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  1. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Instagram Updates   
    I agree to a certain extent, but this isn’t an issue she should be silent about...
    She has a huge platform where she can share petitions and encourage her following to stand up, get involved and spread the message. I can understand why people are disappointed that she isn’t posting anything
  2. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Instagram Updates   
    I agree to a certain extent, but this isn’t an issue she should be silent about...
    She has a huge platform where she can share petitions and encourage her following to stand up, get involved and spread the message. I can understand why people are disappointed that she isn’t posting anything
  3. Froot liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Instagram Updates   
    I agree to a certain extent, but this isn’t an issue she should be silent about...
    She has a huge platform where she can share petitions and encourage her following to stand up, get involved and spread the message. I can understand why people are disappointed that she isn’t posting anything
  4. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    When someones favorite singer, who they hold close to their heart, is being silent on an issue like this, it does provoke an emotional response. Its only natural. Seeing someone you admire not standing up for a cause like this can be weird and make you feel unsure about them. People care about their faves saying something. Not every single celeb in the world.
  5. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by baddisease in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I don't think it's a bad album, but I do think it's her worst album.
  6. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    It was not. Just because you can try to misunderstand something as hard as possible to be offended, it's not really there or even "implied". "Hey there are some black women mentioned at this point and there is this statement at that point, why not just put it together to a completely new statement that was not included in the initial post at all." That is just so extremely toxic and dangerous and something that usually rigth wingers resort to.
  7. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Instagram Updates   
    SZA (whoever she is idk? sorry) is reaching. Of things to be offended by, she is picking a weird non-existent sentiment that wasn't even implied. You really can twist a statement to mean anything these days I suppose, as long as there is enough public outcry about something else.
    What is this LUNACY??????????? This is really dangerous logic. Someone having an opinion on something does not automatically mean they assume the absolute binary on other opinions.
    For example, if someone thinks women are strong, it does not mean they think men are weak.
    Saying artists can be overt and sexualised, does not mean that they cannot be feminine. 
    Aggressively reading between the lines and finding a lens to be offended through is absolutely counterproductive to any intelligent conversation or argument because it means that you can disagree with everything for the sake of it without base. It's the logic of flat-earthers who have no scientific evidence to stand on but the rebuttal is 'well we don't know for sure!'. Lana's clumsy first and subsequent tirades do not imply at all that black women are not "GENTLE soft ethereal beings", she is addressing that she feels resentment that she can't explore the same (whether or not that is true is absolutely up for debate, as we have seen).
    Consider what you can extrapolate from this statement:
    I like the music of Lana del Rey, and London Grammar. I don't like music from Beyonce, I think it's too poppy.
    Based on what isn't said here and the 'implied suggestion' argument, here are the things you could say:
    I only like music from white people I don't like music from black people I only like female singers I hate male singers I only like alternative music I hate pop music I don't like Australian music I'm homophobic as I don't listen to any queer identifying artists On and on, when I'm just saying some artists I like, and I don't really like Beyoncé.
    There are merits to the arguments that the name-dropping of black artists is unfortunate, but purposefully creating reasons to be offended by looking at words that are unsaid is extremely counterproductive, and just give the concession that people are entitled to be offended at everything based on nothing. 
  8. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    And again Lana never said that. She did a messy post, included the name of some black singers and BAM it's racist. Basic reading comprehension is really lacking on the internet. She never said that black women or women wearing sexy clothes can't be soft. This is actively misunderstsnding her to play the OFFENDED-card.
  9. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    why does it feel like lana is a sim trying the celebrity career and takes the. negative reputation too far
    she needs to book the celebrity cleanse!
  10. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Do you think Marina watched Lana's video about mentioning certain alt girls and thought it was about her or do you think Marina dmed her about the entire situation to give her two cents and Lana wasn't having it? Either way I suppose it doesn't matter but it's still a shame how Lana is losing people who used to be close with her
  11. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Marius in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Listening to Heroin rn. Highly recommend
  12. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Lanalouis1 in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    still paranoid it's not actually cancelled and I miss it 
    the DELUSION
  13. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    ok.... i feel bad and i think i'm gonna get torn to shreds for saying this and i'm trying my best to word it as kindly and reasonably as possible (especially bc mercury is in retrograde rn) but...
    that video actually made me feel worse about the whole situation    i was anticipating her saying something because it took her long enough so in some ways i'm glad she finally did, but coming onto instagram looking fine, sounding fine, with obviously freshly done lip and cheek fillers (surely if you're super ill the last thing you'd want is needles in your face? and if you have no voice you could possibly also have a cough, so needles around your mouth area might be something of a risk, no? of course i'm not a doctor so i don't actually know, but regardless wouldn't you just wanna focus on resting up anyway?) and giving a nonchalant "i'm sorry" only to then go on and essentially say "but hey look at all these other cool shows i've got coming up that you won't be able to go to because they're on the other side of the world!!  " then making the utterly laughable statement "of course i'll make it up to you like i always do", particularly when the official statement given by the venue already confirmed there would be no rescheduling....... girl.
    i'm sorry, i hope i'm not being too hard on her and i guess i should be relieved she at least acknowledged the situation, but tbh... today was supposed to be my show so i'm def feeling extra sensitive today    like i woke up in such a sad mood because of it hahah.
    idk, i'm not sure what i really expected her to say. maybe just something a little more personal and heartfelt. she honestly sounds fine to me and the fact that, as Rorman mentioned earlier, she was likely out hiking with alex and val (as well as being spotted out and about seeming fine prior to the cancellation of the shows) just makes me struggle to put two and two together. that's not to even mention the fact we pretty much know that the venue and crew hotels etc knew about these cancellations a while before we did. the whole situation is naturally bound to be upsetting, but i feel this video did very little to make it any better and, in some people's cases (mine  ), actually made it kinda worse.
    that being said, these things do happen. the neighbourhood, for example, recently postponed their entire march uk tour all the way to november. could be a mental health situation, an illness other than what she told us or maybe she really has lost her singing voice! whatever the situation, i do genuinely hope she's okay. i don't begrudge her cancelling shows for the good of her health (presuming that is the case) and i'm wishing her all the best and a super speedy recovery. i just wish this video had made me feel better rather rather than worse on what would have been the day of my show.
  14. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour   
    1. Apparently, the venue had known since Monday.
    2. She was seen out and about between Tuesday and Thursday - she even FaceTimed a fan.
    3. The tour leg was cancelled on Friday, via a very brief email.
    4. It's now Monday. She hasn't put anything on social media, and nor have either of her managers.
    Absolutely nobody is suggesting that she should be performing whilst sick. It's about how it was handled.
  15. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Peachycream in Cinnamon Girl   
    Why is she waiting so long to release her best song?
  16. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by venicebitch in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana release Cinnamon in October challenge
  17. faatiecaatie liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just listened to Venice bitch and I’m shook Lanas best album is coming
  18. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just listened to Venice bitch and I’m shook Lanas best album is coming
  19. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    well i think lana has made it clear that she doesn’t give a single shit about radio success or mainstream success. she has a strong fanbase and that’s enough for her to pay her bills. she’s a big name in the industry anyways and she really doesn’t need a hit to sell or gain streams. just say you don’t like the song and go, there’s no need to bring people down just cause they like something you don’t.  
    the song is beautiful and it’s clearly what lana wants to do right now, so accept it and move on.
    stream norman fucking rockwell.
  20. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    You are the only one who's being super negative about it right now, so it would be nice to post your arguments instead of pretending everyone's just lying about liking the song
  21. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    okay i'm finally home from work and i'm now listening to venice bitch
    all i can say so far is i have been transported to another fucking atmosphere 
    holy shit
    ultraviolence is shaking....
  22. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by Ultraviolencexo in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just listened to Venice bitch and I’m shook Lanas best album is coming
  23. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i am DYING this is what i have ALWAYS wanted from her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i LOVE both songs. loving this era so far.
    also guys not everything has to be monumental. the artwork fits the whole vibe.
  24. Ultraviolencexo liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    No one is pretending its just amazing
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