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  1. Barry liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Your LDR covers (audio)   
    Ok, let me share this before I go to bed and I'll regret what I did in the morning. I know I don't have the best voice but I enjoy singing either way. No harsh critique, please!
    My Philippinian friend suggested me to use MixPad by NCH Software, that's what I'm using in case you wanna try it too. It's free!
    I recorded Music To Watch Boys To about a year ago. It's pretty good but mostly thanks to all the echo-ing... http://picosong.com/wwKhU/
    Oh well, here's Yes To Heaven in a echo acapella too while I'm at it. http://picosong.com/wwKA6/

  2. ChaoticLipster liked a post in a topic by Barry in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I guess it's not a good one but I just thought about it and I always do remember it, Honeymoon was the first Lana album I knew about before it came out, before then I never thought about her releasing albums or what she was doing as I was never a fan or any artists so it never occured to me to keep up with anyone and look forward to them releasing new music. So I was waiting for Honeymoon to come out a while and I bought it on iTunes and listened to it that day at work, I can even remember what I was doing and have pictures of the job and can even remember where the house was which is unsual since I barely remember anything lol I think it was because I was so let down by the album at the time that I remember it really well since it was the first album in my life I waited on coming out and bought and then I didn't like it but have come to love it since.

    Thats what I was doing that day, we had already removed the old grass and did everything and had dug out channels in the soil to put gravel in the day before. That day we waited on the delivery of the grass, the top soil and gravel, and we put gravel in the channels, covered the area in top soil then layed the grass so was a lot of shovelling and wheelbarrowing and thats what I was doing the first time I listened to Honeymoon   no wonder I disliked it and was put off it for a long time. A really chill mood album and I am listening to it while digging and shovelling and lifting and carrying plus were were kind of rushing since it was a friday and im listening to some of the slowest music possible
  3. Barry liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I had to read through that twice before I think I got what he was saying.
  4. Barry liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    all that's certain is the lifelong death spiral of the guitars and cymbals and archaic space-age blip blip bleeps within VEnice's bitch that last for 10 minutes long enough for the perfect time to not only create and make a nice cold coffee but also slam chug that bitch hard back onto the counter with the whip smeared across ur face like the dumb bitch monster of october u really are thinking we're all fake deep but it's a lana del rey song from an noncertain album within a noncertain atmosphere n the only certain thing is u just consumed..,, all, them calories.
  5. Barry liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    looking back on the interview the bitch was actually SO damn vague like...we really thought she gave us info whew
    we have a maybe single in the maybe october that maybe a standalone or a track with NFR maybe coming 2019 with the maybe poetry book maybe coming before the album soon
  6. Barry liked a post in a topic by jvcx in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I was bored so here y'all go babes
  7. Barry liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    Another memory I have, or two actually, is when Summer Bummer and Groupie Love premiered. I wanted to sit and listen o the interview and the songs but then I got really hungry and had to make dinner and I was so stressed I would miss anything while I plugged my headphones from my laptop to my cellphone, listening to the radio there’s instead lol. I remember making dinner for myself while Groupie Love was blasting in my ears. Such a great moment, even though I don’t exactly remember what I made, maybe pasta lol.
    Another memory is when I was staying up all night to watch the live stream from Lolla Argentina. I still remember when I saw her throw her jacket to the audience, haha. Both these memories are dear to me in a way, because I could share these moments with you all here on LanaBoards and I finally had a place to be really passionate about Lana. I would most likely never had done those things if I didn’t have this account.
  8. Barry liked a post in a topic by Paris Hilton in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I have this unforgettable moment when I was at Venice beach with my cousins last fall and I decided to blast Lust for Life from beginning to end. There was a beautiful sunset in front of us and we talked for hours about so many stuff. I connected with this album since then and every time I listen to 13 Beaches or Groupie Love, Los Angeles is all I can think of. Especially because 2017 was a cathartic year for me. My favorite year so far.
  9. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Barry in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I guess it's not a good one but I just thought about it and I always do remember it, Honeymoon was the first Lana album I knew about before it came out, before then I never thought about her releasing albums or what she was doing as I was never a fan or any artists so it never occured to me to keep up with anyone and look forward to them releasing new music. So I was waiting for Honeymoon to come out a while and I bought it on iTunes and listened to it that day at work, I can even remember what I was doing and have pictures of the job and can even remember where the house was which is unsual since I barely remember anything lol I think it was because I was so let down by the album at the time that I remember it really well since it was the first album in my life I waited on coming out and bought and then I didn't like it but have come to love it since.

    Thats what I was doing that day, we had already removed the old grass and did everything and had dug out channels in the soil to put gravel in the day before. That day we waited on the delivery of the grass, the top soil and gravel, and we put gravel in the channels, covered the area in top soil then layed the grass so was a lot of shovelling and wheelbarrowing and thats what I was doing the first time I listened to Honeymoon   no wonder I disliked it and was put off it for a long time. A really chill mood album and I am listening to it while digging and shovelling and lifting and carrying plus were were kind of rushing since it was a friday and im listening to some of the slowest music possible
  10. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by Barry in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I really only have two memories, since I really only listen to Lana alone and don't know anyone else who likes her at least i've never seen or heard anything from them or i've never come across anyone playing one of her songs at a party or nothing to say im a fan as well.
    Both were on the same trip, im from Glasgow and me and my dad were going to Paris but flying from Manchester, I played random songs all the way (its like a 2.5-3 hour drive) with a few Lana ones and the first time he actually checked to see who was singing I think it was also Ride by Lana and he just said something like "Lana Del Rey" like he'd never heard of her. Then a little bit later he checked again and it was I think Born to Die but another song anyway and he said "Lana Del Rey - good chanter that lassie" lol made me quite happy at the time and I said I was a big fan of her then played some more of her songs. 
    Then when we were in the Airport, he left his money and phone in one of the tray things and had to go back and get it so I sat waiting and had bet on soccer and was sitting looking at the scores on my phone as the matches were about to end and I think it was a Danish team playing a Turkish one and I needed the Danish team to score which was unlikely because they weren't that good when I noticed that I could hear Born to Die playing again right next to me coming out of a Sony store and I thought it was crazy to hear Lana in public since it never happened before and took it as a sign that the team were going to score and they actually did   
  11. Barry liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    In May of this year I was in Florida on a vacation with my bestfriend. It was like the third day or so into the trip. And it was kinda cloudy, predictions of rain and whatnot. But my friend said the clouds were moving pretty fast so we should sit on the beach and wait it out. And we did. I built a sandcastle and let her kick it when i was done (lmao idk why she just really wanted to , so I let her). and then we both sat on the shore..she was a bit further down from me. Just little moments to ourselves. And as the the clouds continued to move along, I spotted blue in the distance. And I was tempted to play Get Free, but opted to save that for sunset. Instead, I played Beautiful People. And I swear it's like the universe controlled everything around me and made it match the song perfectly. The moment she sang about turtle doves, a crane landed a few feet from me and a flock of birds flew by in the distance. And when the pre chorus kicked in ("We get so tired") the clouds began to part just enough to let a single beam of sunlight shine on the water straight ahead. And when the chorus finally came, the clouds completely broke away and let all the sunshine come out. The rest was pure bliss. Those few moments were so perfect. Like it seems unreal but I promise it all happened.
    And then...finally.. I calculated what exact time to play Get free so that she sings the last "into the blue" right when the sun escapes into the horizon. And hunnyyyyyyyyy. it was amazing. If you're ever at a beach and have a chance to catch the sunset. Play Get Free. you will NOT regret it.
  12. Barry liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    hmm well this is directly related to Lana but seeing her live this year truly changed my life in a way i can't express with words. i thought of making a blog post about it. and it's so weird bc it was my second time seeing her but this time it was different. too many things were happening in my mind.
  13. Barry liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    As some of you might know Serial Killer (along with You're Gonna Love Me) is my favourite song of ALL TIME. BY FAR. And my first Lana concert was a total fuckup that I'll regret my entire life but when I saw her at Lolla Paris with @ she sang Serial Killer live while it was softly raining and night had fallen. And something in me broke. It was like... Correct. Meant to be. And when she sang Love softly there was two cute gays kissing the most lovingly I've ever seen someone kiss and I cried so hard man. I cried so so so so hard. And the first time I listened to Serial Killer too, I legit had an *rg*sm, I wish I was exaggerating
    Also one day I took the train to Edinburgh and in preparation I had downloaded all of her homemade music videos and I watched them on a loop listening to the Versailles interview on a loop and it's a memory very dear to me
    And long long before I started even remotely thinking of Lana, in like early 2014, I remember I was making a pasta gratin and it was SOOOOO GOOD and I was listening to some reason to Video Games (I think it was on a tumblr playlist of a guy I was into) and I vividly remember tweeting something along the lines of "singing Video Games by Lana Del [sIC] to my dinner because heaven is on earth with it" if I had only knew.
    And once in English class we were viewings clips of Leonard Cohen and my classmates by then knew I was a psychopathic Lana stan so they asked my teacher to play Lana's Chelsea Hotel instead than Leonard's. Bro I was an ocean for the rest of the day
  14. Barry liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    i just remembered that shades of cool was released on my sister's wedding day!! and i also remember i was dressing up, we were all hurrying up to be ready and go to the celebration, my sister was getting dressed too, people were all around the house BUT STILL i ran onto my pc and downloaded the song as fast as i could and started blasting it anyways. i also remember playing it for my friends in the car while we were going to the wedding, but they were like "whatever" (ungrateful af!!!!!) it was all very fast and beautiful that day. thinking about it now makes me pretty sad.
  15. Barry liked a post in a topic by subversive light in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I remember when I started to listen to her songs, I used to download them to my Nokia Asha 302 and then listen... It was a good moment. I don't know. It reminds me of my childhood and it was so pure.

    Oh! When she released West Coast (audio), it was 6am here and I remember listening to it while I was leaving home to go to school and my mom were with me. I was so amazed, loved the song in the first listen. Loved that moment...
    When UV cover came out I remember running with the whole excitement of the world to my best friend and showing her (she is a Lana stan too) and then she was just ''meh''.
    Also I wanted to say how Love became a sad song to me bc it was released one month after my grandma's death but now it's just a neutral song because my point of view of things change as I do change my pants. I do change my pants a lot, if you were wondering.
  16. Barry liked a post in a topic by Chocolate Eyes in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    My husband really likes the unreleased song "Girl That Got Away". He doesn't really understand the meaning (English is not his first language so sometimes he can't understand some slang or pick up lyrics quick enough), but he thinks it sounds cute and happy and he used to ask me to play it over again. On the other hand he can't stand "Dance For Money" because of her faux southern voice and the crappy-ish recording quality. He would ask me to change the song and is all joking like "what the hell is this?!?!" haha. I play Lana's music quite often when I'm driving so I'm sure he's heard the entire collection by now.
    Listening to "Elvis" and "White Pontiac Heaven" on a cloudy somewhat rainy day in my small hometown. The weather and the acoustic sound went perfectly together.
    "Summer Bummer", "Cherry", and the early "Lolita" version that was more pop/rock sounding are some of the songs I like to play when I pole dance. So those songs will probably always remind me of dancing. 
    The whole Lust For Life album is my soundtrack for late 2017 up until now. I've been through a lot these past 2 years since I moved. I'm glad LFL was there for me to listen to during both my happy and not so happy moments. 
  17. Barry liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    So I knew this girl from facebook and we went to the same school, but I never had any reasons to hang out with her really.She was 6th grade when I was 8th (she's 2 years younger than me, obviously, lol); she had her group of friends, I had mine, you know, all that stuff. But I was always seeing what she would share on her facebook page: pictures of Lana, tumblry things, and I thought, wow we kind of have a lot in common, 'cause I was a Lana fan and was really active on tumblr and pretty much nobody else was like that around here. So I was thinking: ''Wow she likes Lana and has a tumblr and she loves art, why are we not friends'', whatever.
    Then, summer of 2017 rolls around, me and my friends were thinking : ''man, this place sucks we can't make any new friends anymore'' and so one night my cousin messaged this girl and then she hunged with her for a day, and then another day, and then we all went out with this new girl, and things were a little awkward at the beginning, she was a little shy, you know. But everything was going better and better until we (me and this girl) started to discuss how we discovered Lana and what are our favourite songs and albums and it was literally a moment I had been waiting for for a long time and it was really happening now. It was so fucking good finally talking openly about how much I love Lana with another person who fully understands it. It felt so great, and my friends were high-key excited for me 'cause they also knew how much I would've loved to talk about these things and bond with this girl in that way.
    And by the end of the night, while our friends we're at some distance doing other stuff, we sat on a bench and started talking more about Lana and also about tumblr, we exchanged accounts and it was great, and we finally put on some Lana music and we sang together Lana songs that night and it was amazing. And after that, she said to my cousin (she said it loudly, everyone of us could hear) :''omg I just sang Lana songs with him, that doesn't happen with anybody'' and that made me so happy, and that night alone really made us feel like we've already been friends for a long time, when really it was only one night. It was beautiful
    We're really good friends ever since
    (Note: I was never looking at her as my crush or this type of thing,I just wanted to be friends with her so badly, 'cause she was one of the only people around here with which I had great things in common)
  18. Barry liked a post in a topic by californianfreak in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    Thank you Clampigirl for making this thread! I think this thread will be a very wholesome place!
    I remember I just used to hate Lana. I used to be one of those who thought she was a spoiled girl who made depressing music. One time when she performed on The Voice UK, she came on to perform and I rolled my eyes and walked out the room. But about a year later, I was sitting in my English class (normally a very hectic, stressful class) and we were all listening to the radio. Video Games started playing, and even though I immediately knew it was Video Games by Lana Del Rey, I fell in love with it. The class all fell silent, and everything felt so peaceful and calm (not the usual atmosphere). In those 5 minutes, it was like everyone in the class just accepted each other as they were and no one had a care in the world. As soon as I got home, I bought BTD on iTunes! That moment of sitting in my English class and Lana coming on the radio will stay with me forever.
  19. Barry liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Moments/memories of your life involving Lana's music   
    I've read people sharing some moments of their lives involving Lana's music in one way or another, but I don't think we've had a certain thread for that purpose only? Like, I'm sure I've read these memories in the pre-threads or so. I'd love to read yours, it can be anything, small or big, but if you have a special memory that you'll never forget and feel like sharing... this is the place!
    One of my earliest memories when I just became a fan was me playing BTD-Paradise on Spotify in the living room, just to make sure if it was worth spending money on this album or not (never regretted doing it, for here I am now lol!) and I remember that dad really liked Ride. He was really impressed, that's one of my favorite memories of him. He loved the strings in it and the beat, I know he coudln't express himself in words (due to a condition that made him pass away a few years later), but the look in his eyes and his smile really showed it.
    So soon after, I was waiting at the train station for my commuter train to arrive, reading through the BTD-Paradise booklet to read the lyrics. The air was pretty cold and my fingers were freezing, but I kept reading. I recall not remembering the melody for National Anthem as I read the lyrics lol (which is fair I guess since the lyrics in the booklet isn't exactly 100% the same as on the track).
    Another memory I have was in sometime in fall 2014. I was heading to the metro station as I had finished uni classes for that day, I tried to hurry to get home as soon as I could, but then I just stopped as I heard Brooklyn Baby being played out loud in, what I think it was, one of the university's smaller buildings. The window was open and I just stood there outside, listening. Eventually I went down to the metro, I could have stayed there forever but we all need to get home lol. I was really surprised. Lana wasn't (isn't) that very big, and I was so curious to know who played Lana, haha. Maybe they loved her as much as I did.
    Ok, your turn!
  20. Barry liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Instagram Updates   
    Katie Hopkins should just drop dead.
  21. Barry liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Katie Hopkins just mad bc she looks like a horse and Lana is queen. NEXT.
  22. Barry liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Instagram Updates   
    The thought that she cant give her opinion just because she was problematic in the past is unhealthy. No one is born with a sensible approach on all matters, deconstruction is always necessary and welcome
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
  24. Pink Champagne liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
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