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Your Girl Lana

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  1. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by clementines in Stupid For being Happy (Fanmade Instrumental)   
    This is one of my favorite Lana songs and I got bored in class so I threw this together real quick!
  2. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by cherri in cherri's digital lana fanart   
    I want —- no —— need Lana to bring back the racing jackets. Truly so iconic + she rocked them like no other (man I even bought myself one a few years back for when it gets colder around where I live ) 
    Just feeling nostalgic about the BTD era and ended up drawing this last night after a tall glass of iced green tea. Also included progress shots (which I’ll spoiler) if anyone was ever curious about the process or something 
    I use Medibang Paint on my laptop to draw. It’s free on the App Store/Play Store as well. Really simple and easy to use for anyone who wants to pick up art as a hobby

  3. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by cherri in cherri's digital lana fanart   
    Back again with something Lana related! Messed around with a different style than what I normally paint but I did have fun x (Ngl this was a lazy piece on my end but let’s pretend that’s a stylistic choice too ). I always really loved the ghost Lana shots from Shades Of Cool... so I painted it. 

    (Also found a Lana portrait I drew back in 2014 when Shades Of Cool first dropped! I was like 13 then and just starting out digital art so it’s fun to see my progress as an artist —- even tho it’s kinda embarrassing x )
  4. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by cherri in cherri's digital lana fanart   
    It took me so long to figure out how to upload photos onto here... embarrassing 
    Anyways... I've been drawing Lana a lot more frequently ( album hype) these days -- So I decided that fellow ldr fans might enjoy my stuff! 
    But as a fine artist once said: "I love when my picture turns out like how I pictured"  xx


    (this one is a work in progress I'm not sure that'll ever finish lol}
  5. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in NEW THEME - Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass (LIVE for All Groups)   
    Hi everyone!
    As promised, I'm getting new themes ready for you all asap.
    I just finished coding in a new theme for 'Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass'
    You can switch to the new theme by scrolling to the very bottom of the site, selecting 'Theme' and then selecting 'Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass'
    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the theme, or if you notice any issues with it! I can make tweaks to it as needed.
    Hope you all enjoy the first new theme since 2017 lol. I'll also work on creating and coding in new themes for NFR & COTCC after its release, and then of course creating some past-era themes for our Supporters 2.0 group! x

  6. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in Site Update COMPLETE - Read for more Info!   
    Hi everyone,
    The site is back online! I apologise for the time it took, which was much longer than I expected! Thank g-d Lana didn’t announce anything while it was happening..
    Aside from the time it took, the update went quite well. It was a smooth process all around, no real errors, it just took some time! We’re also now on a more stable server (which was the core reason for this whole update) so crashes should happen way less frequently during high traffic times.
    & as you can see, we look different!
    As stated in the original site update thread, don’t worry, all content that has ever been posted still remains.
    The site is still indexing, so if you don’t see some older posts right away, don’t worry, they’re just still rebuilding.
    I originally expected that we were going to be themeless for a bit and things were going to look quite plain for a while, but I was able to (somewhat) import the previous Lust for Life theme for both desktop and mobile; however since it wasn’t designed for these new formats, it is a bit disjointed and messy. I did try to fix it to fit the best that I could though. I apologise for that, but don’t worry, we’ll have some new themes coming that will be better designed for this new format.
    Essentially, this is just the first draft of LanaBoards 2.0. I probably could have spent some more time perfecting a few things, but I wanted to bring the site back to you all as soon as it was possible since we were offline for so long! I’ll probably continue to tweak things in the background here and there, but again, once the new themes are designed and brought in, that’s when the new version of the site will live up to its fullest potential. Some new functionality features are also to come.
    So, take some time to poke around & explore the new layout! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave them below & I’ll answer everything the best that I can. (I’m still learning too!)
    Two important things to note:
    Usernames & Display Names have been merged. Whatever was your last known Display Name is now your Username, and to my knowledge, is now the Username you will use to sign in with. It also appears that whenever you change your Display Name your Username will change as well, and will sign in with the new one. (May be wrong about this, correct me if so, this is just what I’ve gathered to understand so far.)
    Please check your signatures! Some may have glitched during the update, so please adjust them if needed/desired!
    Thank you all again so much for all the continued patience & support.
    I’m super thrilled for the future possibilities to come with this new version of LanaBoards!
    All my love,
    Elle xx
    (also, not to be dramatic, but this is one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. I’m now going to reward myself to a giant bowl of spaghetti, and then go to sleep for a very long time.)
  7. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in Important Note Regarding Site Update - Please Read!   
    Wow everyone.. you have completely blown my expectations away.
    The fund needed for the site & server update has been met!!
    I wasn't even sure if it would be met by the end of the week, but to have it complete in just a little over a day.. I'm just so stunned and grateful. You guys are truly the best. I cannot express my gratitude enough.
    Everyone who donated is now a part of the Supporters 2.0 category and will have the current & future perks for LIFE!
    In case you missed it, I will be revamping the Supporters 2.0 category after the update to work as a small monthly fee instead of a one-time fee for everyone who is not currently a part of it, similar to other forums's VIP systems, as I mentioned in the OP. So, if there is anyone who would like to make a last-minute donation to LanaBoards in general to take advantage of the offer to receive these perks for life, please do let me know by DMing the @@admin account. Though the update fund has been met, any donation I receive after this post will continue to go 100% into LanaBoards, for the leftover recurring monthly site fees in cases where Adsense doesn't generate enough cover or towards paying off the loan used to purchase LanaBoards with a few years ago (you can choose which it goes to, if you'd like. For those who don't know, I purchased LanaBoards from its previous owner in 2016 for.. a large sum of money, so I used a loan to pay for it & still have about half of it left )
    Of course, I don't really expect anything else and I could never even ask for more than you all have already done for the site fund, but I thought I'd extend the "lifer" offer until the update happens just in case anyone wanted to take advantage of the perks-for-life offer before the revamp if they hadn't seen it in the OP!
    Again, I cannot express my gratitude enough. I am giving the biggest virtual hugs to everyone who donated and expressed their support.
    So, I am excited to announce that we are officially in the final moments of classic LanaBoards. We will be doing some final testing today, and then hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday we can take the site offline for one last time and do the site update!
    I'll keep you all updated in the other Site Update thread & on the LanaBoards Twitter.
    Again, thank you thank you thank you, and I'm thrilled to be able to present you all with the new & improved LanaBoards!!

    All my love,
    Elle x
  8. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in Important Note Regarding Site Update - Please Read!   
    Hi everyone,
    I have an unfortunate update regarding the site software & server upgrade, and I've been going back and forth the past couple of days with if I should reach out to guys regarding this or handle it myself. Forgive me if my wording is a little jumbled here, I just feel really uncomfortable making this post.
    We were unaware of this before starting the process, but $350 is needed to permanently upgrade our site & server.
    Melly & I are able to contribute $50 each to this now, but I wanted to reach out to you guys to see if anyone would be willing to contribute to the remaining $250.
    I know money is tight right now among everyone amidst the pandemic including myself, but I want to be able to bring this update to you all as soon as possible. 
    I absolutely hate having to request donations, but again I do want to provide you all with the promised update asap, which is why I decided to do a donation interest-check. 
    I mentioned in some of my other Site Update posts that in addition to new upcoming themes that will be available to everyone, I will also be creating other various new themes (including past-era themes) that will be exclusive for the Supporters 2.0 category along with other perks I'm going to explore once I see what options I have following the update. (right now, current Supporters 2.0 perks include a lavender nametag, expanded PM space, and larger profile picture upload size.)
    That being said, I'm planning to revamp the Supporters 2.0 category to be a monthly low-cost fee rather than a one-time payment, similar to other forums's VIP systems. (as the reoccurring costs for the larger server will also be more expensive than they currently are)
    So, as an incentive to donate to the $250 needed for the site/server upgrade, if you choose to donate now, you will receive these existing and upcoming benefits for LIFE, rather than the monthly Supporters 2.0 option we will be introducing.
    (Everyone who is already in the Supporters 2.0 category from donating previously will also continue to receive the category's perks for life to be fair.)
    Don't worry, LanaBoards will always continue to be a free forum for all Members, and all accesses that you have currently, whether it be in the standard Members or Supporters 2.0 category, will remain the same. There will just be some added bonuses in the revamped Supporters 2.0 member category.
    I don't want to make it seem like I'm forcefully asking for donations, so if by this time next week the $250 goal has not been met, I will go ahead contribute whatever is missing so we can go forth with the update, and I'll worry about the money later.
    If you are interested in donating, please DM the @@admin account. 
    Any amount would help, even if all you can give at the moment is a couple of dollars.
    100% of any donation is going straight to the site/server fund, and I will lock the thread if/when the amount has been met.
    Thank you all so much for your time reading, and I apologise endlessly for this unexpected hindrance.
    All my love always,
    Elle xx
  9. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT Site Update   
    Hi all, 
    I just wanted to let you know of some changes that are going to take place later today (about 12 or so hours from now.)
    Some of you may remember I posted this message before a couple of weeks ago after a previous site crash, but it was removed within a half hour along with any other posts that had been posted in that time frame. Basically, I tried to upgrade the server without updating the site first and it didn't work, so I had to revert it. Let me delve more into that - 
    Essentially, LanaBoards's current server isn't stable enough to continue using. We just had another crash Saturday night following #AugustLeakFest due to traffic, and those sort of crashes are going to continue to happen during high traffic times on our current server. Obviously, we can't have that happen especially with COTCC coming up; however, in order to upgrade to a larger server, the forum script software has to be updated. Otherwise, it will not work properly as I discovered a couple of weeks ago.
    A few times in the past, I've asked users and set up a poll to see if you all wanted me to update the forum script. Each time, the result was pretty split or with a slight majority in favour of keeping the current forum script that LanaBoards has had since its start in 2012. Now, I have no choice but to update it anyway.
    Later today, in about 12 hours or so, Melly and I will be updating the site and then upgrading the server.
    Here's pretty much what you need to know:
    - The site will be offline for a few hours while this updating and upgrading occurs. I don't imagine it will take too terribly long (and I sure hope it doesn't), but it could be a few hours. I'll be posting a notice on the site hopefully around an hour or so before it goes offline, but I would highly recommend you all to follow the @/LanaBoards Twitter if you're not already, as I'll be posting updates there while everything is taking place to keep you all up to date on what's happening.
    - Things are going to look a little different. LanaBoards has not changed much aesthetically aside from era theme changes over the past 8 years. This is because the same forum software script has not ever changed, but it's so outdated and now causing some problems. I'm still going to be using the same forum company's template, it's just going to be their newest updated script. So it won't be too drastic of a change, but there may be some minor aesthetic & functionality changes here and there. 
    - The theme will have to change (yay, finally, I know.) Now, the problem is I have no idea what the site layout is going to look like after the update. I have a brief idea of what it may look like, but I cannot start designing a theme until the update is complete so I'll know how to design it to match the new layout of the site. So, for a few days after the update, we may have to have a simple temporary theme until an actual one is completely designed. I'm working with some other talented users to hopefully design themes for both NFR & VBBOTG, and I'm also going to try to redesign the current LFL theme to fit the new layout as well. I may also go back and redesign some of the themes for other eras (if/when I have time) and feature a list of themes where users can decide which one they would like.
    - You really have nothing to worry about! (hopefully, if nothing goes terribly wrong!) All accounts, posts, threads, etc. will remain in tact. Again, the only thing different will be minor aesthetic & functionality changes in the site's layout as I mentioned above. It will pretty much stay the same LanaBoards that you all know and love (& hate sometimes) since we'll still be using the same forum template, but with a sleeker, more updated layout and design.
    Please let me know if you all have any questions or concerns. I'll post a message to this thread as well as in the Status Updates letting you all know before we go offline, but again I would strongly recommend following our Twitter page for updates while we're offline. 
    Thank you all so much for your support and cooperation in this!
    All my love,
    Elle xx
  10. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by Elle in I Talk to Jesus   
    I go back to Alabama
    Take a look at my life
    What the fuck happened here?
    I guess that's what they meant when they pay the price
    I go back to Alabama
    Take a look at my life
    Where are the trailer parks?
    ​& where are all the Christmas lights?
    I had a boyfriend
    He came from this town
    We used to pretend we were married and start again
    He read the bible
    Showed me what Jesus said
    He said only read the red
    I want Jesus to take me out of this life, baby
    & I talk to Jesus and ask him if he'll think of saving me
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    I go back to Alabama
    Take a look at my life
    Nothing looks familiar here
    No one even that I like
    I go back to Alabama
    Take a look at my life
    I was so much happier when
    I was gonna be your wife
    We had a deal and
    I fucked it up when
    I made the decision to become someone
    We had the one thing
    That no one never had
    True love
    It's true love
    I have Jesus to take me out of this life, baby
    & I talk to Jesus and ask him if he'll think of saving me
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    I never meant to hurt you, baby
    It's so hard to be true
    In this world where everything's so black & blue
    I never meant to hurt you, darling
    It's so hard to be good
    In this world where you do what you know you should
    I want Jesus to take me out of this life, baby
    & I talk to Jesus and ask him if he'll think of saving me
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
  11. awaylikejfk liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Never Let Me Go   
    Hold me in your arms, love me like your best friends did
    Promise I won’t hurt you kid
    Hold me really tight until the stars look big
    Never let me go

    All the world is ours, like they say in Scarface kid
    You can push your drugs and I can make it big
    Sing at CBGB's, have a real good gig
    Hey, you never know

    'Cause baby we were born to live fast and die young
    Born to be bad, have fun
    Honey, you and me can be one
    Just believe, come on

    If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away
    It’s a game, boy, I don’t wanna play
    I just wanna be yours, like I always say
    Never let me go

    Boy, we’re in a world war, let’s go all the way
    Put your foot to the floor, really walk away
    Tell me that you need me more and more everyday
    Never let me go, just stay

    We gonna go far, I can already taste it kid
    LA's gonna look real good
    Drive me in your car until the sky gets big
    Never let me go

    Send me to the stars, tell me when I get there, kid
    I can be your Nancy, you can be my Sid,
    Get into some trouble like our parents did
    Hey, they’ll never know

    'Cause baby we were born to be bad and move on
    Built to go fast and stay strong
    Honey, you and me and no one
    Just believe, come on

    If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away
    It’s a game, boy, I don’t wanna play
    I just wanna be yours, like I always say
    Never let me go

    Boy, we’re in a world war, let’s go all the way
    Put your foot to the floor, really walk away
    Tell me that you need me more and more everyday
    Never let me go, just stay

    I remember when I saw you for the first time
    You were laughing, sparking like a new dime
    I came over, “Hello, can you be mine?”
    Can you be mine, can you be mine?

    If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away
    It’s a game, boy, I don’t wanna play
    I just wanna be yours, like I always say
    Never let me go

    Baby it’s a sweet life, sing it like a song
    It’s a short trip, only getting one
    Who can count on me and my love more than anyone
    Never let me go

    If you love me hardcore, then don’t walk away
    It’s a game, boy, I don’t wanna play
    I just wanna be yours, like I always say
    Never let me go

    Boy, we’re in a world war, let’s go all the way
    Put your foot to the floor, really walk away
    Tell me that you need me more and more everyday
    Never let me go, just stay
  12. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Birds Of A Feather   
    Met you in front of a diner and you had blue hair
    You were so nice
    You were from LA but you were all there
    You were alright

    So many people say that they have it together
    But I think you’re a nice guy
    And I think we could be birds of a feather

    Met you in front of a diner and you were so sweet
    Made my heart beat, oh my, my, my, my, my
    I met you with your mother and she had green shoes
    She was so cool, it was fine, fine, fine, fine, fine

    So many people say that they have it together
    But I think you’re a nice guy
    And I think we could be birds of a feather, of a feather

    You also take pictures and you gave me one
    Of a nun who was playing the drums
    She was crazy, her name was Katie
    I think you’re so fun

    So many people say that they have it together
    But I think you’re a nice guy
    And I think we could be birds of a feather

    You don’t think I’m that strange, you’re so weird
    That’s cause you’re so queer, but who’s not these days?
    You wear purple socks and you still like Purple Haze

    So many people think that you have it together
    But they don’t see you crying in the shower
    But I can make you better

    'Cause you make me better, yeah, you make me better
    Yeah, you make me better
  13. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in ALLIE X   
    I agree, I think it’s boring and doesn’t really go anywhere.
  14. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    neon green in my teeth
    my bar-t-t-tender covered in grease
    from the fry cooker
    baby believe me
    let me be ur cinnamon hooker
  15. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    an album with actual promotion, stunning visuals, stunning packaging, and clever music is definitely gonna block her from getting #1
  16. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Lust for Life Turns 2!   
    Lana Del Rey released her fourth major-label studio album Lust for Life on July 21, 2017. It followed 2015's Honeymoon and serves as a development of its concept -- getting over the past -- and sound, a mix of classic baroque pop, modern hip hop and trap beats, slightly electronic production and ambient psychedelia.

    Lust for Life was a major commercial success. It debuted at the No. 1 and inside the Top 10 in eleven and fifteen countries respectively. It was one of the best-selling and most acclaimed pop albums of that year, despite being her most divisive among fans. Del Rey promote the album with the highly successful LA to the Moon Tour, which visited the Americas, Europe and Australia.

    The album could be divided in three parts. The first ("Love," "Lust for Life" and "13 Beaches") features great hooks, trip hop beats reminiscent of her early sound. To achieve this 'soft pop' production, she's worked with Emile Haynie, Benny Blanco, The Weeknd and Max Martin. The lyrics go from positive messages to her fans to her desire to find inner peace.

    Highlight: "Lust for Life", an electronic track with intense verses and oppositely care-free chorus about putting love above all during dark times, a theme that is present throughout the whole project.

    The second part, from the sultry "Cherry" to the anthemic "When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing", finds Del Rey at her most extrovert and modern, both lyrically -- from sexual innuendos to slightly political topics -- and musically; hard trap beats, synthesizers and up-to-date collaborators: Boy-1da, A$AP Rocky, Playboy Carti, T-Minus and Metro Boomin.

    Highlight: Sister-tracks "Summer Bummer" and "Groupie Love" (both featuring A$AP Rocky), perhaps Lana Del Rey's closest interaction with trap music. The former is a rap battle between Lana and her wooer Rocky, while the latter follows the same concept in a more chilled, trippy way.

    The third and last part (from the haunting, piano-driven "Beautiful People Beautiful Problems" to the inspiring "Get Free") is a collection of mellow, introspective ballads. Collaborators include Sean Onno Lennon, Stevie Nicks and Justin Parker. The digitally programmed beats are gone and there's space for piano, acoustic guitar, real bass, drums, multiple layers of vocals and reverb in iconic LDR fashion. The lyrics are some of her most personal yet, the main topic being believing in change and its effects (and also, perhaps, proving that one can change).

    Highlight: "Heroin", a progressive ambient track about isolation, leaving the past behind and changing for good in order to look back retrospectively.

    What are your thoughts on this album?
    Favorite song? Have any of the tracks grown on you?

    Personally, I love this album and, despite not being my ultimate favorite, it's the one that hit me the most emotionally and experiencing live is the most beautiful memory I have. I can even say it helped me save my life.
  17. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Some other members were there too, perhaps they can confirm what she said
  18. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not sure if I heard that tonight...
  19. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not sure if I heard that tonight...
  20. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not sure if I heard that tonight...
  21. Wynwood liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not sure if I heard that tonight...
  22. venicebitch liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not sure if I heard that tonight...
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