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  1. colacoven liked a post in a topic by ionut in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    1. Hundred Dollar Bill
    2. Hollywood’s Dead
    3. On our way
    4.Party Girl (St Tropez)
    5.Queen of Disaster
    (NOT my top 5 in order but still)
  2. colacoven liked a post in a topic by LoveOnTheGolfCourse in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    1. Damn You
    2. What’s a Girl to Do
    3. Hey You
    4. Live or Die
    5. Put the Radio On

  3. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    It would be smart for her to do
    - Serial Killer
    - Queen of Disaster
    But I also really want:
    - Driving In Cars With Boys
    - Paradise
    - Hit and Run
    - Hollywood's Dead
  4. colacoven liked a post in a topic by J03 in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    Never let me go*
    serial killer 
    French restaurant *
    Prom song*
    heart shaped box
    driving in cars with boys *
    live or die*

    * denotes songs I’d like to see re-recorded/reworked by the original BTD producers to the more grandiose polished sound of the record. 
  5. colacoven liked a post in a topic by vacillator in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    Serial Killer x5 idgaf cuz baby im a sociopath sweet serial killer!!!!
  6. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Stoned Mary in the Garden in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    Because of you 
    making out 
    On our way 
    you can be the boss 
    Hollywood’s dead 
    dum dum 
    you & me 
    Those are my favs 
    Wait is backfire a btd outtake? 
  7. colacoven liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    TV in black and white
    Serial Killer
    Because of You
    Queen of Disaster
    Hollywoods Dead
  8. colacoven liked a post in a topic by taco truck in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    1. What’s a Girl to Do
    2. On Our Way
    3. Afraid
    4. Driving in Cars with Boys
    5. TV in Black and White 
  9. colacoven liked a post in a topic by bia in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    1. Driving in cars with boys
    2. hundred dollar bill
    3. heavy hitter 
    4. Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
    5. TV in black and white
    honorable mentions:
    Shes not me, Live or Die
  10. colacoven liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    last girl on earth
    serial killer
    hollywoods dead
    driving in cars with boys 
    velvet crowbar (i don’t actually think it would fit in very well but i need it nonetheless)
  11. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in If Lana was to release some btd outtakes what are your top five must haves   
    For me it would probably be
    Damn you
    Hollywood's dead 
    Last girl on earth
    Serial Killer
  12. colacoven liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Take Me Home, Country Roads (John Denver Cover) [SINGLE] - December 1st, 2023   
    lovely, sweet song, and i love the cover image for the single. hope phoenix grows up and writes a beautiful memoir about growing up in the grant coven.
  13. colacoven liked a post in a topic by AtomicMess in Charli XCX   
    I'm dying at this interview lmao:
    XCX: [...] I call the paparazzi on myself. I know I do that. [...] When I stay at the Bowery Hotel in New York, I say to my boyfriend, “When we are leaving, don’t talk to me because I can’t be mid-talk in a photo.” [...] I’m looking down with glasses on. I’m like, “Let’s go.” 

    Icon behavior.
  14. colacoven liked a post in a topic by ButterflyBones in Melanie Martinez   
    You mean you don't like hearing an immortal being sing diss tracks on Oliver Tree and make multiple piss references? You really don't want your penis pushed into your mouth? Sad for you
    (Kidding, but seriously what the fuck are some of these lyrics.. release Fingers Crossed already)
  15. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in Melanie Martinez   
    Even a year later im more certain her career choices are getting worse…. Like… portals could have been AOTY easily with another tracklist, different album cover and title. No masc, just a fairy inspired look and some visuals. 
        1.      Death                           (Demo)
        2.      Void                             (Demo)
        3.      Dragons Blood 
        4.      Tunnel Vision
        5.      Faerie Soiree
        6.      Leeches
        7.      Spider Web
        8.      Moon Cycle
        9.      Garden 
        10.    Needle & Thread
        11.    The Contortionist   
        12.    Nymphology    
        13.    Emerald 
        14.    Fingers Crossed
        15.    Mother Of Pearl
        16.    Barely Juice
        17.    Pluto 
    Angry tantrum EP against ex-boyfriend Oliver Tree with a more rock sound:
        1.      Evil 
        2.      Battle Of The Larynx   (With another title PLEASE) 
        3.      Powder
        4.      Sirens
        5.      Light Shower

    some MV for album promotion with no cringe movie… like a double feature for Death and Void, Tunnel Vision and Faerie Soiree and Moon Cycle and Garden. Also a cool video for Spider Web and The Contortionist would have outsold.
    and that would have ate, not me making better decisions than her label. She really needs a reality check ASAP! Or just hire a gay to choose for her, since it seems everyone around her (including Verde) is a little ass licking 
    someone give this girl no budget again and just a guitar and some co-writers!! Also K+OL 
  16. colacoven liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Melanie Martinez   
    i guess shes saving the real ideas for the film that we're never gonna get
  17. colacoven liked a post in a topic by sublimedreamersublime in Melanie Martinez   
    I really want the PORTALS film at some point. I understand the concept but what's the storyline? 
  18. colacoven liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Melanie Martinez   
    Streaming and experiencing Powder and Pluto one after the other is life changing. She came for blood and neck with these two
  19. colacoven liked a post in a topic by champainproblms in Melanie Martinez   
    crazy to think that her best era (to me) to this day is dollhouse ep. two iconic music videos done with minor budget (especially dollhouse which was crowd funded), a great tour where she had fun and was always adding and changing the setlist to keep it fresh, fun interviews and photoshoots, and we even got amazing live performances on her channel... oh i miss the goof ol days
    cry baby era is also a testiment to the fact that melanie works better with a restricted budget, but i feel like she was so spoiled with k12 that now she refuses to work if it isnt exactly the way she wants it do matter the cost
  20. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Augustine in Melanie Martinez   
    i used to be a mega fan of her's back in 2015 and saw her on the cry baby tour twice. as amazing as it was, this was around the time she started losing her voice. and the show really only focused on her singing for an hour straight (no transitions, no dancers)
    that's why i think she's still trying to switch it up from that and giving herself time to breathe, because she knows she has a pretty fragile voice. i also went to a k-12 show right before covid shut it down and that was definitely her best tour. so sad we only got a handful of shows out of it 
  21. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    I've seen a few ads for Melanie playing in my city next year. I've never had the chance to see her but I honestly laughed. There's no way im seeing her current tour To me, i think it would feel like i never actually saw her perform.  So sorry if thats an ungrateful fan opinion. People who saw anything from the cry baby and the k-12 era are so lucky, I tell you.
  22. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    Listening to the instrumentals still hits it for me. I've outgrown the lyrics but they'll always be a masterpiece.
  23. colacoven liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Melanie Martinez   
    I love Mel but I fear nothing we get will every compare to the masterpiece that is Crybaby
  24. colacoven liked a post in a topic by honeymooncd in Melanie Martinez   
    I got tickets btw guys
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