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  1. Embach liked a post in a topic by Dreamboy in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    Just made this HM cover, I love this fake image I use as my icon and thought it would make a nice cover art

  2. MamaDelGhey liked a post in a topic by Dreamboy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    People need to STOP associating her to supporting Trump.
    If her husband, and I repeat, her husband, supports him then that's his own problem and only his. She has openly talked about how she hates Trump back in the LFL days, she even did witchcraft during the election time. Some here says that now she's "radio silence". That's a right of hers, she's not obligated to openly say something each election year. And now that she's married to Jeremy, if he's a Trump supporter, it's her right to not say anything online. 
    If you guys are judging her by this, then I guess now it's the time when we see who are the REAL fans and who are the ones who only think she's nice when she says what they like to hear.
    Sorry guys, but the world doesn't work like that and that's perfectly fine. I don't have a single problem with her if she doesn't want to say something in public about politics and you should be the same.
    Also remember: we don't choose who we'll fall in love, the heart has it's things
  3. Embach liked a post in a topic by Dreamboy in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Listening to Bel Air back in the day I've spent like months singing ''Walk in the way of my soft dress erection'' and was like wtf is she singing?  
    Later I realized it was ''soft resurrection'' 
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