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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Never Let Me Go   
    This song is so stunning.
    The line  'I can be your Nancy, you can be my Sid'. I used to say something similar to my ex and it really brought me back to a happier time in my life.
    That's why I love Lana. A lot of her music makes me think of happier times / happy memories. 
  2. COCC liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Hollywood   
    I love this song so much,
    I listen to it every day. The melody, the lyrics... I think it's just perfect. Deff one of my favorite Lana songs ever  
  3. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Hollywood   
    I love this song so much,
    I listen to it every day. The melody, the lyrics... I think it's just perfect. Deff one of my favorite Lana songs ever  
  4. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Once Upon a Dream   
    Love it so much. 
  5. Moon River liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Not sure that it's underrated, but I feel like Lucky Ones is her best song ever. That song just makes me feel everything 
  6. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana submitted music to Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood according to his music supervisor Mary Ramos   
    Lol, I know it's unrealistic, but I imagine her sending him an old song like Scarface 
  7. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana submitted music to Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood according to his music supervisor Mary Ramos   
    Lol, I know it's unrealistic, but I imagine her sending him an old song like Scarface 
  8. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in New Version of NFR to be released January 10th   
    Wouldn't it just be fixing up the mixing in Fuck It I Love You?
    Otherwise a sampling thing maybe from the Cinnamon Girl outro.
  9. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in New Version of NFR to be released January 10th   
    I posted this on the post-release thread but it's honestly so messy and iconic that it deserves it's on thread.
    Rough Trade says
    "New version after an issue with a sample. The always incredible Lana Del Rey is back with her amazing new album NFR!.[...]"
     Is it another Get Free situation? Is Lana about to scam some twinks into buying more copies of the same album after 38389389 vinyl and covers variants? Is the vinyl color going to change too?
    Send your bets.
  10. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Moi Je Joue 
  11. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Underrated Lana Songs   
    The. Other. Woman.
  12. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Underrated Lana Songs   
    nobody talks about how beautifully intense lana sings "wear my blinders in the rain" in gkit
  13. movebaby liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Not sure that it's underrated, but I feel like Lucky Ones is her best song ever. That song just makes me feel everything 
  14. Venice liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Not sure that it's underrated, but I feel like Lucky Ones is her best song ever. That song just makes me feel everything 
  15. Serene Queen liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Not sure that it's underrated, but I feel like Lucky Ones is her best song ever. That song just makes me feel everything 
  16. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Underrated Lana Songs   
  17. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Boy oh boy do I have a response to this topic   Since this will probably be quite long I'll try to format it appropriately and not just have it as a huge wall of text!
    Oh Say Can You See
    I know the AKA album gets a lot of love in general, but I've seen a lot of people dismiss this track as useless and filler - I won't have it! Good lord, this song is divine. It's folk meets early Lana meets a Halloween edition of the Animal Crossing soundtrack. I know that's a weird and strangely specific mixture of references, but that's the only way I can describe it. It's so peaceful but so deeply melancholic and longing; The nighttime is almost ours. I can't even articulate what this song makes me feel. It's too magical to listen to on a regular basis, but it holds such a special place in my heart and I wish more people connected with this song the way I do. It's a beautiful, sad, quiet night translated into a 4-minute track.
    Come When You Call Me America
    Kind of like Oh Say Can You See, this song has a unique feel to it. It's one of Lana's weirder tracks - it's light and airy but jazzy and trip-hop-esque. It reminds me of a grown-up version of something from the Nights: Journey of Dreams soundtrack (yes, as you can tell, I'm big on video game soundtracks hahaha). It sounds the way silk feels. Maybe this song doesn't exactly count as underrated because it does have somewhat of a niche appeal, but I'm bringing it up because it's very beautiful, a little surreal and definitely one of my favourites that I never ever see mentioned!
    Hope Is A Dangerous Thing
    I'm forever seeing this at the bottom of people's NFR rankings and I guess I understand why - it's sparse, a pure piano ballad, pretty long and definitely quite a downer. Still, I feel that a lot of fans under-appreciate the lyrical power of this song; it's some of Lana's best writing to date. Lana has a lot of great lyrics but Hope is her at her most complex and most raw; there's something really special about a song that's so verbose yet still so raw and open and vulnerable. I probably sound super pretentious so pls feel free to call me a dickhead if it's appropriate   but lines like "Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums is the only love I've ever known" and "Shaking my ass is the only thing that's got this black narcissist off my back" really capture the loneliness and confusion of alcohol addiction for me (I've been an alcoholic for 4 years); "Hello, it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad / Calling from beyond the grave I just want to say hi, Dad" gets a lot of clownery online, but for me it's a heartbreaking lyric that shows the duality of fame and misery, as well as how hard it is to keep in touch with family and friends when going through a depression because it's easy to feel like a dead man walking; "A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off" is a lyric so beautiful and touching yet so perfectly obscure that I don't even want to go into the million different meanings I've assigned to it! There's a lot of ways to convey meaning in a song - sometimes just a dope ass instrumental can do the talking - but this song is an example of how beautiful, well thought out, poetic lyrics can really speak to an audience. And also, did she lie? Hope really is a dangerous thing!
    Sad Girl
    There are soooo many things that make this song great. Among them is Lana's "sad but won't not fuck you the fuck up" attitude, but my favourite thing is that the instruments in this song are used remarkably well. While I love NFR (honestly I really really really do), this song demonstrates exactly why it hasn't knocked Ultraviolence off the top spot for me; there's some sonic depth and a constant sense of progression going on that's lacking in quite a lot of NFR cuts. It's jazzy, bluesy and it has so much to look forward to - I'm always excited to hear that Spanish-influenced guitar kick in during the second verse, then of course there's the glorious bridge. I know Lana fans love a sing-song moment, so why do I not hear more fans talking about how much they enjoy belting out "Watch what you say to meeeeee, careful who you're talking tooo!"? It's lost on me. This song deserves way more love than it gets and I know for sure it would sound incredible live, so I'm v v v v sad she hasn't performed it before. 
    Another AKA song that doesn't get a lot of love - this one is always getting knocked out first or second in AKA Survivor games. Still, it's one of my favourites and I think it's really underrated because of the unique vibe it possesses: it's cheeky, bratty, fun, a little girly and definitely twisted. I know Lana's described this song as having an innocent meaning in prior interviews, but honestly? I'm not buying it! This song is undoubtedly naughty in a way that's SO wrong only Lizzy-era Lana could get away with it. Lana is (or rather was) so good at the whole ~feigning innocence roleplay~ thing. Maybe I love this song so much because I was a messed up kid - without being too TMI, this song reminds me of being a young teen and the early sexual experiences I had and how I knew it was bad but it also so wrong it's right, when I would sneak out of my own Grandma's house to do bad and stupid things, and all the feelings of excitement and wonder I had along with the feelings of fear, confusion, guilt, abuse and sadness. This song couples a playful cheery beat with ever-so-slightly sexually suggestive lyrics ("All I wanna do is play") and then some moments of darkness ("I don't wanna think I'm bad, Gramma") to create this strange, sinister atmosphere that's so representative of being essentially still a little girl taking on the big, exciting, scary, wonderful, terrible adult world - especially where men are involved. It also touches on that feeling of attention addiction: "I'm in love with everyone and I don't wanna think I'm wrong just for feelin' pretty" and "I wanna be the whole world's girl Gramma". There's a fine line between suggestive and outright controversial, and Lana, I believe, is just about on the 'suggestive' side - if anything my reading of this song could well be controversial! Still, there's some unbelievable skill in managing to write about such a topic in a way that's a little dark but still tongue-in-cheek without it coming across as mocking or exploitative. I really love this song and I honestly feel it stands out in her discography.
    In Wendy, More Mountains, There Is Nothing To Be Sorry About
    As a fanbase we tend to neglect a lot of Lana's more singer-songwriter-y type stuff, but these songs right here...... goddamn. She has a TONNE of folksy gems, but these are some of my favourites and I never EVER hear them mentioned. More Mountains is bleak and existential; In Wendy is sweet and a little blue; There Is Nothing To Be Sorry About is legitimately devastating and I genuinely can't listen to it without crying. "Remember me the way I was six months ago"... nahhhh man I just    A lot of Lana fans actually haven't heard these songs; this is your sign to GO AND LISTEN TO THEM! I think the only reason these songs are so underrated is because so many people completely forget about them, but wow, they take my breath away.
    Ok sorry for the huge post LOL I have a lot of feelings ok
  18. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Bel Air, omg. My soul leaves my body everytime I listen to it.
  19. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in How to Disappear   
    her best song in Y E A R S
    these lyrics & her vocal performance in the studio & all the cute + gorgeous instruments come together so beautifully. It really reminds me of the 60s & Phil Spector’s wall Of sound, big, blow-out-your-speaker vibes during the bridge before the final verse.
    One of the shorter songs on NFR yet it still has a beginning, middle, & end. Instant classic in her discography as far as I’m concerned!!! The live piano version was very pretty but I think the studio final is mesmerizing & Wintery & beautifulllll. It sounds like a wedding song idk, also reminds me of some Beach House songs. But the strings in the intro + throughout are classic Lana. They are like a matured BTD vibe, the strings are my favorite. & the jingle bells are so cute idgaf what anybody says
    (~ ̄▽ ̄)~, ♥️ (◡‿◡✿)
  20. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in How to Disappear   
    Piano HTD: the relationship is over and she’s mourning what could’ve happen in the future
    Studio HTD: she’s looking at her reflection in the mirror while she’s getting into the wedding dress while her bridesmaids are drinking matcha latte
  21. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Elle in How to Disappear   
    Cracked the code of this song after @@Nick Del Rey reminded me of a puzzle piece I was missing. So, Lana stated in her livestream she wrote this song after "getting back to New York from Boston" after being "fucked up in Boston"
    Nick reminded me there was a rumour of Lana going to Boston to watch her boyfriend who was coaching, which lined up during the same time period as I noticed she was in Rhode Island on October 3rd & New York October 5th with Jack, same day she shares first snippet of HTD along with video captioned "pre-recording dance"
    The rumour seemed to originate from a girl who worked at a store Lana was shopping at while in Rhode Island.
    Rhode Island - Oct 3 (traveling there)
    Boston - Oct 4 (meltdown happened w this guy)
    New York - Oct 5 (wrote HTD)
      The man in question seems to be this boxer named Joe Schilling, who a bunch of fans attacked on instagram by commenting rats under his instagram posts on October 21st after he dragged her music, and Lana had to tell her fans to back off. That makes perfect sense given the lyrics: "Joe met me down at the training yard, with cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard" (which would make sense bc he's a boxer)   October 5th: "At the Red Sox vs Yankee play off game at Fenway Park tonight. We’ll be wishing a mother fcker would." (Fenway Park is in Boston, and Lana was there to watch him train the day before... y'know, down at the training yard)     whew that man really hurt her x
  22. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    apparently Lana was the most followed person yesterday on instagram...she gained like 200k
    The locals have found her
  23. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    After over 4000 pages of discussion between the Pre-Pre-Release & Pre-Release threads, the time has come...
    August 30th, 2019: Lana Del Rey's 6th album 'Norman Fucking Rockwell' has been released worldwide.

    Purchase ● Stream ● Physical
    Norman Fucking Rockwell
    Mariners Apartment Complex
    Venice Bitch
    Fuck it I Love You
    Doin' Time
    Love Song
    Cinnamon Girl
    How to Disappear
    The Next Best American Record
    The Greatest
    Happiness is a Butterfly
    hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it
    Share your thoughts on the new record below!
    Read the Pre-Release Thread
    Read the Pre-Pre Release Thread
    (Those who request a free, illegal download link to the new album will receive a Warning Point. Those who post illegal direct download links to the album will be banned. Please respect Lana & her art!)
  24. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by venicebitch in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Not to mention that she’s claiming that she’s not a Lana fan at all but somehow she probably knew about FIILY/TG leak and there’s no recording of HTD, which is the least interesting song as we already know all the lyrics and melody from the apple event lol. She exactly knew what she was doing.
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