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  1. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    Good that she posted - Not sure that she went tho, in the last video it’s her friend Valerie that is filming.
  2. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Instagram Updates   
    even when she showed her support some ppl still wanna talk shit
    i knew it lmao that’s why you will never please people
  3. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    I mean some of us are still in quarantine
  4. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Instagram Updates   
    She was there on the ground which is more than a lot of the online detractors can probably say for themselves. Unfortunately it probably wasn't the best idea to post a really long static of video of people looting where you can actually make out some of their faces.
    The irony is if she didn't post this we wouldn't have known she was there and she would have be condemned for that. When in reality showing up is doing more than sharing something like so many other celebrities are doing. I don't doubt she has donated to bail funds either but again unless she publicly posts it - which would be self-serving - she would be condemned. Yes it's a long way from condemning racist and violent police but she was literally dating one I'm not expecting her to be as great as she should be which in itself is a privledge. This is far bigger than her and now she hasn't remained silent. So...
  5. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Omg now you're complaining about HOW she posted, even though we know now that she was at the protest?

  6. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  7. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    anyone who thinks LFL is her worst album is immature. hate to break it to ya
  8. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Wait those screenshots clarify so much. First of all, it is weird to question someone’s mental health. Nothing about Lana’s post seemed to signify she was mentally ill... just ignorant. And who talks shit in a group chat the person is in? Like wha... and those rats spread those screenshots omitting her explaining WHY she was made at weadorelana. And they went viral on twitter in the midst of people hating on her. A mess
  9. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    And the first bitch imma smack is sean larkin
  10. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by electra in Instagram Updates   
    my biggest enemy is me pop a 911
  11. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    ALSO yes, SHE DOES NOT owe us anything AT ALL. HOWEVER, as a PRIVILEGED + RICH + WHITE person she HAS to ACKNOWLEDGE Black Lives Matter. she does not owe us anything, she owes it to the oppressed black community.
    this is the simplest way to put it out, and if you still do not get it... well. fuck off.
  12. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
  13. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    idk about you guys but I’ve lost a lot of respect for LDR today...she’s so aware of everything and she still hasn’t said a word. she was active last night on ig and she couldn’t even bring herself to post anything regarding the black lives matter movement. insensitive and disgusting behaviour on her behalf. i hope she AT LEAST reposts a link for a petition
  14. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    she SHOULD post something but we all know she won’t. she dated a white cop, what do we expect?
  15. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  16. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    People are saying that she shouldn't post cause she'd receive backlash cause of last week's events. What me and others are saying is posting is the right thing to do and she should do it no matter what. This isn't about her, her backlash, it's about contributing to the good, spreading good intentions.
  17. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  18. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  19. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  20. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Instagram Updates   
    even if you’re worried about people twisting her words (which is an extremely minuscule thing to worry about considering what’s going on) she could simply post a link to the donations page or other resources. She has 20 million followers and is using that platform for nothing as of right now.
    Very eye opening few weeks here taking everything into account. Maybe she’ll do the right thing today who knows
  21. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    We been knew that she only talks about stuff that involves her
  22. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by alexandro in Instagram Updates   
    She really has the energy to trash these artists for whatever the fuck reason and extend her shit storm for three days, but is completely silent at this. I would have never thought this, but I think she’s lost me for good. She doesn’t represent the values I stand for.
  23. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  24. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    they have no brains to understand this.
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