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trailer park

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  1. Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by trailer park in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    omg I love these 2    gonna listen to them right now tbh
  2. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by trailer park in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    omg I love these 2    gonna listen to them right now tbh
  3. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by trailer park in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    omg I love these 2    gonna listen to them right now tbh
  4. urgirl liked a post in a topic by trailer park in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    omg I love these 2    gonna listen to them right now tbh
  5. movebaby liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  6. trailer park liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I appreciate that you feel very strongly about this but given that criticism of any kind upsets you so much, I don't think threads and spaces that are built for discussion (and therefore lead to criticism) are the healthiest place for you if you can't engage in conversations without being so upset by the criticism and attacking the character of those who give it.
  7. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - March 4th, 2020   
    she looks so young here 
    *sings religion*
  8. cherriesinthespring liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - March 4th, 2020   
    she looks so young here 
    *sings religion*
  9. Elle liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - March 4th, 2020   
    she looks so young here 
    *sings religion*
  10. trailer park liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    wow you have no idea what youre talking about lol.  i wrote about how it's ignorant for Lana to continually reference native american issues without actually addressing them directly, accurately, or adequately, particularly as a rich celebrity with a massive platform that has the potential to impact the larger culture.  that's far from being "offended" about it.  where did i say "she's not allowed to use these words bc they hurt my feelings!!!!"? lol.  we can all say and do whatever we want.  that's just reality.  so just as Lana can write shitty poetry with ill-conceived metaphors, i can call out why it's ignorant and share my bit about it.  or are you triggered by coming across my opinion and would rather shut me up?
    you're wrong, btw, about all human populations being colonized, which you'd maybe have seen, if youd actually looked into what i said in my post instead of just acting like you know everything.  there are existing indigenous people who have never been colonized and are currently under attack.  that's the whole point of what i was saying ab indigeneous tribes in the amazon threatened by bolsonaro, the wet'suwet'en people resisting current domination by the canadian govt, etc.  even completely un-contacted tribes still exist.  Colonization is still happening, and indigenous people still exist.  Do you just not know what the word means, so it's easier for you to pretend you do than actually educate yourself?
    your argument is especially stupid and cruel, even if you weren't completely wrong, bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists.  "colonization has happened a bunch of places, so lets all just go along with it"... wtf.  people are still, currently, resisting these systems, fighting back, and fighting to decolonize where it's already taken over.  like actually educate yourself. dont take it from me - listen to indigenous people.  that is, if youre not so prejudiced that you dismiss out of hand any perspective that doesnt confirm and validate your shitty biases.  idk where youre from, but Lana and I live on Turtle Island, where the violent history of colonization still affects the culture and people today.  it's an important issue that deserves a full analysis.  i'd rather align myself with people currently fighting against neocolonialism, and fighting to decolonize, than the rich and ignorant who just want to control everything and subjugate everyone else.
    which brings me to what we can agree on, which is actually that there probably isn't that much impact.  mostly because Lana is quickly making herself pretty fucking irrelevant to any larger cultural conversation.  and Lanaboards is like a fart in the abyss, so it's not like my words here will have any impact.  i just find it so disappointing that people like Lana, and apparently you, can come so close to actually grappling with the reality of this issue and end up still turning away from gathering any real knowledge about it.  Lana has the platform and potential to make an impact on our world, and she doesn't do shit.  that's her prerogative, but it's my right to say that fucking sucks.  stay prejudiced and ignorant, i guess
  11. trailer park liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Instagram Updates   
    I’ve got to agree that Lana has the power, potential and platform to make a greater impact on culture and society and she doesn’t use it, which absolutely sucks... we all know she wants to be impactful, recognised, praised and she wants her brand to stay forever, as introverted, lazy and DIY she is. If she wants to stay for good, she has to educate herself. Her heart is in the right place, her intentions are good, but she should expand her thoughts. The slight political comments on NFR were nice and well-written, but her real-life execution of them are, as we can see, messy. She can’t keep ignoring so many topics... she’s been in the industry for over a decade. Open up Lana!
  12. trailer park liked a post in a topic by Downtown Baby Doll in Instagram Updates   
    Going to church is one thing, but cancelling an entire leg of a tour and hanging out at Disneyland is...not a great look
  13. trailer park liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    I can't believe people really thought she was sick. 
    She didn't want to tour right now because she didn't feel like it and seeing how her first leg of the NFR tour went, why would any of you want to see her like that? Unless you like throwing $400 away. No real singing. Mumbling and lip syncing. Awful outfits. Low energy. Same set lists. Short shows. 
    Honestly let her have her break and happy moments with her family. She might come back really revitalized from this break and do a stellar job at Coachella and the other shows. 
  14. trailer park liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Are you a compulsive liar or is it a choice
  15. trailer park liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    What exactly do you want people to do, though? You make it sound like you want the mods to ... stop people from criticising her?
    If everyone was only allowed to sit here and say that everything she does is great, LanaBoreds would be like her Instagram comments: completely pointless. Also, what makes you think that you get Lana? You, after all, don't know what her intentions are - you can only speculate, which is what everyone else is doing. Have you considered that maybe the atmosphere here has changed because she has changed? That it's because she's doing and saying a lot of problematic shit?
    It seems to me like you really just want this community to be on your (very sensitive) terms.
  16. trailer park liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Instagram Updates   
    You make it sound like lanaboards is a hostage situation for you 
  17. trailer park liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Instagram Updates   
    i think just the sheer use of the word "colonise" from a rich white lady who famously appropriated a native american headdress in one of her all time most famous videos, who has said things like "he's a good cop " about her policeman boyfie and has previously stated (although she went on to redact it) "feminism doesn't interest me because i'm more interested in space or whatever lol" is..... questionable at best, tonedeaf and a display of insensitivity and ignorance most likely, possibly rather racist at worst.
    do i believe lana had bad intentions with her use of the word and her borrowing of this imagery? absolutely not.
    do i think she should've just avoided it overall? good lord yes.
    the poem itself is not nuanced and well-explained enough to really pull off the metaphor. even if it was, many people would still have an issue with it, and that's absolutely fine. colonisation is a very big topic right now (when is it not though?) and although i live in the uk (so i'm not very well versed in native american history, plus i'm stupid) i can see the native community in the US and other countries are absolutely going thru it right now and they're doing an incredible job at drawing attention to their often overlooked issues in real life, on the internet, on television and podcasts, and many other platforms. the current social climate doesn't really allow for ignorance towards this and certainly doesn't allow for the borrowing of such loaded, heavy words. poetry is all about metaphors and interpretations, sure, but this was bound to be a headache from the beginning so lana really should've used her best judgement and avoided it.
  18. trailer park liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
  19. trailer park liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Instagram Updates   
    I remember her mentioning something about profits from the poetry book going towards a native american organisation/charity, which imo makes the inclusion of words like resist and colonise even more offensive... like appropriating those very circumstantially specific words in this kind of context is certainly a look™
    Sis really doesn't know much huh.
  20. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  21. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  22. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  23. Foxglove liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  24. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Instagram Updates   
    What a bad choice of words... she should really be more careful at least when she decides to share her stuff with the rest of the world. She has no obligation to involve herself in politics, but when she decides to do so even indirectly, it would be best if she used her fame to raise awareness about still existing issues instead of offending a group of people (although I'm 100% sure she doesn't realise it, and there's no excuse for that). 
  25. trailer park liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    May I be the first to say ... what the fuck
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