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rosemead ramada

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About rosemead ramada

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    your little harlot

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    the Mermaid Motel on Neptune Avenue
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  1. Ugh, I was on the store right when all the new stuff dropped and ordered a vinyl within the first few minutes but bc I was at work trying to be super fast on my phone I didn't even notice the signed CDs..... then hours later I saw them. THEY COULD'VE BEEN MINE, THEY WERE RIGHT THERE WHEN I WAS THERE
  2. There is a Portuguese translation being published in Brazil at the end of this month!
  3. I saw the headline and it felt like finding out someone you know in real life died I can't believe it. I loved Buffy and Gossip Girl. RIP Michelle
  4. As someone who doesn't use TikTok (I hate Tiktok, ugh make it go away) the trouble I had to go through to order this but now she's heeeere
  5. I heard through the grapevine that the album title has been changed to The Right Person Will Stay, but the Release Schedule Will Haunt You Forever
  6. I'd loove that as a cover. They should release a deluxe version in the future with that as the cover They keep changing the cover and tracklisting though, like girl the album's only been out for two days I happened to be online at the right time on Friday to get a signed CD though apparently her fans are pretty convinced they're mostly signed by her staff... I've actually never seen a fandom so convinced of widespread fake signatures Anyway, I'm obsessed. I bought Think Later on vinyl on Friday too. Been listening to both nonstop since Friday
  7. I only recently discovered her and omg I am obsessed but why is her album rollout so messy, I thought Lana was bad but here we are
  8. I ordered the blue vinyl but they sent me the white one but I actually don't mind because I love the way it looks. And it sounds perfect so far (I'm only on side B so far) Props to Sabrina's store for fulfilling the order so fast! Why can't other artists' stores be this fast?! So tired of waiting like a week past release date for things to arrive.
  9. Apparently the yellow vinyl was restocked with 1,000 copies yesterday and sold out in 20 minutes? How did I miss this? I NEED to know if these copies look different i am THAT collector
  10. There's a new Born to Die cassette that appeared recently! Very excited to add it to my collection. I love these "official" looking bootlegs. I'm certain these are made by whoever made all the other good bootleg cassettes. There's also good Taylor Swift ones I've pictured below. I hope they make Paradise next so my Lana cassette collection can be "complete"
  11. I'm so tired of these music industry games releasing the same thing over and over I wasn't going to buy the deluxe vinyl just out of principal... i mean do I really need it? but it has Busy Woman on it and that's like my favorite song from the album, so yes, I do need it I am weak
  12. I got in on Amazon! They're just personalized necklaces, you can have it say whatever you want. I checked my past orders but it looks like the exact one I ordered isn't available anymore... but if you search "personalized name necklace" they're all basically the same thing! I use mine as decoration with my Lana stuff bc I'm super extra
  13. There's now a fire in Studio City. It's about half a mile NE from Lana's house
  14. Looking at the most recent fire map it doesn't look like the HBTB house was affected, it just barely escaped https://calfire-forestry.maps.arcgis.com/home/webscene/viewer.html?webscene=0a7381c8b46b4e26a057383424f32c06 The Ralph's in the Palisades she mentions in SportCruiser looks like it's gone though I feel so terrible for everyone who has lost their homes what a sad day for LA
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