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  1. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right.
    But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.
  2. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Ellen Degeneres’s Show is under investigation by Warner Media, for issues regarding “a toxic workplace”. Warner and NBC both claim the investigation has nothing to do with the star of the show herself. Ellen was subject to a viral online campaign in which her past employers/service people who’d dealt with her exposed her bad attitude...she also replaced her union staff with an outsourced company during the coronavirus pandemic.
  3. Mer liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Instagram Updates   
    Omg here we go again with the misogyny mess again. Can i girl just do the best She can without fillers weigh comments? Its not the a beauty competition, she is reading a very well writen poem. Why gays are like that?
  4. Mer liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    What a gorgeous woman, I love her so much
  5. Mer liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Instagram Updates   
    would love if she'd do a live where she read some more poems, or even a virtual reading for a bookstore...maybe even with jack's accompaniment?
  6. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  7. Mer liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Tbf I don't think she's abusive, just rude, unfunny and probably a big diva behind the scenes. But her "be kind" shtick feels forced and disingenuous.
  8. Mer liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Do I think Ellen is meaner than her brand? For sure. Do I think she's abusive? No.She's probably mean, and isn't involved much in the shows production.I bet you she's only there when the show is live, and doesn't even talk to any of the workers, which while rude is perfectly acceptable
  9. HighbytheSea liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  10. Downtown Baby Doll liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  11. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Mer in “Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass” hardcover Poetry Book Pre-Release Thread   
    When the book comes out, and we get the poems that were never recorded—we should make fan made recordings of them!
  12. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  13. Marius liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sportcruiser makes me feel like I’m sitting on Lanas patio late at night, and she’s telling me this deeply private story...
  14. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Not to derail the thread, but I don’t really believe that Ellen is in some sort of child trafficking Epstein ring...its one thing to be a bad boss, a whole other thing to be a mentally deranged/disturbed criminal
  15. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right.
    But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.
  16. Mer liked a post in a topic by bougainvillea in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I actually love that the vocals on some of the poems sound like they were recorded on her phone, it lends them a grittier quality that I appreciate. 
  17. Mer liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    She forced a clearly uncomfortable Mariah to reveal her pregnancy on the show weeks before she miscarried. I never looked at her the same after that.
  18. redsangrias liked a post in a topic by Mer in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Violet (the poem) reminded me how absolutely important it is to unplug from the 24/7 news cycle, because sometimes it can be so frustrating listening to all this bad news ("everything) and being able to do "nothing" about it....until you realize that a lot of what's in the news is none of our business, and it certainly isn't our problem--and doing "nothing" is the best thing we can do 
  19. dollyhaze liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right.
    But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.
  20. Mer liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    not meant as a criticism at all! I hadn't heard about it. I think members are free to discuss whatever they want to as long as it's not harmful/in the right subgroup!
  21. Mer liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Ugh I thought this would be about her being investigated for some crazy conspiracy like trafficking kids or something. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
  22. clementines liked a post in a topic by Mer in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right.
    But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.
  23. Mer liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Ellen Degeneres Show under investigation   
    Her whole thing seems to be about making her guests look like the butt of the joke. It's bordeline disrespectful/humiliating sometimes. I'm glad Dakota Johnson didn't put up with that and nicely straighten her out.
  24. Mer liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Love the whole « Greenwich Village beatnik poetry night » or « Café parisien du Quartier Latin » vibes... So vintage, with the cosmic vibes on some chapters... This project is so amazing and turned out even better than I was expecting. I’m glad we didn’t get it on January 4: we wouldn’t be talking about it that much if she had rushed to release it, I think.
  25. Mer liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    bare feet on linoleum kind of reminded me of welcome to the machine i hope they do more of that in cocc omg
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