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About Elias943

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  1. Can't wait, I'm from Greece and I missed 2 times to see her
  2. The Ride Monologue with all the clips from her previous eras with her just sitting there and watching them was and is trully emotional. It made me cry. Amazing idea.
  3. Happy Birthday BTD! Always a classic and a favourite 💕
  4. Hey @BlackoutZone and thank you for all the info! One question, do you happen to know if there were more scrapped music videos like TNBAR? Either early concepts or fully worked on? I remember she announced a music video for Dark Paradise but we never saw anything. Thank you!
  5. 1.Paradise 2.Ultraviolence 3.Born To Die 4.Honeymoon 5.Lust For Life 6.Norman Fucking Rockwell! 7.Chemtrails Over The Country Club 8.Blue Banisters 9.ΑΚΑ 10.Sirens
  6. In addition to thaat I would like to add that I would love to see the vintage/miss americana style from BTD again. (Even though I'm pretty sure we'll never getting that back )
  7. For Lana I can definitely say this one: It captured the feels of that song completely. Too bad it got ruined in the album version. If I can recall she said the same thing as well for that song in one of her interviews
  8. The one that started everything for me. Timeless and amazing album. Really hope she'll do something about it. Happy Birthday BTD
  9. These covers are a mess
  10. Velvet Crowbar and I Talk To Jesus. I wouldn't want to see any changes on them personally, only to make them more polished. They are both gems for me
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