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  1. Elina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in You're Gonna Love Me   
    *FMWUTTT plays in the distance*
  2. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by evilentity in You're Gonna Love Me   
    *FMWUTTT plays in the distance*
  3. fishtails liked a post in a topic by evilentity in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    Ok, so I just watched video he himself uploaded of the most recent concert in Brixton. 
    I don't mean this as an attack @@Elle, but this goes beyond being nice into doormat territory. If I had been ripped off and seen him I would've said, "What the fuck are you doing here? No, seriously, what the fuck are you doing inside here? Go outside and scalp your ticket and pay some people back. And then pay everyone else back first. And then pay me back last so that I know when you are done." And if he didn't go outside and do it right then I would have publicly shamed him to all the Lana fans within earshot and explained to them how he ripped off other Lana fans for thousands of dollars until he left.
    There's a lot of kids doing things of questionable legality at best within this fanbase. Normally I discourage people from getting authorities involved over stupid mistakes people make when they're young over dumb fan stuff that could affect the rest of their lives. (One of the more disgusting things I've seen happen is people report others for some minor illegal technicality like copyright violation when they mostly don't even care about that and are mostly just pissed about some petty personal bullshit or jealousy.) But this is different. This totals up to a substantial amount of money, stolen from other fans, many of whom are probably not that deep-pocketed. He has demonstrated that he is not making a serious priority of paying people back first. And this has dragged on for years. If he hasn't paid most of you back by now, I would strongly recommend someone affected take the initiative of gathering receipts from everyone still owed money and reporting this fraud to law enforcement in the jurisdiction where he lives with thorough documentation.
  4. Elina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in All Smiles   
    Could it be "silk la roux" or something like that? 
  5. ionut liked a post in a topic by evilentity in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    NOTE: Please respect the privacy of people mentioned in this post who are not public figures.

    Here's something "juicy"...

    Some time ago I was reading this interview and wondered if the teacher she mentions was a teacher at her boarding school.
    If you do a little digging, using archive.org you can find that there was a Mr. Campbell that was an English teacher at her boarding school when she attended there, though he doesn't teach there now, and that they follow/friend each other on various social media platforms.

    I subsequently discovered "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" which is a love song in a high school setting, which notably has the following lyrics: "You played me Biggie Smalls and then my first Nirvana song."

    More recently, in preparing for the covers-themed LanaDelReydio show I'm working on, I was looking up interviews where she mentions Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, or "Heart-shaped Box" and noticed this in one of the interviews I found:
    I nearly did a spit take. But then I found something really weird. In another interview published just a couple days later, she changes the story:
    Suddenly, Mr. Campbell turns into a she. WTF is that about? Is she trying to hide something?
    Now I'm not necessarily saying I think she fucked her teacher. But I think she at least fantasized about it. (Perhaps the fact that it's her teacher is what "Gone Wrong" refers to.) And I think "Lolita" is about him too. Consider that in Nabokov's novel, Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged literature professor.

    All of which just makes this serendipitous:

  6. KingsMotelPart2 liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
    I prefer the terms "dark paradise" or "garden of evil".
  7. Elina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in How You Discovered Lana   
    Yes! That's how I found all the tracks on AKA. (Also where I found an entire early album by a lesser known artist that almost nobody has.)
    I talk extensively about how I first got into Lana, Grooveshark, the early days of Lana fandom, and how I became more active in the fandom near the end of the last part of my Lana Del Reydio covers show podcast starting at about 20:17:

    Edit: By the way, anyone else remember fuckyeahlanadelrey tumblr? In the early days, fuckyeahlanadelrey and spillitnow were really the only games in town. At least until LDR.FM launched.
    Me, every time I found a Lana track or even a nugget of information. It's such a satisfying feeling.
    Though I find her lyrics interesting, I wouldn't say I've ever related to them much or "felt so understood" by them. But otherwise, extremely relatable.
    New LFL Demo lyrics inspired this post, huh?
    Shoutout to a fellow old-timer.
    Oh damn, you're really old-school! In my sleuthing I've stumbled across blog posts from that time that posted Diet Mtn Dew, but I've met few people who can actually trace their introduction to her back that far. Respect.
    Because I can't resist a challenge... Anything else you remember about the song or artist or even an idea of what year it was?
  8. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by evilentity in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    NOTE: Please respect the privacy of people mentioned in this post who are not public figures.

    Here's something "juicy"...

    Some time ago I was reading this interview and wondered if the teacher she mentions was a teacher at her boarding school.
    If you do a little digging, using archive.org you can find that there was a Mr. Campbell that was an English teacher at her boarding school when she attended there, though he doesn't teach there now, and that they follow/friend each other on various social media platforms.

    I subsequently discovered "Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" which is a love song in a high school setting, which notably has the following lyrics: "You played me Biggie Smalls and then my first Nirvana song."

    More recently, in preparing for the covers-themed LanaDelReydio show I'm working on, I was looking up interviews where she mentions Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, or "Heart-shaped Box" and noticed this in one of the interviews I found:
    I nearly did a spit take. But then I found something really weird. In another interview published just a couple days later, she changes the story:
    Suddenly, Mr. Campbell turns into a she. WTF is that about? Is she trying to hide something?
    Now I'm not necessarily saying I think she fucked her teacher. But I think she at least fantasized about it. (Perhaps the fact that it's her teacher is what "Gone Wrong" refers to.) And I think "Lolita" is about him too. Consider that in Nabokov's novel, Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged literature professor.

    All of which just makes this serendipitous:

  9. Elina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Cher   
    Jessica Hernandez does.
  10. Elina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Blizzard   
    These lyrics belong in this thread.

  11. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    I'd give it all away
    if you give me just one day
    to ask her one question:
    Why does it take a day to ask one question?
  12. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana’s Fib About Her Age-Some Thoughts   
    Short of a long-form birth certificate, this is about the most conclusive evidence she was born in 1985 you could get. You can pull up her voter registration info in the state of New York here entering the county (Essex) and zip code (12946) of her hometown of Lake Placid and her June 21, 1985 date of birth:

    If you enter June 21, 1986 it does not work:

  13. honeybadger liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Old interview 2009   
    Press-Republican articles this old are no longer live on their site and this article is not archived anywhere else that I could find. But a Press-Republican editor sent me a screenshot via Twitter of the same article with a different title from the next day's print edition:

  14. PrettyPartyFav0r liked a post in a topic by evilentity in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Though I don't think anyone ever explicitly spelled out these specific connections before, you're definitely not the first to notice them. In fact, I'd assumed you had already noticed them before. 
    At any rate...

    Tags is Adam Tagliamonte, who seems to have leaked "Let My Hair Down" and was rumored to be the leaker's source for the Disco sessions and whatnot.  

    Yeah, the Rich Whores basically seems to have been a Lizzy-fronted version of angiescreams:

    Another fun fact about the drummer:

    Yeah, I don't think that's really the way it happened at all. Based on the chronology of performance photos/videos/reviews and MySpace archives/screenshots, I believe the Phenomena consisted of Tags & Tim in early 2007, by mid-2007 she had chopped her hair and completely replaced Tags & Tim with the angiescreams line-up but just didn't take their names off anything, and shortly afterwards started using the name The Rich Whores. Though it should be noted:
      If the YouTube account that leaked "Let My Hair Down" really was Tags, as seems to be the case, he supports this narrative in terms of never being part of a Phenomena lineup that involved Arthur Lynn or the angiescreams/Rich Whores lineup:

    Speaking of barely breathing, a later lineup of her backing band included Duncan Sheik's drummer.
  15. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!   
    Wow. Ten years? I've only been here for... lemme count... five years! I would've been here for longer if I had found the site earlier, I remember looking for LDR fan forums back in like... 2014, 2015, but couldn't find any. I couldn't imagine that I'd be a mod for this site one day when I joined! And no lurking either, I found LB and I just had to become a member. Luckily for me, I got my account the day after applying!
    I might not be super active these days (studying extra for 3 semester of my current bachelor's, being stuck at summer jobs, trying to go out and touch grass etc etc) but. This site means a lot to me. SO much. I've met some of the best people here, friends who cheered me up when I felt down and I still am in contact with, six years on! Who could've guessed that? And I've also been super lucky to meet three fellow users in real life (shoutout to @Dominikx4, @Greenwich Acid Cherry Pie and @HoneymoonDaddy ) and stood just a few meters away from queen @Elle (I'm still sad I didn't see you at that London concert lol, it would've been amazing to say hi)... and I only hope I get to meet more in the future!
    I'm pretty sure I was depressed, or about to become, when I joined the site, even though it wasn't severe. But I just wasn't myself, I kept trying my best but it was just never good enough for me, and this site, with all you guys, all your wild theories, hilarious gifs and relatable stories of your lives, allowing me to see a glimpse of who you guys are. And the LB Lipster award nights. And when we all go crazy for snippets or even the slightest promise of a new single or album. Or when we all died waiting for Norman to drop. Man. I feel like I owe you all, haha! I'm glad to say I'm feeling better these days. although today might not be one of them but I'm gonna try to get myself and my schoolwork together this weekend
    To be honest, there have been times when I did not look forward to visiting the site for various reasons, but I've always returned. And I'm pretty sure I will continue to come back to this site for many more years.
    Cheers!  And big thanks, Elle, for keeping this site alive, once I get a proper income, I'll see if I can donate in some way.
  16. evilentity liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!   
    I wouldn’t be myself without this hellpit website. And that’s for the best. I love you all
  17. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drewby in LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!   
    I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but I'm proud to be one of the original members  thank you for all the laughs and leaks over the years
  18. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Elle in LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!   
    Exactly 10 years ago to this day on September 1st, 2012, LanaBoards.com was created... 
    Happy 10th Birthday, LanaBoards!
    Over the past decade, we have created over 1 million posts by over 17,000 members, along with countless memories in between. LanaBoards has become a home and a family to so many of our members, and we would not be who we are without our loyal, dedicated member base. Thank you to everyone who has become a part of our family, and has contributed to the wonderfulness and wildness that is LanaBoards.com. We look forward to another 10 years together!
    I have personally been a member here for over 9 years and the owner for 6 years, and I could not be more grateful for what this silly little website has done for me. I've met so many incredible people from all over the world through LanaBoards that have become lifelong friends to me. Over the years, I've always felt a sense of comfort here, and it truly does feel like home. I would hate to think of how much different my life would be without this place, as it really has had such a great impact on my life. I'll always cherish the memories, friendships, and traditions we have here on LanaBoards, and it is my greatest honour to continue to host this site for you all. Sending all of my love to each and every one of you  xx
  19. Acid liked a post in a topic by evilentity in The Greatest   
    Kanye disses are all well and good, but I'm afraid there's an unfortunate, unintentionally problematic reading of these lyrics.
    She's nostalgic for the Beach Boys.
    Not that there's anything wrong with that. (Hey @Monicker!)
    But the Beach Boys exemplify and are inextricably bound up with the period when rock and roll, originally a black genre, became thoroughly appropriated by white artists (*cough cough* "Surfin' USA" *cough*).
    Then there's these lines which echo "So Legit" and AFFA:
    The so-called "death of rock and roll", largely at the hands of rap and hip-hop, newer less-appropriated black genres, is something mostly lamented by white people.
    She cites this as symptomatic of the cultural aspect of the civilizational decline she's singing about.
    And who or what does she pick as the embodiment of this cultural decline?

    No surprise, it's Kanye West sporting his MAGA hat over bleached blonde hair. Almost as if to say that not only has rock and roll been supplanted by rap and hip-hop, but rap and hip-hop in the degraded form of a rapper who has in some sense disappropriated his own blackness. (The blonde Kanye line reminds me a lot of that Hooper X quote analyzing Star Wars in Chasing Amy about how "Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty old white man".)
    In the next line she references David Bowie, a white guy obviously.
    Don't get me wrong. I love this song and really feel the general civilizational decline she's speaking to and even some of the specific sentiments in isolation. But the way she strings them together, without any positive references to black artists and the only reference to a black artist being used as a sign of the decay, reads problematically.
  20. The Siren liked a post in a topic by evilentity in "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Lana Del Rey for "Hi How Are You Daniel Johnston?"   
    A nice (if characteristically pretentious) meditation on Daniel Johnston and Lana from The Quietus:
  21. The Siren liked a post in a topic by evilentity in "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Lana Del Rey for "Hi How Are You Daniel Johnston?"   
    Daniel Johnston died today at the age of 58. RIP
  22. sjatib liked a post in a topic by evilentity in "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Lana Del Rey for "Hi How Are You Daniel Johnston?"   
    Daniel Johnston died today at the age of 58. RIP
  23. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by evilentity in "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Lana Del Rey for "Hi How Are You Daniel Johnston?"   
    Daniel Johnston died today at the age of 58. RIP
  24. lili liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lizzy Grant/May jailer Old Myspace. (New Information)   
    I've always thought this could be a distinct possibility as well, despite posting that timeline. Although now I feel a little more certain that she really spent time there than I used to.
    There's also "Alabama hard knocks" in "1949" and "Alabama freezes" in "The Man I Love". (Tip: I keyword search the Lyrics section constantly.) She also said she lived in Birmingham, Alabama in that fishy Knocks from the Underground interview by Mike Mizrahi, and perhaps other interviews.
    I often wonder how much of her history is real and how much is merely personal mythology. Either way, she's a fun puzzle to figure out.
    Hey, it's as plausible as some of the other ridiculous theories floating around out there.
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