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  1. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I’ve never felt this mixed about an album ever. First day, I really was disappointed and disliked it. Then I listened to it nonstop for a week. Now I stick to my favorites and that’s about it. 
    It’s weird, I like the songs when I’m listening to them, but I just find a lot of them forgettable. I’ve found since the beginning, I tend to skip the last 2 tracks, which only leave 9 songs left. I tend to skip LMLYAW too. 8 songs left. Tulsa Jesus Freak, Chemtrails (the second half of the song with the two melodies mixing into each other - wow, just wow) , and Breaking Up Slowly are my absolute faves, in that order. I like White Dress but tend to forget about it till I come here. 
    Wild at Heart makes me picture a black and white western movie/musical scene in a bar with Lana dancing on tables and making a “scene” with the entire bar joining in and singing along with her, having fun, for the last chorus. I like that - something that fun and lighthearted is a rare thing to picture for a Lana song. But it feels semi-uninspired basically reusing the production of How to Disappear. 
    I rarely skip Dark But Just a Game, but again, very forgettable for me. I like Not All Who Wander, but the lyrics are super cliche and weak imo. The harmonies are gorgeous though. Yosemite is really pretty, but again, forgettable. 
    And that’s it. That’s the album. It’s weird. I like it, but I don’t. I find myself singing along to it a lot and enjoying it, but I also still don’t feel a connection to it? Again, I’ve never felt so mixed about an album before. I’ve also never felt so disconnected from a Lana album before. 
  2. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Is it bad that I could live with this album being delayed if it meant making sure she had a coherent rollout and promo era actually in place? And filming music videos and doing shoots and all that? 
    Maybe not delayed as badly as the last couple albums were, but I could survive this being pushed to the fall if that meant actually being good and complete. 
  3. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    if Jackoff really ends up producing this at least make it Dark But Just A Game: the album, thank you very much 
  4. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    she should hire them as a ghost writer 
  5. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    the way that these lyrics are probably going to be better than the actual song's lyrics
  6. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    If this album doesn’t give Velvet Crowbar tease she can keep it 
  7. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Literally what was the point of Saturday’s post 
    no date, didn’t tag anyone, didn’t even specify what it is 
    literally posted and then vanished 
  8. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by God&Monster in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly, who could’ve imagined that something called Chemtrails Over the Country Club or Mariners Apartment Complex could be songs.
    So I really think that Blue Banisters could be a song and I can’t wait to hear it. 
  9. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ultraviolence was delayed, Lust for Life was delayed, NFR was delayed, Chemtrails was delayed, Rock Candy Sweet will be delayed 
  10. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Here's how I think things went:
    Lana: Oh, Prince Philip died? Let me find some cute pics to let ppl know I simply acknowledge his death. Oh, found some! Aw Philip and Elizabeth look so young and loved up here, I think I'll post them.
    Instagram: OMFG TAKE THIS DOWN NEOW! Cancelled! Omfg u racist bitch. They're gonna come for u sis sksks. She's over. Omg delete this bestie.
    Lana: Wait what happened?
    Like this is LITERALLY how it went down 
  11. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Instagram Updates   
    Exactly. Reading the room in this case doesn't mean not to express condolences, it means to shut the hell up for a day and be respectful. I see "woke" people literally celebrating the death of a person and it disgusts me so deeply. I have no problem with Lana's posts.
  12. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    This is what I'm saying. Even some Brits didn't even know about the incest, so how can they expect Lana to be on top of all this too when she's not even British? It's sad too because to Lana it was probably just a harmless post and then here come the woke mob with their pitchforks ready to tear her down. This bitch can't even breathe anymore. It's also funny how these woke people ate up Harry and Meghan's relationship not too long ago when they were still in the castle 
  13. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Furor Poeticus in Instagram Updates   
    Was she supposed to write something like: "Glad this imperialist buffoon died lel" for woke people to like her again? 
    I haven't seen any comments like those under Obama's post paying respects to prince Philip 
  14. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    It‘s always the same. So many celebrities are promoting expensive champagne or their make up line while people lose their jobs thanks to COVID and poor country won‘t have a single dose of the vaccine in the next months. And yet people decide to be mad at Lana because she sends a message of condolence to a man who was born almost 100 years ago and doesnt pass the purity test of 2021 
  15. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t think incest is the issue as third cousin is not considered incest.  The issues are racism in the royal family and inequalities. But yeah, I do think Lana just liked the relationship nothing more. So not sure why we are all getting worked up.
  16. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    This is pure cringe. She sent a message of condolence with that post, which is a kind thing to do. Saying that she endorses a „problematic institution“ shows that nowadays people try to cancel you for everything they can.
    And you are not „holding her accountable“ my edgy friend, you‘re doing nothing. 
  17. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by How2Disappear in Instagram Updates   
    Lana is not uneducated or ignorant. She's a decent person who thought of something nice to say about a public figure who passed away.
    She's open-minded enough to have her own opinions outside the hypocritical, hive-minded, mob, and brave enough to express them in public. This is why we are drawn to her art, consciously or subconsciously. The culture truly is sick, but the tides are turning hopefully. 
    Get free 
  18. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Instagram Updates   
  19. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Instagram Updates   
    Twitter culture is what happens when you have a massive conversation involving thousands of people who were educated by a system that doesn't even know that things have happened in history that are completely unrelated to America. Unless, of course, there was a Netflix series about it.
  20. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Instagram Updates   
    I’m sick of fake twitter wokes cancelling her for a fucking royal family arranged marriage that happened over 70 years ago 
  21. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Instagram Updates   
    like others said, she idolized Elvis and his 14 year old girlfriend Priscilla, she idolized lots of extremely fucked up stuff, its not 'good and virtuous' but its nothing new either . and all she said was she admired their love (like always, she is admiring the 'love')
  22. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    It's quite obvious from her music and other comments made by her that their love story is, in essence, what she would love to have for herself. I immediately remembered that clip she had on her story when she was in the taxi in Ireland and that elderly couple were crossing the road and she was like, "awwwww, look at these two ..." It's wistful.
    She probably doesn't really think about the fact that the British royal family was built upon the suffering of (predominantly) POC throughout the world. It's not an excuse, but sis is ignorant and can't see the forest for the trees in many instances and and we all know that at this point.
  23. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Instagram Updates   
    I knew this thread was going to be on fire. We obviously know Lana does not mean to justify any actions of the Royal Family and made it clear in her caption that she just admired the way Phillip and Elizabeth loved each other - much like how she’s used JFK/Jackie and Elvis/Priscilla as motifs in her career.
    Maybe I wouldn’t have acknowledged them at all, but we know she’s not insinuating anything harmful at her core. Let’s not feed into any damaging narratives spun by fake-woke Twitter users who likely don’t even bother to fact-check infographics that they spread around. 
  24. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by naturalbornloser in Instagram Updates   
    I totally understand the read the room vibe, but let´s not pretend Lana knows the whole history of the british monarchy (not even the average person knows it 100% well), she just posted beacuse it's a famous couple, that's all
  25. deletedtweet liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Instagram Updates   
    If we were all reading the room (aka Twitter) we’d be angry every day of our lives.
    There has been barely any negative press regarding this death anywhere i have seen, i happen to just read the post on Lana’s insta and all i see is everyone upset about “cousins and colonists!!!”.....and now apparently Twitter is upset and Lana should be more aware....
    Outside of twitter literally no one is saying anything. The only other conversation happening is whether Harry and Meagan will attend the funeral.
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