, wanting to ruin the opportunity of fans from other countries. It's so selfish! It's not like she's supporting the "government" of that country by performing there.


There are a very few people that annoy me & these "fake woke" & "self-righteous" people are one of them.


She is a grown ass woman & in the end it's HER decision to make what she wants to boycott & what she wants to support, not ours.

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Well, some of the quotes here show me how much none of you really know about Israel lol. Many amazing artists already performed here & had an amazing experience.

She's coming here for her fans (and many people here love her btw, in some occasions MTV Israel puts 3 '100% Lana Del Rey' shows in one day, I'm serious),

so why mix politics with music? She's just going to have a one hour show in an indie-alternative festival for her fans.


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I think you guys are making this sound like a bigger mess than what it actually is, let's have our Israeli girls enjoy the Allah To The Moon Tour in peace, they're fans like us. If Lana gets stoned to death for being a woman though, I will be proud because at least she died for her fans ly1g0o4.gif


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I think you guys are making this sound like a bigger mess than what it actually is, let's have our Israeli girls enjoy the Allah To The Moon Tour in peace, they're fans like us. If Lana gets stoned to death for being a woman though, I will be proud because at least she died for her fans ly1g0o4.gif


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