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  • Birthday August 8

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    Lady Gaga

    facts, i still can't believe a track this good is hidden in some exclusive edition
  2. herself from the perspective of a lover
  3. the spirit of old marina manifested a bit here idk
  4. i don't mind it being pushed back but i wish lana was more transparent when it comes to this kind of thing. either that or don't say nothing at all until it's 100% confirmed. this behavior of giving a date then going radio silent to avoid the repercussions of said date not being real is very annoying and frustrating, and she does that regularly! like gurl get your shit together!! either don't be giving uncertain dates or just post a story or something saying "hey guys unfortunately album has been pushed back xx"
  5. babygirl itself was a terribly written movie, maybe she tried to go with that vibe
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    Lady Gaga

    finally heard the album!! time to give my unsolicited 2 cents about it like everyone else first of all, the thing i feared the most turned out to be true… the taylor comparisons were accurate my first impression of mayhem is that is quite confusing, i'm failing to make a connection between the visuals and singles with the rest of the album… felt very misleading to me. my faves were abracadabra, perfect celebrity, garden of eden, shadow of a man and can't stop the high. i can't believe can't stop the high got demoted to a bonus track only, it's so good! i really love it, got a the smiths vibe but dancey… it would go really well with perfect celebrity on the tracklist. perfect celebrity sounds like a hybrid between nine inch nails and gesaffelstein, which i really love as well. garden of eden and shadow of a man are pure bops, garden of eden reminds me of private audition. and what can i even say about abracadabra? i feel like it's the closest thing we'll ever get to artpop act 2, like i just KNOW the same spirit responsible for tea and rabies was present for this one, it's the perfect classic gaga song! this is the best thing she released in over a decade i'm so serious… i'm actually starting to wonder whether or not this is an older song bc even her voice sounds closer to golden age gaga than post-jazz gaga like… the rest is not bad but to me they belong to another record, another narrative, perhaps even another lifetime… i feel like if they were released somewhere between 2018 and 2020 with a more colorful aesthetic it would be more revolutionary, these songs really do sound like they belong to the future nostalgia / after hours era of pop music. mayhem was perhaps the best name to describe this project, it has good songs but it seems to suffer from ADHD, it doesn't really focus on anything for too long. it's like gaga made different records and then tried to cram it into one
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    Lady Gaga

    stop yall are scaring me with these taylor swift comparisons
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    Charli XCX

    well i sure don't miss the starving but that surely was the greatest time to be an angel. i don't think 2016 - 2018 era will ever be topped tbh it might've been a slightly traumatic experience for charli but man… it was a blast for the fans! we were in the trenches but it was hella fun, i miss it honestly
  9. that was very fun, much more interesting than any music awards of recent memory! i'm pretty much satisfied with most victories, except supporting actress. emilia perez should've not won anything, this movie sucks and is a disservice to all trans people, specially trans women. karla sofia does not represent us in any way.
  10. we had no title, no release date, no confirmed song for ocean and i'm pretty sure it was a similar number of pages worth of discussion… never underestimate lipsters ability to yap about nothing
  11. This is so sad, she was incredibly young
  12. i can totally see marina jumping in that song sdgkdsjd in the same way i can totally see katy singing songs like karma or orange trees
  13. i've always seen marina as the katy perry of the alt scene tbh they even lookalike kinda
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