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Pretty Dull

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  1. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    It's not simple, it's trigonometry. It's hard to express, I can't explain
    Not enough people appreciate the word play of complex mathematical expressions in trig and expressing complex emotions. A genius lyric
    You like my pin-up bodice and the solace that comes with the midnight air and my icy stare
    This needs no explanation

    Is it by mistake or design?
    This deserves more too
  2. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    Sometimes bad things happen to good people
    And sometimes angels touch pure evil.
  3. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by XCX Archivist in Charli XCX   
    fucking ended her
  4. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by AtomicMess in Charli XCX   
  5. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by XCX Archivist in Charli XCX   
    its funny to me that lanaboards is like 30% charliboards at this point
  6. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Charli XCX   
    me dm'ing 360_brat trying to get in

  7. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by XCX Archivist in Charli XCX   
    now that you mention this i feel like we should have a moment of gratitude. we have the incredible privilege of hearing music that we were not supposed to hear, and even compared to other pop musicians we have so much leaked music. charli is such an angel for embracing her leaked music, especially xcx world because we know how tainted that period of time is in her mind
  8. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Sky Ferreira   
    Well, an odd piece of Information is that Sky was supposed to provide vocals last year for a song called "Spectral Eyes" from Blondie's new album.
    Sky said she would record her vocals while she was in Wales during August—but she never turned in her parts 
  9. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    Oh... She really hates to see herself succeed 
  10. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    leak all my lovers die

  11. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Sky Ferreira   
    does she really wants to be a singer at this point? Sky gives me retirement vibes gurl.. 
    not showing up for Blondie sessions is crazy 
    i can’t digest it
  12. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Grimes   
    I have no idea what  the hell she's talking about half the time, what is this elf shit? just give us the album oh my god
  13. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by AtomicMess in Charli XCX   
    Yeah. Her feeling very much like it wasn't "hers" anymore and a sense of violation and anger and loss around it, to flipping to asking for stems on Twitter - that's a big 180 mentally. Often times I reflect on it and feel bad though; did she do a "Fuck it, we ball, lol" on it moment on her own? Or was it a "well, if you can't beat em, join em" vibe where fan interaction pushed her to it and it was just the path of least resistance? It's nowhere near the same caliber of a comparison at all, but I'm own little artist on the side, and I'm horrified and mortified when people look at things that I haven't finished yet. It being done over and over and over and over for artists who have material leak - I cannot imagine (and despite that, I still hunt and peck for leaks so, I guess I'm just a sociopath with no concern.) Plus, there has GOT to be label execs and managers sitting in a room somewhere going "FUCK" every time something slides out, because it runs the risk of their "product" becoming nonviable if someone steals the track, the lyrics, the instrumentals and registers a blatant ripoff/steal. Now there's legal headaches and fights to be had, and that becomes it's own PR problem. Or people hear it and have it, and that's streams and revenue lost.

    When I look at the massive Charli mega-playlist in my iTunes, it's over 560 songs. It's stunning, really. She's been in the business officially like what, 15 years? From '14' until now? There's artists who have been around twice as long, if not longer, who don't even have that many songs officially released, and even their leaks and demos don't tally up. I go hunting for leaks from my other faves, and it's like....scraps and gruel from them compared to a 5 course meal from Charli, who's leaks are in some cases, literally full polished albums (XCXWorld) available in lossless/studio masters.
    Like actually, what the fuck. lmao. Who else has that happening with them? (Dead serious; who else do we know of that has had this. many. finished*. songs. ?????)

    **and by finished, I mean instrumental is complete, the verses/bridge/chorus are complete, the song has been mastered to a ~reasonable quality level, and the leak is in a quality that we'd get from any online music store. There's no weirdly long instrumentals in the song where a second verse or prechorus would go, or the same verse is repeating a second time to fill the space, etc.
  14. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Blue Ribbon in what lana song did you not fully grasp at first?   
    Super Movie!!! White Dress also
  15. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by tulsa jesus freaks in what lana song did you not fully grasp at first?   
    Boom Like That
    i grew to love its complex layers and the lyrics that through many layers describe our broken society
  16. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in what lana song did you not fully grasp at first?   
    madly and earthquakes, at first i thought they were okay, but now, i'm obsessed  i'm actually quite obsessed with a lot of the tropico/ultraviolence outtakes right now, they're just so good  
  17. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by details in Sky Ferreira   
    cmon now let's be realistic 
  18. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
  19. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    you have a lot of time on your hands dont you? 
  20. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by White Dress in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    omg bestie I’m bored let’s go apply for jobs 😍
  21. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    Definitely more weird, more Dealer and alien sounds and half laughs like from the judah smith interlude, operatic tones but pitched lower to act like a bass or something 
  22. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in Sky Ferreira   
    instead of talking about gender and halsey lets all beg @redacted for sky leaks
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