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  1. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus in Instagram Updates   
    I feel so bad for Lana right now. I truly hope that the bunch of people attacking Lana about this whole situation is just a small part of the fandom. Because if not, man she does not deserve this and the fandom definitely does not deserve her and if she stops giving us anything - I’ll fcking cry - but fck I would understand. It’s bloody toxic. The entitlement of these people is bloody toxic. I hope Lana stays clear and doesn’t read any of this. This could take a toll on anyone. Some people are plain horrid.
  2. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Instagram Updates   
    How many of you complainers have signed a petition called the District Attorney?
    Or did anything?
    Probably not one of you have lifted a finger to do a thing. You just complain about Lana doing it and how she does it, and be the negative critical haters you are. You make it hard to try to do anything ! You are never satisfied.
  3. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Instagram Updates   
    Lana has been widely critiqued throughout her career,not one of those artists listed in her statement had accusations of inauthenticity,being fake and superficial,devoid of any talent and relying on her daddy’s money in the beginning of their careers despite Beyoncé’s relatively well off family prior too.I think you all forget this is a woman who was lambasted off a tv performance and in 2014 had a “rape video” of her leaked and comments about being antifeminist and wanting to die all while struggling with her Alluded to abusive mentally or physically relationship with Barry(whilst I’m sure this one was not one sided).
    In the years to come she was again critiqued for displaying her opinions up until now.im not going to state she is without blame in her statements they can be inarticulate and fake deep or woke but I don’t believe her intentions are malicious I do think her original statement was geared towards herself and not to any indication of racial prejudice or spite however her further comments of her and fka were very tone deaf.
    She is a deeply trouble individual who is struggling to come to terms with her meaning dont kiss her ass but understand her point of view and why mentally she Is scared regarding explicit opinions.
  4. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    How can some people have such little compassion for Lana's mental health. We have NO clue what she's doing right now, but we do know that, after having her message misunderstood and used against her to suggest she's racist, she posted a long video where she seemed to really be struggling, and a heartbreaking poem about identifying with Sylvia Plath. That alone makes me give her the benefit of the doubt and know that if she could do something she would, and for all we know she is. Do NOT say that she can handle the thousands of criticisms that she would receive if she posts. You're not her, you don't have a clue what she can or can not mentally handle right now. 
    I also hope that those of you spending an awful lot of time on Lana Boards talking about how shitty she is, are also using your voices to raise awareness elsewhere. I hope you're not just re-posting the same thing on Instagram, but also emailing people in power, making phone calls, donating if you can afford to, etc. I understand this is a very serious and devastating topic, but let's not forget that we're all human and we owe it to one another to try and understand where people are coming from. 
  5. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    It amazes how quickly people can say they don't like Lana anymore, just her music. We don't know anything about how her last few days have been. She had pretty rough week last week in the public eye and everyone told her she needs to take a deep breath and stay off social media. That's what she's doing. I'd be scared to post anything too if I was her. The video she posted was very sad to watch and it's clear she's hurting and doesn't know how to express herself right now. Maybe for her own mental health she can't handle any more backlash. And let's be real, everyone is posting about this right now and everyone is aware. Lana's input isn't going to add much to the conversation. People seem to think that Instagram is the be-all-end-all of activism, but there is so much more we could and should be doing. We don't have a clue what she's doing or how she's feeling right now, so let's not tear her apart when there are a lot more important things to be putting our energy into at the moment, especially when we haven't a clue how Lana is reacting to the current state of the country. Stop treating her like the enemy, she is not a bad person, she's human, and I believe in her to help when and how she can.
  6. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Lucas B. in Instagram Updates   
    Wow, I didn't knew she and her family are obliged to have black friends/boyfriends/parents... Wow, I didn't knew that having only white people in her circle (which isn't a wrong thing) makes her and her family a racist. 
    I thought you guys were fans of hers, but it seems you're just a bunch of trolls who are here to criticize Lana and her family. Just f*cking stop, please!
    If you wanna talk about BL or how you guys think she's racist, go to some b**** forum.

    Yeah i'm by her side no matter what - and you all should do this too - and I'll only be against her if she proves herself a homophobe, that's the f*cking truth!
  7. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Instagram Updates   
    Guys it's extremely over the top to spend pages and pages ranting about a celebrity not issuing a statement on something that doesn't directly have anything to do with them. If Lana felt she had something important to add to the topic she would make a statement. Should she l, a singer not an activist or political commentator be required to issue a statement on every singleawful thing that happens in the world? I'm sure she thinks it's awful what happened but she isn't an activist why would she be expected to make a public statement on an issue she doesn't seem to know a whole lot about? I think discourse is more powerful when it's people who are passionate and informed on issues discussing them rather than every single celeb issuing a bland PR statement that says nothing and does nothing either Evwryone having to talk about everything ensures that nothing will be said and conversation will suffer and we miss out on important necessary discussions about power and injustice
  8. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by ijustwantedtorevivetheforum in Instagram Updates   
    i simply don't understand the pressure on artists to publish things that are not related to their art !! she is NOT obliged, and social media are NOT REAL LIFE, she can do BLM things outside social media in real life that no one knows about she doesn't HAVE TO show it on the internet, she doesn't owe anything to any person, sorry but that's my opinion 
  9. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t really feel like she has to post anything at all besides maybe a donation link or something like that. Unfortunately we all have already seen the video we know what happened. What is she going to ad that hasn’t already been said by people why more well known than her.
  10. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back.  Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 
  11. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Instagram Updates   
    SZA (whoever she is idk? sorry) is reaching. Of things to be offended by, she is picking a weird non-existent sentiment that wasn't even implied. You really can twist a statement to mean anything these days I suppose, as long as there is enough public outcry about something else.
    What is this LUNACY??????????? This is really dangerous logic. Someone having an opinion on something does not automatically mean they assume the absolute binary on other opinions.
    For example, if someone thinks women are strong, it does not mean they think men are weak.
    Saying artists can be overt and sexualised, does not mean that they cannot be feminine. 
    Aggressively reading between the lines and finding a lens to be offended through is absolutely counterproductive to any intelligent conversation or argument because it means that you can disagree with everything for the sake of it without base. It's the logic of flat-earthers who have no scientific evidence to stand on but the rebuttal is 'well we don't know for sure!'. Lana's clumsy first and subsequent tirades do not imply at all that black women are not "GENTLE soft ethereal beings", she is addressing that she feels resentment that she can't explore the same (whether or not that is true is absolutely up for debate, as we have seen).
    Consider what you can extrapolate from this statement:
    I like the music of Lana del Rey, and London Grammar. I don't like music from Beyonce, I think it's too poppy.
    Based on what isn't said here and the 'implied suggestion' argument, here are the things you could say:
    I only like music from white people I don't like music from black people I only like female singers I hate male singers I only like alternative music I hate pop music I don't like Australian music I'm homophobic as I don't listen to any queer identifying artists On and on, when I'm just saying some artists I like, and I don't really like Beyoncé.
    There are merits to the arguments that the name-dropping of black artists is unfortunate, but purposefully creating reasons to be offended by looking at words that are unsaid is extremely counterproductive, and just give the concession that people are entitled to be offended at everything based on nothing. 
  12. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    And again Lana never said that. She did a messy post, included the name of some black singers and BAM it's racist. Basic reading comprehension is really lacking on the internet. She never said that black women or women wearing sexy clothes can't be soft. This is actively misunderstsnding her to play the OFFENDED-card.
  13. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Barttender in Instagram Updates   
    I'm a little late, since I'm a busy. But...
    It seems sad to me that when she finally decides to put out things that bother her, her own fans question her sanity...
    Jesus Christ! Can't a woman change her posture or talk about what she wants without being labeled crazy? When deciding to deal with these personal matters now, does it not occur to you that she could be in a healthier place than when she was unable to deal with it?
    She talked about fragility and, in a way, about oppression / abuse. And what do I see are people saying to her "shut up"? That sounds offensive and oppressive as hell... I can understand why she got angry and told some to fuck themselves. I believe that part of her "blind reaction" to people's comments may have been triggered by those "oppressive" comments she received.
    Please, as much as she has expressed herself badly, in the use of words, and this has caused misunderstandings about her intentions, do not do with her exactly what she was complaining about in that post, for those who managed to understand her.
    As I said before, being a "straight white man", it is not for me to discuss issues related to feminism. It is up to me to just support them. I know that what she said provoked several discussions, because her words are not very articulate. But I'm not going to go into that, although I understand why some people are uncomfortable.
    I believe in her good intentions and I never saw her as vulnerable as in that video.
    Don't get me wrong... That's all I feel about this sad episode.
  14. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    To me, her point is pretty clear: when female artists sing about their sexuality in a way that's deemed positive or empowering, critics love it. But the moment Lana tries to weave a narrative where she makes mistakes sexually/romantically, and surrenders power to a man (who perhaps doesn't treat her well), she's crucified for it.
    She wants everyone to be able to sing about their experiences without being told they're "glamorizing abuse." That's all she's saying. It's not an artist's job to be an example.
  15. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Slumdog in Instagram Updates   
    As a soft/delicate woman I always felt glad someone like Lana made it big. What she says is so relatable. It always seemed like there is only space for loud or outspoken people. If you aren't like that, you are perceived as weak and, especially as a woman, it is your duty to show that you are "strong" and impose yourself. This reminds me of what Susan Cain said in her TED Talk titled "The power of introverts".
  16. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    The submissive woman has not always been championed by the patriarchy, it has been forced by the patriarchy. It's about choice. She wants to choose to be submissive, not have it forced upon her. She’s absolutely right when saying there needs to be a space for fragility in the feminist community. There's been a prominent focus on being a strong, independent woman and clearly she does not see herself in that image. It's forcing her to be something she isn’t. The same way a woman can be pressured and forced into a submissive role. Women need a space to be whoever they want to be and do whatever pleases or displeases them.
    when she talked about fucking people in the industry, Fox News slut shamed her. And just because we can't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  17. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Instagram Updates   
    I have so much respect for this woman
  18. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by GreatTimes in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional but sober and just fine
    Shame on those who said she must be on crack or having a mental breakdown, simply cause she did something we didn’t like
  19. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I understand what u mean but I guess at least for whf, I'd have to disagree.. I think inspiration can be really quick, and that it might just be important to chase it til its done. I know she had a handful of songs for nfr, but she literally waited more or less a year for reasons I doubt we'll ever know for sure but yeah.. I think there's a kind of catharsis that can happen when you're almost done writing and I hope she really follows through w this one.
  20. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Instagram Updates   
    soo disrespectful.. you really sound bothered that your posts were deleted. I personally don’t even know what they were, but whichever mod deleted them surely had a good reason.
    her life’s work?... as if Elle is even paid to run this trainwreck of a fanbase. Y’all need to respect & appreciate all the time & money she puts into this site, just so that you all can complain and argue with each other SMFH
  21. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Um, I don't like this mindset. I don't think it sets a good example for the forum to tell a user who just joined here that "hating Lana is our specialty" because that's absolutely not what this forum is about nor promotes. LanaBoards is intended to be a positive and healthy place for discussion. Of course, all sorts of opinions are welcome even if they lean on the negative or critical side, just as long as they don't cross any sort of line. With that being said, I really don't like to see users encouraging hate. Blatant hate is absolutely not tolerated. There's a fine but very clear line between constructive criticism and blatant hate, and LanaBoards does not at all promote the latter. I still feel weird about speaking publicly during this time, but I just couldn't ignore this message.
    @@Luisjeescobarb my apologies for the message directed at you, I hope you don't gather wrong ideas about this community and its intentions. x
  22. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Luisjeescobarb in Instagram Updates   
    I just got registered cause I didnt know this forum existed. I almost read every single page of this thread. And some of you spend more time talking sh*t about Lana than haters themselves lol. Are you even fans? If you think shes ignorant, racist, whatever; why do you even bother following her?! Personally, I dont even have such negative thoughts about anyone, not even about people whove hurt me. You are unbelieveble. You really have to reflect on yourselves. Some of you are saying shes in a bad state of mind... firstly, shes human too; secondly, shouldnt you be NICER if shes not doing well? Have you ever gone through a harsh time? You wouldnt like to read sh*t specially from your people. You seem to be lacking empathy big time. And want to let this clear before you reply back, theres a big difference in saying something you think shes done wrong to go ranting about and being mean. And you Foxglove are the most toxic "fan"/hater, on this thread at least, thats why I quoted your message to say this. I really cant deal with your toxicity. I really hope Lana doesnt read this forum.
    If she does, a big hug to you from a sensitive soul to another one .
  23. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Instagram Updates   
    Y'all shouldn't be talking about her mental health in the first place knowing that she could read that shit. I'm sorry but that's the truth, I'm sure your friend had good intentions but you just don't talk about other people's mental health issues when she's... like... THERE that's kinda rude to begin with
  24. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by ultrababy in Instagram Updates   
    Because that’s not how it works? Sometimes you’ve just got to stand for your opinion if you believe in it. Also, she doesn’t have anything to apologize for in my opinion. She just spoke her mind.
  25. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by AFFA in Instagram Updates   
    Please stop saying she should’ve apologized. It’s not her fault people can’t fucking read
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