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Florida Dark

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  1. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    the end bit of freak where you can hear her going 'yeah oohahhh' in the background and the very last bit is soooooo addictive to me, the same with high by the beach the very ending where you can hear like the distorted vocals fading out its so pretty to me <3
  2. Neon Palmmm liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Dragonslayer   
    people discovering the classic la femme nikita because of this makes me happy a very iconic film also her mispronouncing spanish is sooo 2014/2015 lana of her 
  3. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by MrFameKills in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    The tiktoks recently about "why are there men in line for the Lana show, she's for the girls".
    I know they're a joke, but cmon now, her gay male fans have been an integral part of the fanbase, back when some of these clownheads (that are only there cuz Cinnamon Girl went viral) were either in kindergarden and/or stanning One Direction. 
  4. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Embach in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Under an Insta video about Summertime Sadness:

  5. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    the comments where people are like "she used to be on coke that's why she looked different i'm glad she's sober and healing" there's sooo much wrong with these comments like who are u to comment on someone's body and u don't even know if she was ever really addicted. it's not your place to speculate 
  6. sjatib liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  7. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    no ur not the only one, i literally dont see anything wrong with this outfit? gives me kurt cobain energy as well, i think he looks cute 
  8. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  9. Embach liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  10. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  11. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    the end bit of freak where you can hear her going 'yeah oohahhh' in the background and the very last bit is soooooo addictive to me, the same with high by the beach the very ending where you can hear like the distorted vocals fading out its so pretty to me <3
  12. Americen Whore liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    the end bit of freak where you can hear her going 'yeah oohahhh' in the background and the very last bit is soooooo addictive to me, the same with high by the beach the very ending where you can hear like the distorted vocals fading out its so pretty to me <3
  13. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    The beginning of HBTB is everything. When is she going to use distortion like that again 
    The ending of Brooklyn Baby: "ba duh ba ba ba dee dahh" 
    The humming at the beginning of Ride, and at the end of The Good Life.
    The improvised ending of Summer Wine: "ba da ba ba ba doo" or whatever. Love that sooooo much. 
  14. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    The ending of the Chemtrails music video. I wish she would’ve kept this in the released version of the song
  15. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    Aw and the humming at the end of the hook on Video Games
  16. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by taco truck in What’s your favorite non-lyrical part of a song?   
    The humming at the beginning of ride literally makes me cry lol
  17. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by dollanganger in Does anybody like every Lana song that she has released???   
    they could never make me hate coachella
  18. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by MakingOut in Does anybody like every Lana song that she has released???   
    I just wanted to find some people to know if anybody else likes every Lana song she has released like: 
    i see a lot of people that don’t like BTD or HM (boring) or LFL (random) or COTCC (lazy) or BB (just not good) but I legit like every song she has made, even if I don’t stream it all the time. Like guns and roses, I don’t stream it all the time but I don’t hate it, I like it. So I just wanted to know if there’s other people who also like all her songs and don’t hate any of them????
  19. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in [SINGLE] Say Yes To Heaven + Sped Up Remix + 7" Picture Disc - OUT NOW   
    Also Hugo Boss,  4 other versions, she not considering YTH for BB, I am really shook right now 
  20. Dangerous Girl liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Where Are You Now As A Lana Del Rey Fan? / What Does Being A Lana Del Rey Fan Mean To You?   
    known about her for years, since 2012 now and the first time i heard her i was hooked. for a while this year my interest dwindled but all it took was one play of west coast on spotify and now im interested again lol <3 i feel like on my journey rn im stuck in the world of ultraviolence. i know everyone loves that album but its themes are so personal to me and reflect my life and i cant move on, but im eternally grateful that lana moved out of ultraviolence <333
  21. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  22. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    relistened to this album after a long long while and woah.... this album is so beautiful and incredible and the bridges in salvatore, 24, the blackest day.... high by the beach is such a vibe for summer with a slightly dark tone.... honeymoon is such a sinister opening track, and i love the cover of dont let me be misunderstood. i love the soft trap beats with beautiful orchestral instrumentals which you can see carried over into LFL this album is amazing bye 
  23. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    it's so nice seeing appreciation for Guns and Roses... I've always liked this track and i really do not think it's as boring as other people make it out to be. The bridge is amazing
  24. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    here's some opinions for each album, like @That Venice Bitch did!
    sirens: sirens is genuinely one of her best albums, her songwriting during the may jailer era was on another level, it deserves more appreciation
    AKA: i don't know what i could really say about AKA because i love everything about it, every track serves a purpose, it is perfectly crafted, i don't think AKA has a single flaw, IT IS HER BEST ALBUM, there, i said it!
    born to die: born to die doesn't deserve hate just simply for being her most popular album or her most pop-oriented album, i still think born to die is a great album and it has record-breaking longevity and success a decade after it was released, born to die is timeless, it hasn't age and it won't age because nothing else sounds like it, and, for the most part, i don't think it's over-produced, although i do think lolita and million dollar man would've been a lot better if they resembled their demos more
    paradise: paradise has a lot of discography highlights, ride, cola, body electric, and gods and monsters... but some of the tracks fall a little flat, blue velvet is cute, but it isn't her most exciting song and i don't think a random cover of a 60s song really suits the rest of the album, especially the religious themes, but i still like it, burning desire is a bonus track so i know it doesn't really count, but i personally never thought that song was anything special, and the paradise version of yayo should never have happened
    ultraviolence: i think shades of cool is an amazing song but i hardly ever listen to it  also i can't get into the other woman, guns and roses is still my favorite song from ultraviolence and i just know one day people will learn to appreciate it
    honeymoon: similar to how i feel about shades of cool, i can appreciate the blackest day and recognize that it is a fan-favorite and objectively one of her best songs, but i really don't listen to it that much  also swan song should've been the closer
    lust for life: coachella - woodstock on my mood is not that bad... lust for life is not that bad either but it does pale in comparison to the first two demos, i feel like it isn't as bad of an album as we thought it was, but it still has flaws and weak-points, it probably would've been one of her best albums if it was atmospheric and witchy, more of a natural continuation of honeymoon, instead of a mix of folk, trap, pop, and alternative that it ended up being, certainly not her worst, but certainly not her best either
    norman fucking rockwell: norman is NOT her best album, love song is incredibly boring, and bartender is one of the best songs on the album
    chemtrails over the country club: i have a soft-spot for chemtrails, i definitely don't think it's her best or her most strongest, but i can appreciate it for what it is, also, yosemite deserves so much better, it went from being one of the most coveted songs in the fandom to being pretty much forgotten about once it was actually released, it is such a gorgeous, haunting song and i just know if it was a leaked track it would be regarded as one of her best
    blue banisters: in my personal opinion, her worst album, because of some of the artistic choices made, old outtakes from 2013 had no business being on an album with 2021 songs, and i find it honestly ridiculous that she didn't even re-work/re-record them, text book is a discography highlight, and there's nothing wrong with the production with wildflower wildfire
    ocean boulevard: it has some really amazing songs, but some of them just didn't interest me on the first listen and i haven't revisited them since my first listen of the album, such as kintsugi and margaret...  but i may just have to re-visit them, i did not like the last three tracks at all, and candy necklace is one of her best songs
  25. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love her current voice. I don't get fans obsession with her lower chest voice. Yes it's great but you can see her voice is phenomenal now-  especially in Hollywood Bowl. 
    Girl had worked her ass off on those vocal lessons and her tone is gorgeous , full and rounded. 
    Her BTD era voice was shaky, pitchy and bad in some songs. (Looking at OTTR chorus).
    That being said I wish she stopped the mumble vocals and really sing her heart out as on HB/Oeaan.
    Like we have Ariana for the mumbling already
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