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Rorman Nockwell

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About Rorman Nockwell

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    Highly Emotional Person

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  1. Shes right and she should say it She also called James a "sycophantic frat boy bitch" which in all honestly is a great title for a Lana song but considering Lana's marriage to Swamp Man, we cannot be sure where she stands nowadays
  2. Andddd he's also "paused" aid for Ukraine. We knew it was coming, and there it is. Watch Russia go all out in the following days and weeks, knowing that Ukraine cannot restock weaponry. https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/videos/1151807536614292 ^ and this explains why Trump's "deal" is bad for Ukraine, in case anyone wants a clearer idea of the situation.
  3. I know it’s an awards show for ACTORS but someone needs to tell these people to get a grip during speeches Some of them are so embarrassing and dramatic Give everyone in the audience Nerf guns and if a speech goes over 60 seconds …. Ratings would soar
  4. I would survive by sacrificing @bunoner to the zombies Deserves
  5. for better or worse, Ari’s eyebrows remind me of pinball flippers
  6. Exactly. As I said elsewhere a few days ago, the US has very much promoted - for a very long time - the notion that they are the world's referee, and you cannot spend decades shaping and upholding that (many times via violence) only to take it away within a few weeks or months. This is precisely why Donald is so dangerous. It's okay for him to say "we won't be doing this going forward" and "other countries need to spend more on defence" but you can't just suddenly pull the plug and not expect utter chaos as a result. This is not in the best interest of Americans. Maybe it wouldn't affect Americans directly (at least not initially) but if the rest of the world descends into a shitshow, it absolutely does affect every person on the planet, including Americans. Emboldening Putin means emboldening others who may seek to invade other countries or to otherwise do people harm. If people like Putin are reassured that the US will not act to stop them, then there is no deterrent. This is about so much more than Ukraine. I don't know if he doesn't understand this or if he just doesn't care because he's a 78 year old narcissist.
  7. Thank God France and the UK are doing something about this shit The whole thing has made me feel very anxious I mean it’s always made me feel very anxious because I have friends in that region but more so these past few days
  8. We're all gonna die from something Donald does before we ever get this album
  9. Focusing on the ties instead of on our impending doom: an underrated and reasonable coping strategy
  10. The last picture that Sarah Michelle Gellar put up broke me (of Shannen Doherty, Michelle and herself) Sarah lost Shannen last July, only to lose another friend seven months later. That must be so devastating. AND the Buffy reboot was just announced a week or so ago, which she has agonised for years over doing, so I'd imagine that'd be very bittersweet too, with all the memories and such. Michelle might've even been involved in the reboot.
  11. None of it was very dignified but it was downright RUDE how James interrupted Zelenskyy and Donald I would at least expect basic manners from the Vice fucking President in the presence of his superior and another world leader Zelenskyy should've yelled "NOBODY ASKED" when he started talking
  12. The devil is in the details, though Everyone wants the fighting to stop, but saying "okay, everyone stop and keep what land you have" sets a very dangerous precedent. The problem with having a ceasefire under these terms is that: 1. The currently land borders may well become the status quo (remember that North and South Korea are technically still in a ceasefire that has held since the end of the Korean War) 2. It emboldens Putin and by extension, other world leaders who may seek to invade other countries. As I type, China is circumventing Australia with 3 heavily armed warships. There is fuck all reason for them to be in the Tasman Sea (between Australia and New Zealand) but they are there because they can be. And I don't think the timing is coincidental, either. I'm not suggesting that China is invading Australia or New Zealand any time soon, but the point is, the way Donald is behaving is emboldening others to test boundaries. You have to look at everyone's motives here. Naturally Putin agrees to this; he is getting exactly what he wants. Donald and James also get exactly what they want, which is the ability to boast about ending the war in a timely manner. They don't give a fuck about Ukraine, or any other country including the US - they care only about themselves and their interests. Half the shit Donald is doing is not in his country's best interests. It's in the US' best interests for Donald to play nicely with the other children, but he cannot and will not. ETA: Lastly, it's Donald's right to assert that the US isn't obligated to protect any other country, but at the same time, this is the world order and expectation that the US has promoted and shaped since the end of WW2. So, suddenly pulling the plug and saying "OK, we're not doing that" is dangerous af for world stability. No one can make him do or not do anything (that much is clear), but it creates a very dangerous situation, and one I daresay the US would do well to avoid for its own sake. The message seems to be that unless you are Israel then you will get no help.
  13. Donald reminds me of a bad-tempered teenager who’s purposely going against the grain on anything and everything in order to piss their parents off The erosion of critical thinking from society means that many Americans will blindly follow him into the abyss Utterly disrespectful and completely unbecoming behaviour from a world leader Rest of the world needs to get their shit together and start countering his bullshit in a meaningful way. If the US is going to behave like a rogue state, treat them like one.
  14. I actually really liked this album after a few listens but getting Florence to be a feature and then having her only do background vocalisation is disgust If I got Florence to agree to be on MY album I would let her sing the entire album whilst I sat in the corner in awe, so can’t relate
  15. Maybe I’m reading too much into this but it almost feels like she’s talking about someone she knows and maybe hopes they’ll read it
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