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Venice Jesus Whore

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  1. TessaDiPietro liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  2. Alison by Slowdive liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    What are the sides though? Because to me, there are five distinct sections that all have their own personality:
    The Grants / Did you know / Sweet A&W / Judah Smith / Candy Necklace / Jon Batiste Kinsugi / Fingertips / Paris, Texas Grandfather / Let the Light In / Margaret Fishtail / Peppers / Taco Truck x VB
  3. barttttender liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  4. masiel liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  5. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  6. George Parasol liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  7. Crimson and Clover liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Though I can see how the last three tracks sound like bonus tracks and it can make perfect sense to end the album at Margaret, I think the album is perfect as is. The last three tracks add a lot of dynamism to the album. I think it would’ve been too heavy of an album without them even though Margaret is a cute happy ending. Also, having the last three songs feels like the album more strongly ties into A&W which seems like the defining song on the album. The album before Margaret feels like the first half of A&W while the last three tracks feel like the second half. I wouldn’t like the album as much without the last three tracks. 
  8. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by Sam Redlark in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    On album at least, Lana Del Ray manages her public image very well. Of late, every new release has added to her mystique, finely blurring the lines between the person and the persona, to a point where one is indistinguishable from the other. There is a tension in her songs that arises from not knowing how much of what are hearing is the real Lana Del Ray standing in partial view – papered over by a collage of archaic 1970s pop culture references – and what is half-truth and outright embellishment. Lyrically she continues to fuse her own mythology with the mythology of California. ...Ocean Blvd rises above the sum of its parts and successfully presents an altered reality, blending fact and fiction, memory and desire, physical geography and the shifting geography of the soul. It is for these reasons that, after the dust settles on this golden creative streak, I think this record is going to be a lot of people's favourite Lana Del Ray album.
    The direct contrast to Lana would be a pop amazon like Beyonce, whose career is a nesting doll of personas, seemingly refined by focus groups of images consultants and heavily tailored to an album release/tour cycle. There is nothing wrong with that approach. David Bowie and Madonna laid down the template. It works really well and allows for sudden reinvention.
    I prefer something more fluid and contiguous, rather than a jarring transition where I can see the joins. I like artists who at least give the appearance of growing organically. For that to happen they need to follow their creative instincts and commit to a regular release schedule. Lana scratches that itch.
  9. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Why does this read as a 2012 comment on one of her vids on YouTube
  10. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Oh my god Fantano gave her a 9  I legit thought he was giving her a light to decent 5 or whatever. Great news!
  11. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i can feel the growth of her music, and just the general growth of life thru this album. 
  12. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ocean Blvd isn’t meant to be or feel immediate: it’s meant for one to sit with it for a long, long time. It keeps growing and growing. The people who keep reducing it to a piano album are just stuck in BTD/UV nostalgia and can’t consume music that isn’t short or beat driven - or both. 
  13. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    turquioisejewel already said it. Lana is not the radio. I do respect your opinion, but it's weird that you're sort of demanding Lana to make "gym music" or whatever? This is an album about mortality lol, this is where she's at. Also, "The culture"? We're recovering from the worst tragedy that has happened to humanity in the 21st century, a fucking global pandemic, millions of dead, we all either lost someone recently or know someone who lost loved ones. A friend of mine lost both their parents... they both caught covid. Relationships have gotten harder to maintain, and she's pushing 40, she's singing about wanting to finally settle down with someone. She's also feeling hot and confident in her own skin; she doesn't need a four on the floor beat to hit them PRs on the gym. Social media has changed a lot with the pandemic, and she deleted her own official accounts. If that isn't connected with "the culture"... I'm signing off.
  14. George Parasol liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ok, I’m now ready to say this: Ocean Blvd is now my favorite album of all time. My previous favorite album of all time was in that spot for 7 years now, so I don’t say this lightly.
  15. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ok, I’m now ready to say this: Ocean Blvd is now my favorite album of all time. My previous favorite album of all time was in that spot for 7 years now, so I don’t say this lightly.
  16. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ok, I’m now ready to say this: Ocean Blvd is now my favorite album of all time. My previous favorite album of all time was in that spot for 7 years now, so I don’t say this lightly.
  17. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    My dad just enthusiastically sent me a voicemail of a track he heard on the radio he was sure I would love as it is "very Lana"
    It was Candy Necklace
  18. HighbytheSea liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Paris, Texas ALWAYS has me picturing this moment from the Video Games music video:

    I don’t even know if it’s the kind of visuals I’d want for a music video for Paris, Texas (because I mostly picture this album as black and white and dark), but this is just always what pops in my head when I hear it.
  19. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by Mer in WE WON!: TRUMP INDICTED   
    An indictment is formal notice that someone receives, notifying them it’s believed they committed a crime (by a Grand Jury). The indictment lists what charges they’re facing. An arrest would only happen in the event an indicted person doesn’t surrender, so it's unlikely he's going to be held at county jail unless he totally loses his marbles. 
  20. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by CinnamonOnMyTeeth in WE WON!: TRUMP INDICTED   
    What does this mean exactly? 
  21. Venice Jesus Whore liked a post in a topic by American Whore in WE WON!: TRUMP INDICTED   
    Trump is being indicted in NY, for the first time a former US president is being criminally charged
  22. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Paris, Texas ALWAYS has me picturing this moment from the Video Games music video:

    I don’t even know if it’s the kind of visuals I’d want for a music video for Paris, Texas (because I mostly picture this album as black and white and dark), but this is just always what pops in my head when I hear it.
  23. Lust liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Paris, Texas ALWAYS has me picturing this moment from the Video Games music video:

    I don’t even know if it’s the kind of visuals I’d want for a music video for Paris, Texas (because I mostly picture this album as black and white and dark), but this is just always what pops in my head when I hear it.
  24. Super Movie liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Paris, Texas ALWAYS has me picturing this moment from the Video Games music video:

    I don’t even know if it’s the kind of visuals I’d want for a music video for Paris, Texas (because I mostly picture this album as black and white and dark), but this is just always what pops in my head when I hear it.
  25. jaesana liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Britney Spears   
    It’s really sad and disturbing to me how everything has gone full circle and a lot of the general public is just back to making fun of Britney again. In 2021 at the height of #FreeBritney, people acted like they had learned so much since the 2000s about treating women fairly, understanding mental health, etc., and as soon as Britney’s out of the conservatorship and not acting how people expect her to, now she’s just become the punchline of a joke again. It’s disgusting. Though she’s done so much for me and so many others out there, I can’t help but think that she would’ve led a much happier life never being famous. 
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