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  1. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Cherry Blossom in Wildflower Wildfire   
    reading the last page of the thread really gave me a new love for this song. i love how lana has created a world, a painting, a universe, a puzzle of her life that she expands on in every song, all while maintaining a sense of mystery. every song has its purpose. what a fucking legend
  2. theresawordforitinjapanese liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Wildflower Wildfire   
    she's managed to do the impossible - seemingly telling us everything while also telling us kinda nothing! she's maintained this mystery but also said things to the entire world that you wouldn't even catch yourself saying to your besties at a dinner party. i think lana's greatest skill is this kind of self-mythologising; she somehow has a whole canon of things (K, double homicide, her parents, boarding school, drugs, alcohol, cult leaders) we're all so intrigued by 
  3. Shades liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Wildflower Wildfire   
    oooh yes! i took it more literally like she'd just been found wandering the beach (reminds me of The Ocean - "the ocean makes me cry" / "i'm in love with a dying man, i'm in love laying in the sand") and that's where she'd been found before being rushed to the hospital, although i like your interpretation better!
    though if we were to take the literal interpretation and do some hashtag Lanalysis, maybe a lot of things link back to this day for her? she's clearly a woman predisposed to mental health issues or depression, but maybe a breaking point for her was the day that she describes in Kill Kill / The Ocean, when she finds out she's gonna lose her lover and that she's "in love with a dying man", so she's laid in the sand until - as she describes in Wildflower Wildfire - she's taken into the hospital, sand still on her feet. 
  4. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by MagicalTrancePotion in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Wow, I was really procrastinating in the games section earlier. I need the album. 
  5. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    what the actual fuck  
  6. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Bonita in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  7. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    gurl what the fuck omg
  8. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by ProstituteStares in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ah you read my mind sis! I've always been singing;
    It took 13 bitches
    To find one empty 
    But finally she's mine
    With dripping peaches ?
    I'm banging ready
    Almost all the time 
    And been always imagining a guy who went for hoes and couldn't find the perfect pussy for him, because every of 13 girls had some kind of dildo in them. But there was HER, beautiful hoe, without anything in her and he decided that he would spend a night with her. 
    MY MIND 
  9. Alison by Slowdive liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    as much as COCC is my least fav lana album, i do think it's gonna have a strange, warm and maybe even sad place in my heart in the coming years. it was released when i was going through an intense heartbreak and a really tough time, and i was really banking on the album to make me feel better. i remember at this point thinking things couldn't get any worse for me, but little did i know the worst was yet to come. it's an album that came to me at a time where i thought i was healing but i was really just in the eye of the storm - things were about to get even harder, even more chaotic, even more heartbreaking, even more scary. i remember listening to it for the first time with my best friend out in nature - my heart was really hurting, but i was doing my best to improve myself and fight thru all the bad stuff, so in a way i was doing strangely well. i have such a particular nostalgia associated with that day. i don't really go back to the album much, but im curious to see how i'll feel about it once some time passes.
  10. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    that's a fabulous idea @Doll Harlow !! so naturally im stealing it and adding my own interpretation 
    COCC songs as elements:
    and also just for fun, COCC songs as the zodiac signs they remind me of 
    White Dress: Aries
    Chemtrails Over the Country Club: Sagittarius
    Tulsa Jesus Freak: Taurus
    Let Me Love You Like a Woman: Cancer
    Wild at Heart: Sagittarius
    Dark But Just a Game: Capricorn
    Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Pisces
    Yosemite: Aquarius
    Breaking Up Slowly: Virgo
    Dance Till We Die: Leo
    For Free: Libra
  11. honeybadger liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    this is interesting because i actually feel like DT is really underrated in the fanbase. obviously the GP loved it and it was highly rated in that sense, but on LB and in the fandom at large i feel like DT gets ragged on a lot! i feel like its actually a really fun, interesting song that's upbeat and a little different to lana's usual stuff while also staying true to her retro style. idk im biased bc i love the song and have so many happy memories with it but yea 
  12. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    UO exclusive alternate lyrics:
    It took 13 pussies
    To find one empty 
    But finally it’s mine 
    Past Ventura 
    Theyre poppin plenty
    Almost all the time 

    My fake lyrics are really keeping my hype going 
  13. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    actually now that you mention it, COCC is quite a Pisces vibe  and with Libra being such a feminine sign ruled by Venus I can def see the correlation between that and LMLYLAW!
  14. fishtails liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    well, no surprise here, but still a lot of disappointment 
    i love lana to death and she doesn't owe us a new album or anything, but she at least owes it to herself to respect her own art - if she'd have let chemtrails breathe and not announced fake dates so soon for an album that she's clearly very confused about, then none of us would be in this mess. chemtrails would've been enjoyed and ruminated on a lot more, we wouldn't get the impression that she doesn't care about it as a record and we also wouldn't get the impression that she enjoys torturing us with fake dates 
    while im not surprised and im not gonna unstan or whatever, i do agree with everyone saying this level of unprofessionalism..... far too much. its not a good look and doesn't feel nice as a fan either.
    but on the plus side - so happy to hear about the birth of baby chuck!!! <3
  15. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    What an iconic name 
    Leaked lyrics: all u ladies pop ur pussy like this in Ventura don’t stop don’t miss 
  16. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    RIGHT!!!! i was living for rock candy sweet but then she was like blue banisters and i was like 
  17. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    going back to alabama and taking a look at my life if the album doesn’t release on sunday 
  18. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly though, it'd be funny as fuck if she did just drop it on sunday and nobody expects it because we all think it's been delayed hahahaha i won't expect shit but it would be really funny
  19. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The album really isn't coming is it

  20. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha?
    Oh my god, she fuckin dead
  21. lover liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    actually now that you mention it, COCC is quite a Pisces vibe  and with Libra being such a feminine sign ruled by Venus I can def see the correlation between that and LMLYLAW!
  22. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Britney Spears   
    god bless her, god bless all women, god bless everyone done wrong by abusers both in the industry and in "regular" life. wishing everyone including Britney the very best<33
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