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  1. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    This is obviously speculation since I have no idea how she actually feels, but I could see her casually signing a letter that supports Biden without thinking too much about it because of how aggressively people have accused her of being a Republican and wanting to distance herself whenever she can from those ridiculous claims. The letter focuses on getting the hostages back so maybe that's all she was presented with and thought "yes I am a Democrat and yes I want the hostages returned safely." I believe fully that her heart is in the right place as always, but she should absolutely educate herself further on what Israel is doing right now if she's unaware of how dire things are.
    I think anyone who supports Israel's right to defend itself has the responsibility to see what that currently looks like. Some of the videos I've seen from Gaza in the last two weeks are beyond horrific and etched into my memory, and there is simply no justification. What Hamas did was horrific and unacceptable too, but the situation in Palestine is worsening every day and must be stopped. The fact that people are losing their jobs for reiterating things that major human rights organizations are saying is truly insane.
  2. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Lana will never win with y'all fr. Maybe when she kicks the bucket ppl will finally leave her tf be. 
  3. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Rivers in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    “I believe music is universal and should be used to bring us together … Performing in Tel Aviv is not a political statement or a commitment to the politics there, just like singing here in California doesn’t mean my views are in alignment w[ith] my current government’s opinions or sometimes inhuman actions." - LDR
  4. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    It's crazy when you look at the maps from 1967 until now
    It's referred to as "Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories" for a reason 
    And that reason is that Israel keeps building illegal settlements in Palestine (not vice versa)
    Hamas literally said that this was the reason for the October 7 attacks. 
    Don't get me wrong, I don't support violence against anyone, anywhere, ever, and I really feel for all the innocent people on both sides. 
    But Hamas feels that Palestine is fighting for its very existence and desperate people will resort to desperate measures
    These actions also (unfortunately) stoke anti-Semitism. I've seen a lot of comments about "greedy Jews" and so forth which is very disheartening and alarming. 
    I just think that the Israeli govt needs to look long and hard at this policy of taking land, and reconsider. And I think Western govts need to put pressure on them about it, too. 
  5. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    This recent escalation is a great reminder of how lucky I and others are to live in a Western country. 
    USA needs to stop sending money to Israel (and every other country) and start using it to address the problems existing here. 
    Do people think social media posts will really change the outcome of this conflict or is just the usual virtue signaling? If you care about the disenfranchised so much go out to your OWN community and donate your time.
  6. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just because Lana wants civilian hostages freed, doesn't mean she's "pro right wing Israeli gov" or "Anti Palestine." Could she do more to support Palestinians, sure, but the idea that people are upset with this one opinion that hostages should be free is just baffling to me.
    TBH, it could also be argued that she and others could have done MORE to support the Jewish community after the 10/7 attacks, which resulted in the greatest loss of jewish life since the Holocaust, and yet you people are upset about a letter advocating for the freeing of hostages?
    Genuinely shocked at this community right now....
  7. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Tried to defend Lana and I was jumped instantly... she's on her own for this one I fear 
    Kinda hoping she says absolutely nothing about this and waits for everyone to forget next week or its gonna get real bad....
  8. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    well I'm glad to see people are mentioning it in classrooms now but when I was in school they barely ever taught us about anything that happened post 9/11
    But going back to the letter, I think a lot of Americans (Lana included) just don't know much about this situation. I think its possible a lot of the people who signed the letter didn't fully read it or just heard a summary of what was in it
  9. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Lana probably got a mass e-mail with the subject line #nohostageleftbehind, read a 10 line 'open letter' that ends by saying "We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace" and probably clicked a "click to add your name to support" link. She hasn't spread any misinformation or ANYTHING, and the only reason we know about this letter is because of a tweet and now a handful of news articles. 
  10. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Just to explain a few things:
    Gaza is the world's largest open air prison, they really have no government or resources, or anything close to what Isreal has so this situation is not equal in the slightest
    The last election Palestinians had was in 2006, and that is how Hamas came into power but they are more like a gang than an actual military group or government
    40% of Palestinians are 18 years and younger, so they had no say in this election
    Israel was formed on top of Palestine, which stole land from the Palestinians and forced them back and back until they have barely anything now. People are kicked out of their own homes for Israeli settlers to live in, many of them coming from the United States. In their government and law system they are not seen as equal to Israelis and Israel has been killing them and causing them to suffer for 70+ years
    So, Palestinians just want to live and they want their land and homes back, while Israel sees them as a threat to their "state's" existence and respond by constantly bombing and killing them. Many countries around the world recognize Israel's occupation of Palestine as illegal as well

    These are things I wish they would teach us in school in the US, but the US is also very involved with Israel so
  11. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Rivers in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    In the scheme of warfare it's fair to ask that children and innocents are not taken prisoner on both sides. I'm sure she's still sympathetic to Palestine, and probably doesn't really like Biden, but felt the most important issue is taking children hostage. Thats not controversial and we shouldnt assume or, read more into, what was not said. 
  12. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by LanaBalkana in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Brazil’s suggestion was stupid and had nothing to do with “ending the war”. More importantly, the latest UN debacles just show how impotent the organisation is at solving any type of global crisis. 
    as for the statement that Lana allegedly has signed - it’s a stupid statement that doesn’t mean anything. I don’t like what the statement says because as most public positions on the situation, it is scared to go into the nuances of the conflict. but honestly I couldn’t care less because at the end of the day I am 10000% sure it will have 0 impact on any policymaking. Also it would be great if Lana was “educating” herself on all sorts of geopolitical matters but let’s be real here… 
  13. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by MakingOut in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    obviously any sane person would want the Hamas captured to be released and end war so INNOCENT civilians will stop dying, but thanking the president for the doing the BARE MINIMUM while he is out there SUPPORTING Israel killing innocent Palestinians is CRAZY TO ME. like Joe Biden used his VETO power to Brazil's suggestion to end war, stop killing innocent civilians and holding Hamas accountable.
  14. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by bluedealer in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Cancel culture is so....This over-interpretation is terrifying. I know she had good intentions even if she's one of the last ones..  it's not that she supports war come on 
  15. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    regardless of whatever she may or may not have signed, the reality is that it will not change shite. like if she publically spoke out in favour of palestine, would that end the awful stuff going on? whilst it’s good to know that a celebrity may stand on the correct side of history, it doesnt really affect anything 
    i don’t think we need the dramatics of 'im done with lana' or 'ive blocked her on spotify!!!' because like... you will be all over her again the second she does something musical again
  16. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    the way Lana hasn't even said a word and this has already turned into chaos, I can't imagine what will happen if she ever post anything about it. 
  17. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I personally don’t think celebrities should speak on world/political events unless they are educated on the subject. Too many celebrities now are pressured into speaking out on every issue that they know nothing about and end up creating more unnecessary harm. People should not be getting their news info from celebrities.
    i also think most Americans who aren’t familiar with the subject are being influenced by a lot of propaganda. Ever since I can remember growing up, the US has instilled in our minds that terrorists & Middle East=bad and are “jealous” of our freedom which is crazy looking back now. 
    From what I can remember, no teacher (until college) ever divulged into what actually has/is happening in the Middle East let alone Palestine. Even in history classes in high school I remember learning up until 9/11 and then we just skipped the whole middle eastern conflicts which is pretty wild. Talking about anything in the Middle East was something that was almost seen as taboo. College was the first time I ever learned about the horrific history Palestinians have endured, and I think it’s sad. 

    This plus all the pro-israel propaganda has really confirmed this for me. I’ve seen so many pro-Israel commercials the past couple weeks now. it’s kinda scary honestly knowing in reality, most people in America (hopefully less now) only know surface level info on the Middle East. So then people just assume “well terrorists are bad we don’t want that” with no context on the history and then assume Israel is doing a good thing. That being said, it’s not an excuse to be ignorant about the subject. I personally have always been confused on the topic (as are many Americans unfortunately) but try my best to make sense and educate myself. 

    Little disappointing to see lana sign this but at the same time, I’m not that surprised. I don’t think she deserves to be cancelled or get hate for this. I hope she takes some time to educate herself more 
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