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About Theomo

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  • Birthday 04/29/1995

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  1. https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/concert-inter/soiree-lana-del-rey-du-mercredi-21-aout-2024-8106506 starts at 1:04:22
  2. Apples - 11 Oranges - 8 Bananas - 13 Pears - 11 Peaches - 12 Mangos - 10 Lemons - 10 Grapes - 10 Cherries - 12 Strawberries - 12 Blueberries - 10 Raspberries - 10 Blackberries - 10 Pineapples - 11 Watermelon - 13 Kiwis - 12 Pomegranates - 5 Avocados - 9 Tomatoes - 8 Potatoes - 11 Broccoli - 9 Cauliflower - 2 Carrots - 11 Celery - 6 Bell Peppers - 7 Onions - 18 Green Beans - 12 Eggplants - 6 Corn - 12
  3. if i'm not wrong, it should start in 1 hour 7 minutes
  4. I'm kinda a wierdo for this, but this music slaps
  5. sorry for being an idiot, but im not a native speaker, she says that passion is a better thing than safety, right? I'm mainly confused because of this sentence: 'And, instead, safety should be'
  6. i kinda love how livestreamers are singing the songs with Lana... They're so nice to project the show for us, lovely to see, that they're enjoying it
  7. whats she saying btw?? the way you played for me ..... you show??
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