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  1. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Xenoblade 3 in Instagram Updates   
  2. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    okay but i actually love "and this is the problem with society today, not everything is about whatever you want it to be", like go TF off
  3. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Xenoblade 3 in Instagram Updates   
  4. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in Instagram Updates   
    I think the reason for Lana's outburst is due to the record label putting pressure on her to make meaningless shitty pop songs with Jackoff. They must be comparing her to the artists she mentioned in her rant and saying why can't you be normal like them and score #1s. Why do you write about controversial topics etc. This is the reason she was pissed off. Lana is not getting the freedom to express herself in a completely uncensored manner. I feel like artists do not owe anyone politically correct statements. Artists are the people who should be allowed to explore the deepest, darkest corners of the human psyche and present the bitter truths of being a human and navigate through unexplored territories without censorship. Lana's songs hit hard because they are like a mirror to internal traumas that people sometimes try to run away from instead of facing them head on. That is why she is so ruthlessly criticized. Yes it's true. Lana shattered the glass ceiling of shiny happy fake fuckers of pop culture and made depression mainstream. Amy Lee's lyrics in Everybody's Fool perfectly sums up the way Lana is feeling about the fakeness that is promoted in mainstream music.
  5. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Instagram Updates   
    whats sadder is that you can imagine the valid criticism and points people were making were probably the last messages she took from all this.  when tons of people are sending you explicit hate,  most of it totally unwarranted,  i doubt her takeaway has been the few people who attempted to criticize the post with valid concerns
    i want to believe this is why she doubled down, and seemingly wasn't able to see what some were trying to say.... because i think the natural response to having your words taken this way, would be 'im SO sorry for making it seem that way, that wasn't what i meant at all' 
    like where's her apology to all the WOC she hurt?   i think if this wasn't so explosive, she'd be able to see her words hurt people she wasn't intending to
  6. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Twitter is so toxic. I can understand lots of people's opinions on both sides of the spectrum, but I feel like so many things with her post has been twisted to hell, mainly because people are desperate for clout and people very well know that negative tweets gets the most likes and attention. A lot of people are pretty much dissecting her post and creating a problem that isn't even there, mainly to create this false image to feed a particular narrative they want to portray for their own entertainment. 
    But with that being said, I can't speak much on the racism thing because I'm not black, and I don't want to invalidate the hurt a lot of black people are feeling with her post. If that's how some of them feel with her post, then who am I to say it's wrong?
    It's a very difficult thing to discuss tbh
  7. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    I woke up this morning and looked out the window and the sun was still there so I figured the world didn't end.
    Yesterday while this was going on Chuck's Instagram story had some pictures of food. I think one was a bowl of cherries. Probably made before this whole thing.
    I got this image of all of them in California. The whole family living in one big house. But it's not a home it's an asylum!
    Charlie doesn't live there and is kind of bummed he may have to visit this holiday weekend.
    Patty is in a room upstairs knitting and rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. She's thinking, "I knew she was no good".
    Rob is in another upstairs room wearing a little sea captain's hat. He spends the day looking through a telescope. He is looking for whales or land. Occasionally he will burst out, "Land Ho".
    In the backyard is a shed on fire and Lana is standing nearby. She is trying to eat an unpeeled lemon while dragging her nails down the side of her face. She is screaming.
    Chuck is in the kitchen and can be heard yelling, "OK everyone the cherry pie is finished, get it while it's hot".
  8. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Bridge Tiessa in Instagram Updates   
    You know how one of the tropes that feminism addresses is the one where a women expresses a heavy emotion, then a man calls her “hysterical” and tells her to “calm down”?
    Everyone implying that she must be having some kind of mental breakdown or even outright saying she needs to shut her mouth instead of acknowledging that this is legit how she actually feels (even if they don’t personally agree) has a similar tone.
    She may “not not be a feminist” but surely some of the people dismissing her as simply having a mental breakdown stand firmly in their feminist beliefs and it seems like a double standard. And while she may be upset, there is a way to criticize the content of her message without dismissing her mental state altogether.
  9. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    I think she feels alone. 
  10. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in Instagram Updates   
    Now that I've had time to digest this a bit more, I'mma say my piece.
    Short version/ Summary:
    Girlfriend is in her feelings right now (and I'm sad for her) but she made a major mis-step that she could have used as an opportunity for growth but instead quadrupled down; I'm disappointed in her but will still support her musically because nothing can take her music and its meaning away from me; Twitter cancel culture is going overboard but there is validity behind the points POC (including myself in there) have made; I don't consider Lana racist but she does not recognize the privilege she has experienced compared to the women she included in her post; Lana thwarted her own intended meaning of her post by the aggressive tones throughout, especially in the beginning; both this and her response overshadowed the rest of what she had to say about the perception of her glamorizing abuse, which she made valid points about.
    Longer version:
    I'm genuinely sad that Lana was clearly hurt by something that led her to make the post in the first place. I do believe her *intention* was not to openly dismiss the women she named, but once you put your words out there, you have to realize they're not quite solely yours anymore, and can be open to interpretation. Which I'd imagine was the point of sharing it in the first place, as it was labeled as a "question for the culture." A lot of people who end up being involved in race-related interactions don't have the intention of going there, and I don't believe Lana did. But intent only goes so far. It seems like a lot of people here don't want to hear it, but the POC who shared their concerns made valid points about the racial bias and Lana's inability to see how, despite her own legitimate difficulties in the industry, she has benefited from her privilege in ways the other artists she named have not.
    While some may say it's not up to her to "correct" what she meant to say, the way she responded in those four follow-ups, after spending the day deleting comments (whether it was her or her team is irrelevant) was more tone-deaf than the original post. A lot of the more blind stans will say this is unimportant (which is concerning), but I do believe she lost some fans of color, and that is sad. Because it didn't have to be that way. Lana could have more maturely addressed her mis-step rather than leaping into quicksand with those four follow-up comments and her #fuckoff post. And doing so doesn't automatically mean she would have "catered to the public" or "backed down." She had an opportunity for growth, and she didn't take it, opting instead to react from a place of anger and low vibration. It's not "ICONIC" or a "kween" moment, as now this is what people (GP though I know no one here cares about that) will focus on, rather than her legitimate concerns about the general perception of her glamorizing abuse. She played herself, and it baffles me that stans don't see that. I'm legitimately concerned that stans are all "haters don't have reading comprehension! lolz" when Lana herself clearly has the inability to comprehend how her word choices contributed to this mess. It's not a good look, and while it's not career-ending, it's at least a derailment/ distraction of sorts. And I don't want that for her.
    Lastly, I still love her and support her music because she/ the music means so much to me.  
  11. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I respect people when they say whatever the hell they want to say because they feel so. I would hate living in a world in which celebrities (and not only) would have to silence themselves and water down their speeches so that people of bad faith could not twist their words -- especially when they are not even offensive, hateful or whatever. 
    We are all unperfect, limited human beings. Expecting famous persons to not be is illusory and unfairly oppressive. 
    in other words, YOU GO GIRL!!!!
  12. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    One guy on Tik Tok was going off about Beyonce's accomplishments as a black woman as if Lana somehow invalidated them... I hate it here. I think it's time for a social media break oml.

    Another thing: it's interesting how during the NFR era she was talking about how she wished she filtered herself in the past, and during her past few tours she'd make subtle comments after singing songs like Ultraviolence and Gods & Monsters (I think she said something along the lines of "what was I thinking when I wrote those songs). I wonder what changed for her all of the sudden.
  13. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by M J in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Not all hispanics are poc so why are y’all acting like that makes her racist, plus she is pretty popular in latin america and spain. I feel like ppl who live in the usa are the main ones complaining about her “appropriating” hispanic culture
  14. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    us-americans not distinguishing between spaniards and latin american is such a kii and weird especially considering that they put so much value on these labels..
    on another hand i just saw an instagram post (by no other than some us-american) like 2 days ago claiming greeks are poc and greece part of mena even though they’re neither in the middle east nor north africa but well..
  15. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by May in Lana's Old FaceBook/Twitter   
    also the comment on her cover photo:
    “Hey Lizzy! Long time. You still doing the singing thing?”

  16. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    I just love threads like this so much. It's the essence of not only Lana but also Lizzie
  17. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    ^ Part of the Pacific Group (of which Atlantic Group is a branch of) is also partly run/overseen by a man named Jim. I forgot she was part of that, there's a lot of horror stories about the PG groups and its branches.
  18. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    It was discovered on this website that Lana del Rey was a member of a group called the Atlantic Group (a part of Alcoholics Anonymous) in her past. The Atlantic Group is infamous for its cult behavior and for its treatment of young female members. I think it's obvious it's about them, especially given the reference to deadly nightshade, also known as A. belladonna which was used as a treatment for alcoholism. In fact, several of her songs reference AA or AA's ideas.
  19. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    I think this is her very essence: equal parts art and science. I think LDR as a persona/identity is meant to be someone who lives poetically, driven only by emotion and whims, makes her 'life an art', etc.
    But the reality is she would not be where she is if she were just a wide-eyed innocent, dreaming about life from her window sill all day, or being led around by boys. Lizzy Grant is the shadow master and commander of the LDR concept; she dreams big but she is also a doer, the ruler of her own destiny. (Her critics who think she has no agency need to wake up —  who in pop music right now has more control of their own vision than her ?)   She is very calculating, knowing, and aware of how to give form to her dreams. It surely all starts with intuition and artistic intention and emotion, but then Science Lizzy kicks in — the one who researches, studies, analyzes, experiments w/ a hypothesis, puts in art in action. A good creative director is always equally artistic and scientific, and Lizzy herself has hinted at this in interviews. 
    I also think someone like this is naturally driven to explore esoteric and marginalized philosophy/psychology/cultural topics; I'm sure she's even aware of Crowley, Theosophy, and the like. Not sure if I buy she was in 'a cult', but the chronology specifics don't matter so much, the essence of how it shaped her does. What's exciting is that she can bring these super niche topics into the warmth of the spotlight, even if she has to paint broad strokes to do so. I honestly can't think of someone else so widely known and loved that is able to pull this off in the 21st century. Maybe Grimes, but with her, it's literally the Wiki-meets-Tumblr remix version of everything. Young artists everywhere should be inspired that women like Lizzy are finding ways to make the outre and strange palatable.
  20. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    honestly I wish I was as interesting as her 
  21. cherri liked a post in a topic by Phenomena in Lana with a fan at Icing inside Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa, OK - August 3rd, 2021   
    she looks cute but… why is she in tulsa…
  22. Catgirl liked a post in a topic by Phenomena in Lana with a fan at Icing inside Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa, OK - August 3rd, 2021   
    she looks cute but… why is she in tulsa…
  23. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana & Politics   
    i almost started writing an actual counter/response to this before remembering the million other more effective things i could do with my time
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