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  1. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Matt Maeson - Hallucinogenics feat. Lana Del Rey | 25th September 2020   
    its cute, nothing too noteworthy 
  2. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Instagram Updates   
    girl calling Lana's bf a musician is like saying Kidz Bop are musicians- its just wrong 
  3. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by lilithlana in Instagram Updates   
    God I hope she finds a musician bf next....
  4. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by lilithlana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I luv Burning Desire it's sexy....
  5. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by lilithlana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I luv Burning Desire it's sexy....
  6. Party Favor liked a post in a topic by lilithlana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I luv Burning Desire it's sexy....
  7. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Ultradealerence in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Comparing NFR lyrics with Violet poems, it seems NFR is flat and Violet explores more on her words writing ability. Would love more deep lyrical themes in cocc rather in the car I’m your baby
  8. Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by lilithlana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I luv Burning Desire it's sexy....
  9. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    burning desire is so slept on. a classic when you're thirsty for dick
  10. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Religion's such a badass song especially when u think about it from a sarcastic perspective. like whoever she's singing it to- wow. 
  11. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I didn’t find Question for the Culture to be controversial at all, I had read it as I would read any other announcement she has made and didn’t think too much about it. It wasn’t until I went online the next day and saw everybody attacking her that I was more aware of the culture she was referring to and I think the public’s reaction and them turning it into a race war just proved the point she was making.
    Her listing those women in the admiring way she did was to say “look at these women who sing about the same stuff that I do, but are seen as empowering figures in the feminist community, whereas I am seen as archaic in my beliefs that allegedly set women back hundreds of years.”  I get that fans say they’re “traumatized” by her posting that because it’s never fun to watch someone you care about be berated by the masses, but I think that kind of indirectly trivializes the things that Lana was saying and contributes to the erasure of inclusivity of women in feminism and perpetuates the narrative that women need to adopt traditionally-masculine characteristics in order to be empowering (and by the way, I’m not saying women who adopt those characteristics are doing so on purpose just to fit a standard of feminism, there are so many more factors besides gender that play into why someone is the way they are). Why can’t women just be the way they are, even if that’s more “fragile” as Lana has identified herself to be, and still be empowering?  I admire her ability to come out and say something like this - something that people may not be able to metabolize in times like these. 
  12. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Oh how I miss Barrie and Francesco. These new guys she’s dating are so weird like... she’s lost her damn mind omg. 
  13. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Instagram Updates   
    The way some of you were talking about Lana a few pages back is honestly disgusting. It's one thing to discuss her personality, but if you no longer "have time for her shit" or whatever, why the fuck are you still here? Go.
  14. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    To be fair, I personally believe it's best if people think very carefully about having kids if they do have mental disorders (I myself have plenty and choose not to have children for that reason), BUT we really don't know Lana, so it's unfair to say that she shouldn't have kids. I know Lana has some bumps, but overall I do feel like she's a well put together woman. She has a successful career, friends, a house, a family etc. She's self sufficient and loving. Can we not make such harsh judgements about her without actually knowing her as a person? We as fans only get a peek of what she's truly like and what she desires in life, and it seems foolish to pin a disorder on her
  15. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    One quote about being an underdog and y’all lose your minds? Give me a fucking break.
  16. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I oddly liked the interview and I like its frankness. I don't find her so haughty, so many others do much worse and are musical crap. Lana has been modest for quite a long time, so yes I love it when she's simple and down to earth but let's be honest: she's really, really superior to all those artists we hear too much and I love the fact that she shows this that she is, even if that irritates a little. She is aware of her music and does it with an incredible quality-passion that we rarely find. She can take that ego and I don't blame her. After all, she owes us nothing. Let's appreciate the artist and what he has to offer while he's still alive and cut out the rest that isn't music.
    As for Jack, I hate this guy. Lana's friends are all boring and him too. Another rich boring farting in the silk at every opportunity. It's those clichés of the rich man who finds poor people's activities weird and too cool when one of these friends sets foot there. It is overpriced. Starbucks man hanging out with his disconnected Burgundy girlfriend, talking about spending a day in a popular suburb, and rushing to fill his Instagram with photos he thinks too risky to show his pals he's been through the real life. A cardboard adventurer. Lana is the same I know, but I don't feel that way, at least before. If it rubs off on this guy, it's disappointing. I'm really disappointed that Lana decides to sit with him, her productions are really bland, weak, pretentious and don't bring out anything interesting about her unlike her former producers who were cut out for her. NFR is the album that I like the least, and it didn't deserve the praise because everything is boring in my opinion.
    Like someone said, either CCOTC is a good record (it won't be great with Jack going to put down his two-chord acoustic piano shit anyway) or it's a real shit. And given the place and who she's heading musically, I feel like it's going to sound like something pompous and overpriced. I hope I am wrong. Obviously as it is less pop and less dark, the critical magazines - which are pure trash cans full - will throw themselves on it to rate this shit 9/10 while they have not stopped pushing BTD (Paradise) deeply and UV which are very very good. No, I still haven't forgiven.
    I go to bed.
  17. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    Also to whoever said Rick is a yes man: no he isn't, according to Lana herself. In a radio interview last year she said that she enjoyed working with Jack because it was nice to work with a producer who didn't tell her that things "suck".  She picked Jack because he IS  a yes man. 
  18. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I identify so much with some of the things that Lana is saying. Not the end of the interview with Lana and Jack basically congratulating each other. But, for example, the need for feminism to create a space for what Lana calls "fragility" (I think "sensitivity" is more to the point); as well as the need for earnest, well-meaning people to speak truth in a culture that is obsessed with keeping up appearances.
    I really think a large part of it is different personality types. Some people are amazing at diplomacy, and that is really a valuable skill. There is definitely a place for putting your best foot forward. But there is also a place for speaking the hard truths even when it interrupts the constant striving for positive spin. For some of us, it's less important to make ourselves look good, and more important to participate in "iron sharpening iron" -- actually STRENGTHENING each other. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." And it saddens me when that hard work is dismissed as not putting in the work of relationship-building.
    Frankly, to someone who believes loving others IS telling them the truth, it can seem that those who are focused on image management are the ones not putting in the hard work needed for healthy relationships.
    But again, I think it's partly a matter of different personalities having different strengths. I wish we could all learn to celebrate the good in each other, even when it's different, rather than settling for building up self by tearing down others. I'm not there yet. Sometimes when I feel that "my way" is getting stomped on, it makes me want to see only the evil in the "other way." After all, when you're repeatedly criticized for doing right, it only makes it that much harder to see your true flaws.
    As far as Lana thinking she's right about everything, I don't see her comments as saying that at all (though the we-always-understood-everything-going-on comments were getting a bit much). I think she's just learned not to fall into the trap of pretending both parties are always somewhat to blame (as someone in this thread said earlier). Part of "keeping up appearances" is sometimes "admitting" to something you didn't do, just to support your own image of reasonableness, or to create the illusion of teamwork. Couples' counseling is a prime example. But I never got anywhere in therapy until I learned to say, "No, actually this isn't something we both do. This is something YOU do, and I'm not going to let you turn it around on me." There's a lot of social points to be scored by "taking responsibility." But for someone who's seeking wholeness, if that means taking responsibility for someone else's wrongdoing, it's just not worth it anymore.
    So I think that's what Lana means when she says she's an underdog. She's going for integrity, as she sees it ("fragility" or sensitivity, an earnestness), over image management in the form of power feminism. And in an industry founded on appearances, it means in that sense she's going to be put at a disadvantage when the attacks come. 
    I think Lana is very brave.
  19. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I feel like Lana has always said dumb shit in interviews before and this one is really no different. But I do hope for her own artistry and sanity that she keeps getting out of LA every so often because I think it can be a place that encourages getting lost in a certain magical way of thinking and going to places like the midwest can ground her a little more so she has a better balance of things. 
    Also I really hope that Jack and Lana do not get tied to each other too much because I think Jack's main ability is getting artists to be vulnerable and open up a bit more (which is good for things like songwriting) but he has no ability to push back on anything or offer critiques, which long-term results in more mediocre production. I think this is especially true with someone like Lana who is obviously very strong willed (and should be, not saying that's a bad thing). But she needs someone who can bring--to use one of her words--fire to the production and fire to the overall conversation and Jack is not someone I ever see as having that. I think Lana needs someone who doesn't override her and lets her give her full viewpoint on her vision and where she wants to take something, but she needs someone who is going to push her and challenge the exact way that she gets to her vision, if that makes sense. And then she can push and challenge him, and so forth. And Jack is not that person. But I'm willing to be proven wrong if Chemtrails is an amazing artistic evolution or something. 
  20. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I’m starting to find Jack to be a nerdy little irritating shit.
  21. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    MAC is one of her worst songs, the lyrics are cringe and its awful sonically 
  22. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    maybe im also a crazy egomaniac also because im not getting those kind of vibes from this interview at all. she's fucking crazy but she's free y'all......
    With her saying that she knew we weren't ready for a crisis, is not like a crazy take im pretty sure most people who are even half way enlightened about politics right or left knew this. Americans have been in a complete state of ambient doom since 2016. 
  23. lilithlana liked a post in a topic by bored in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I really love Norman, and it was a definite step up from Lust For Life and a much needed change, but honestly, I can't decide how I feel about her discography's production.
    Born To Die's production is flawless, but we know Lana had very little say and it was Emile who had the control. Ultraviolence is equally as impressive and again, it was mainly down to Dan but it was Lana that reached out to him and despite their differences it sounds like they worked together and put the music first. Honeymoon was peak Rick and Lana and is such a vanity project but she pulls it off... I honestly think Lana is the type of artist that needs to work with somebody new on each record, just so she doesn't get bored or comfortable. Or she needs to find somebody who challenges her, like Dan did. 
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