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  1. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Sao Paulo, BR @ Lollapalooza Brasil - December 4-6th, 2020 [CANCELLED]   
    Lollapalooza Brasil new dates: December 4th, 5th and 6th.
  2. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    This whole post is just a garbage take in a bunch of ways. 
    There is no vaccine ready and probably won't be before the end of the year. Get out of here with this paranoid conspiratorial anti-vax bullshit.

    It's not about you (who are presumably young and healthy). It's about making sure you're not a fucking carrier who will pass it on to someone vulnerable or someone else who will.  

    YeAh, AnD wHaT aBoUt AlL tHe WoMeN hArVeY wEiNsTeIn DiDn'T rApE. oR aLl ThE jEwS wHo DiDn'T dIe In ThE hOlOcAusT. nObOdY eVeR tAlKs AbOuT tHaT!!!!  

    Because? This doesn't follow. At all.
  3. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    I'm just going to pop in and say that this thread has gone wayyyyy off topic. Remember that this is the Instagram Updates thread. If your post doesn't have to do with something Lana has posted on her Instagram, then this is not the correct thread. I'll be moving a lot of these posts to more proper threads such as the Random Lana Discussion thread, Lana Cancels her EU/UK Tour thread, etc. & remember, please try to limit your fighting with other users. It just derails the thread further, causing frustrations for other users to read. Please try your hardest to either ignore users attempting to fight you, or please take the matter privately to the DMs. 


  4. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    A ђђ
  5. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Instagram Updates   
    whats everyone even talking about, someone explain in 10 words or less, i cant be bothered to read all of it
  6. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Iranian military leader Soleimani murdered on Trump’s orders   
    @ the problem is... things weren't exactly different under Bush and Obama, and probably wouldn't be any different under a President Clinton either. This is simply about the US believing they somehow rule the world and can do whatever they want, and kill whoever they want.
    USA: *murders heads of states, military leaders, and other high officials, bombs entire villages and cities, kills thousands of civilians and basically destabilises the entire region because war = $$$*
    Middle-Eastern countries: *hate everything western and want to destroy the US to take revenge*

  7. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm reserving judgment until it actually comes out, but I still think it's just gonna be her reading the poems, and most of those poems will be the ones from IG.
    Anyone who thinks she's written all new poems for this is crazy.
    I'm not saying that that's wrong or bad, because she's made it clear that this is no frills, but if there is even instrumental backing I'll be (pleasantly) surprised.
    I also don't know that this release bodes particularly well for the hard copy book, because I feel like she might abandon that with the idea that, "I gave them the audio version and it's enough."
    We'll see.
    I really hope there's some sort of cover and she gives it to us soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
    If she does do the hard copy can she PLEASE do it like Florence's and put (at least) the NFR lyrics in it? I don't get why she was like, "oh no, I can't do that. There are too many lyrics!" in the live stream. Like, bitch ... seriously go to Genius, copy/paste into a doc, correct the lines that are wrong, and send it to Ben. It'd take her 10 minutes to do that for the whole of NFR.
  8. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by sjatib in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Absolutely out of topic; anyway.
    This year I discovered this site and it's been always a beautiful, safe and interesting place to come since then. Thank you all for making it such a nice and enriching experience. Have a beautiful new year
  9. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    some people, lacking a strong core identity, mimic the traits of those around them because they don't quite know how to feel, what to feel. they probably feel things in an "abnormal" way (too strongly, too sensitive, etc.) and look to others for guidance because they believe they aren't really sure what the "right" way to feel is. they usually feel split, desiring completely opposing things and they can easily see the good and bad in every situation, and are very adaptable (chameleon soul). it's funny because besides being, seemingly, easily influenced she also is known for not really breaking her character or her persona. this isn't to say she can't make up her own mind on things or that she has no desires, just that it may be harder to define and come to a conclusion on what she wants. some things are always present and strong like the wanting to become an artist, to create, and that is probably one of the only solid things she's had to hold onto. it is her rock and through all her confusion, she knows at the end of the day that she wants to be creating art. her art is influenced by her environment and herself though, of course. i think she can see the good in everyone which is a very helpful quality to have when you're faced with a lot of bad. i think she has usually been hopeful, but not so much lately. being able to see the good and the bad, being able to take the whole world in and analyze it and forgive it is... idk cool i guess. her Ride monologue always gets me, especially in the part where she says "I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality, just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean" because I believe that has been one of her biggest struggles in life and that she's being very intimate and raw with us when she tells us that. i believe it is 100% true that she feels that way and i guess it's because i find it easy to relate to. her persona is so strong because of her shaky self-identity, she needed something to latch onto. she always needs to know who she is and i guess maybe that time she was very lonely and didn't have anyone with traits strong enough to mirror. her persona has these defining qualities and is a somewhat complex character (and it is truly her, not just a character) because she needed to define who she was. you can tell by her music that's she capable of doing a lot of different things in terms of sound and persona, but she has always had some fixed traits that you can even see as far back as the Young Like Me ep that are still present in her music now. and being so capable is what has made her shine and what i believe has driven her success. she easily adapts because that is her way of survival. some abuse survivors have to adapt to their environment to survive, they have to shape themselves into whatever character doesn't get them hurt, they have to cater to what the abuser wants in an attempt to not provoke them. now i am not at all saying i think she was abused, just that she went through life experiencing something similar where she was forced to change at a young age and that led to her split identity. 
  10. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Which of Lana's boyfriends would you date? (Updated to include NEW boyfriends!)   
    top row = thom yorke gets hit by lightening three timesand dons different disguises 
    middle row = the group of boys called the hottest boys in school when you're in 12th grade even though they're not that great
    bottom row = love is blind. has to be.
    seriously don't get people calling the cop hot. he looks like bill clinton w plastic surgery.
  11. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Nobody in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread   
    She dumped Barrie before Ultraviolence, Francesco a little bit after Honeymoon, Gerald Eazington before Left 4 Dead, and Chase when NFR was released. If this counts as her next album, Fuckstick's days are numbered

  12. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    She's coming to Paraguay, latina queen
  13. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    you really came back to campaign for ugliest posts, u win sis!
    and are we using bpd as an insult now? that's hot. tell me again how someone is mentally ill for having a different opinion? not gonna lie, your posts are super disgusting and i think we've had enough of your little outbursts.
  14. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Lmao and don't forget that annoying ass gif that I should not even mention again 
  15. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Imagine liking a post in which someone uses a mental illness as an insult and then acting all superior like this
  16. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    How to write a Jared post: Criticize anyone who doesn’t suck Jack Antonoff’s toes, insult those who don’t find Hope to be the most exciting song ever made, hate on any other artist that hasn’t worked with Jack and/or is mainstream, NEVER make a post less than 17 lines, and always make sure to ramble on.
  17. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    mmm yes daddy hit me harder 
  18. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Au grand dam de certains utilisateurs de LanaBoards, je vais continuer d'écrire mes commentaires et donner mon opinion sur l'album que ça vous plaise ou non. J'aime à penser que j'apporte une certaine diversité d'opinion sur le forum, je comprends que mes commentaires puissent avoir été perçus comme étant négatifs et/ou répétitifs. Mais à ce que je sache LanaBoards n'est pas un état totalitaire, et je pense qu'on se doit de promouvoir une certaine diversité d'opinion. Comparer mes opinions à de la litière à chat... wow. Ça ne s'invente pas! C'est pas parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec l'opinion des autres qu'on doit automatiquement donner dans l'insulte et la bassesse. Comme on dit: quand on a pas de culture, on bascule rapidement dans la vulgarité.
    Dans la vie j'ai l'intime conviction qu'on doit apprendre que ce la diversité d'opinion ça existe et que l'on aura pas toujours le dernier mot dans un débat et/ou une discussion. Dans un sens je comprends que mes commentaires sonnent probablement très négatifs pour certaines personnes ici, voir même beaucoup. Mais je me considère encore comment étant un grand fan de Lana. Je pense aussi avoir droit d'exprimer une certaine pensée critique envers celle-ci, elle n'est pas aussi parfaite que certaine personne le laisse entendre ici. Je pense aussi que mes commentaires ont autant leur place sur le forum, ou cette discussion en particulier, que les commentaires de d'autres utilisateurs qui sont, à mon humble avis, tout aussi répétitifs que les miens.
    Bref, j'aimerais conclure en disant que j'en ai franchement rien à chier que vous n'aimez pas ce que j'ai à dire ici. J'ai le droit à mon opinion et aussi le droit de la répéter autant de fois que ça va me tenter. Il n'y a personne, et je répètes bien: personne. Qui va me mettre au silence et avoir le dernier mot sur moi. Sur ce, comme je pense qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de personne qui vont être capable de lire mon commentaire jusqu'ici,  et aussi que la traduction risque de laisser à désirer, j'aimerais terminer en disant ceci: à toutes les personnes qui ne m'aiment pas ici, vous pouvez tous manger de la crisse de marde. Je vous emmerdes profondément, tous autant que vous êtes. Soyez en conscient. Merci. 
    un intellectuel averti. 
  19. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by SweetHenny in 3 Part Video for Norman Fucking Rockwell, Bartender, & Happiness is a Butterfly - OUT NOW   
    They underused Bambi though, like imagine this...
    Baaaaartender hold me all night

  20. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I want to NOT look at Ashley in the film clip for Happiness is a Butterfly but her eye raping is SO PROMINENT it's inescapably relentless. It's such an uncomfortable thing to watch, her staring into my soul EVERY clip she's in. It's like, if I looked away from the screen she would escape and then suddenly be in my house, an unwelcome guest watching me do everything.
    At least Alexis has the decency to pretend to be looking at the CGI butterfly every now and then. 
  21. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Grammy Campaign
    Ariana: Live album
    Lizzo: High budgets videos+ remixes+tv shows
    Billie: Tv shows, outdoors, new music, new videos, a doc, 20000 interviews
    Lana: Lemme get a boring clip with my girls playing with butterflys
    :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:
  22. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    next person who posts that camo jackoff gif is gonna be financially responsible for the vomit damage to my laptop 
  23. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - December 4th, 2019   
    Can this church convert me from poor to rich, thanks
  24. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    lol I remember hearing and thinking "ok, it's enough. End it". It even gives me anxiety, I'm always "now it will end, now it will end...". That was so unecessary   I tend to skip sometimes.
  25. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i like NFR, i did and i do.  it's good, it's cute, it's accessible, it has brief glimpses of meaning and lucidity regarding an extremely disorienting modern world.  it is Lana, for sure.  no one else could have made this album.  to be fair tho, to me, it's very clear that Lana lacked inspiration going into this album - something she freely admitted.  Lana herself talked about having writer's block, being inspired by Jacking Off's chord progressions and writing melodies, etc etc.  That is something that I think definitely comes through in NFR.  Being so invested in her earlier work which was so imbued with potency and necessity, like Lana saying "i had to make these albums" - NFR is not that.  it's good, yes.  but it's dull-er than her previous work.  it lacks the umph of her first three albums.  it doesnt have that je ne sais quoi that Lana's early work had heavy in spades.
    so can we be honest... is this really her best work?  i see all the people claiming this as her "magnum opus" or "masterpiece" which is like... did you not listen to Honeymoon?  Ultraviolence?  NFR doesn't even make sense without the context of Lana's past work.  If NFR was her first album, it would've gotten panned af.  the only reason people are paying so much attention to it is because we know what Lana has done and is capable of.  NFR is her most basic album.  and i'm not even saying that as a bad thing, i just really think it is.  and that's a whole vibe or whatever.  it feels like she's dumbing herself down for a broader audience.  it feels like she's trying to assimilate into celeb culture and whatever.  which is fine.  it's her art, it's her life.  and i like it.  i still listen occasionally.  but masterpiece?  i think that time is past.
    maybe i am being too subjective, but idk.  With her first three albums, i felt something so strong.  a sense of urgency, desperation, stifled power, hopelessness as art, hopelessness as the essence of freedom, truth, iconography, apathy as self-protection, caring as a personal failure that was yet so necessary and unavoidable, SOMETHING powerful and mysterious and important that couldn't be fully described.  NFR feels like taking all that and stripping of it of substance and regurgitating it as pure aesthetic bc she knows that's what worked for her in the past.
    when Lana was Lizzy, she wasn't successful or known.  She didn't have accolades or a huge following or worldwide fame and recognition.  but she had spirit and drive, she KNEW what she was doing was good and meaningful and mattered.  and we can all hear and feel that in her unreleased music.  i remember listening to her unreleased stuff after Born to Die came out and being like "damn this bitch is a for real star and a musical genius, she has such potency and magic, she is so much more for believing in herself without any recognition."  it was a whole thing.
    NFR is like, when you get everything you ever wanted and lose what made you get it in the first place.  that's what it feels like to me.  which is a whole vibe.  it might be her most depressing album because of that, which is powerful in its own way.  it feels like Lana losing herself.  being burnt out.  i appreciate NFR, i really do.  and i think there's meaning in seeing how it fits into her body of work.  but i think it only packs a kick because of its relation to her past work, because we see the growth and change Lana has gone through.  and that, to me, means it cant possibly be her best, most potent, "masterpiece" or "magnum opus".  i love her art, and i love her as an artist.  but not as much anymore.  i think she lost something, and i think NFR is proof of that.  i think the accolades and critical raving about NFR is proof of that.  she's not an underground underdog rock star heroine enigma.  she's a pop star.  a regular person.  good for her, if that's what she wants.  but she doesnt have the power i felt in her first three albums.  the experiences she went through before she was a bonafide star are more potent than whatever's happening now.  maybe that's proof of what i always saw as her original point ----- you may get everything you want, and it'll still be hollow because what the world sees as success is bullshit, what society idolizes is trash, and what really matters gets ignored and forgotten.
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