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  1. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by turquoisejewel in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    That little part where she used her baby voice I can't 
    Her voice her skin her tiddies her confidence HER 
    She really did that
  2. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    She looked amazing and sounded incredible, even better than the album version!
    But, is it just me or they used the studio acapella for the 2nd chorus and the rest of the song? It sounded exactly like the OG song
  3. greenhotforever liked a post in a topic by nosorangegrape in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    no brass sounds so odd... and inferior
    anyway LMLYLAW >>>>>>>>>
  4. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    Parts of it sound lipped, but then are immediately followed by a part that doesn't. I think it's fully (or at least mostly) live and Lana really is just sounding incredible. Her voice is at it's best right now, in my opinion 
  5. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    She looks hot HOT, this should be criminal 
  6. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by nosorangegrape in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    no brass sounds so odd... and inferior
    anyway LMLYLAW >>>>>>>>>
  7. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Lana to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - October 22nd, 2021   
    am I trippin or is she using her Lizzy voice 
  8. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by turquoisejewel in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    This album really caught me off guard. I already said last night (in the midst of a breakdown bc my boyfriend said some really mean shit to me but Lana was there to comfort me with BB <3) I didn't expect it to be this good  I'm so content with this record! It's very cohesive imo, something I thought wasn't going to be the case at all. This is my little review (faves in bold):
    Text Book: 8/10. Great opening track IMO. Only thing I still don't like is the BLM reference, feels kinda out of place and a little performative (don't come for me please, I know Lana is not a performative artist but it comes across as that because with QFTC and the accusations of being racist, seems like it's somehow "forced"? idk)
    Blue Banisters: 10/10. Can't think of a better title track, this song is the embodiment of Lana Del Rey. The piano at the end makes me weep.
    Arcadia: 9/10. Great melody. Loved both videos. Only thing I don't like is the mixing, in the chorus my ears hurt a little bit lol
    Interlude: 3/10. Feels out of place, it's good as the ending to Arcadia's og video, not so much in the album, it doesn't go anywhere, feels pointless (I have to admit tho if I didn't know Clay had anything to do with this, I'd probably like it a bit more lol)
    BBS: 10/10. UV vibes to the maximum. Love the chorus and ending so much. Also love the West Coast similarities (different tempos coming and going throughtout the song)
    IFLDWM: 9/10. More UV vibes. Love it! Only thing I don't like is the "muffled" sound. Idk if it's because it's an older song but her voice is not so clear at times.
    Beautiful: 5/10. Don't really like it. Still a good song but a skip for me.
    Violets for Roses: 5/10. Don't like it either. Not a bad song but a skip for me. I like the message tho.
    Dealer. 10/10. Fucking explosive. Love the tempo, their voices sound so hot god. The outro makes me wet. I hope Lana explores more of this type of sound in the future.
    Thunder: 10/10. I already loved the demo but this has more of a Lana - Blue Banisters era sound, it goes so well with the rest of the album. A fucking masterpiece. Creepy - heavenly violins and backing vocals really did that!
    WW: 10/10. Currently a skip because it's very relatable to me and it makes me cry everytime I hear it, and I can't cry everywhere I go lmao. A necessary and amazing song, helps the general public and us to understand where Lana is coming from and why she is the way she is sometimes.
    NOTG: 8/10. A classic, good song from Lana. I like it ever since it leaked. Only thing I don't like is she didn't rework it. A few more instruments would have done wonders to this amazing, timeless record.
    Living Legend: 9/10. Same as NOTG. Thank god she left the wawawas! One of my fave unnowreleased songs! 
    Cherry Blossom: 9/10. Sweet, nurturing, lovely ballad. I understand why she put it in BB. Goes great with the closing track. A few more instruments would have done wonders to this one too! I listened to the unrealeased so much that I'm already a bit bored with it but I still don't skip it because I like that it's followed by SC.
    Sweet Carolina: 10/10. One of her best closers. Some love it, some hate the "crypto forever, fuck you kevin" line. I personally love it, it's fun and sounds great with the little piano in the background. So Lana. Love the melody, simplicity and purity of the message.
    Conclusion: one of my favorite records from Lana. I really needed this at this point in my life. I thank god for Lana and for music.

  9. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I feel like Lana would look weird bald.
  10. Lemonade Tea liked a post in a topic by nosorangegrape in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Beautiful is good. The "problem" is that it's very generic and could be done by any other artist. Even Lana's usage of "blue" in the song is the mainstream conventional idea - sadness/unhappiness.
  11. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i swear this is the first lana album that i don't wanna listen to half the time lmao
    bbs, if u lie down w me and violets for roses are so boring i just cant get into them
    its weird cus the three singles are some of the best of her career 
  12. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by nosorangegrape in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Beautiful is good. The "problem" is that it's very generic and could be done by any other artist. Even Lana's usage of "blue" in the song is the mainstream conventional idea - sadness/unhappiness.
  13. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    After hearing the album 57 times and as much as i love it. I do think the album is a little overlong. Not sure what would get cut, as i like all the song though…
  14. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Not even that one for me. It reminds me a of Old Money, though.
  15. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by wildheart in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Here's the deal: Cherry Blossom, Beautiful, VFR, and NOTG would have been appreciated and treated as the true gems they are on COTCC
    (they have the themes of wild and fame of cotcc, but they are also softer melodies and country-esque)
  16. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    To *me* it feels like NFR, Chemtrails, and BB are all one very long album lol 
  17. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    text book is seriously one of her best songs, for some reason it just CLICKED last night when i listened through the album... it's excellence! 
  18. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    sweet carolina is literally one of her best ballads and show some of her best vocals. is like NFR! title track high notes but crystal clear and smooth
  19. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by CALIFORNIA DRIVE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Beautiful is not that ugly as some think it is . . .
  20. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by 1212 in Rank Lana's Albums   
    How is BB in everyone's top 3 already?
    I wanna see what happens to those lists over the next month 
  21. Kandidate liked a post in a topic by nosorangegrape in Dealer (feat. Miles Kane)   
    he ruined it
  22. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    My little thoughts on Blue Banisters - track by track:
    1. Text Book:
    Not Lana's best opening but obviously did a great job in setting up a whole atmospheric aura for the album. The song literally makesme feel like i'm sitting close to her at a bonfire and listening to her stories. 7.5/10
    2. Blue Banisters:
    i have to confess that this one was my least favourite out of the triple release. But not because it was a lack of effort, it was because of her attempt of trying to fit to many words in one line, sonically, it sounds force and lack of smooth cohesion in melody-wise. But that was months ago, now thanks for the m/v, i'm slowy growing fond of this track. Also, i love the spacey atmospheric tone towards the end of the song. 7/10
    3. Arcadia:
    The same issue with Blue Banisters - Lana at some point gets too wordy in her lyrics, too many syllables in just one line sometimes make the song goes forced. Nevertheless, the melody of this song is so well-composed, solid & kind of soul-wrenching (yes, i tear up everytime i hear "they built me up 300 feet tall, just to tear me down" & really just want to give her a hug 🥺). In the other hand, as wordy as the lyrics, this song feels like a poem consists her thoughts about fame struggles, gives me Violet vibes. 8/10
    4. Interlude - The Trio:
    This is like a celebration of whoregasm in a very historical / middle-wild-west/ communist way with a dope ass trap beat style. I wouldnt complain if this album had trap, polished pop sounds driven, but since it didnt, i don't see the point of including this here. The lack of "Lana's sauce" in production-wise as we usually found in trap influenced projects like Honeymoon / L4L sort of broke the album cohesion slightly. But well, I understand why some people might like it.
    As stand-alone track: 8.5/10
    As an album interlude: 4/10
    5. Black Bathing Suit:
    It's simple - and i said it before imma say it AGAIN: This artpiece is literally A.K.A+ BTD/PE + UV + HM + L4L + NFR! + COCC all in ONE. I still dont know how tf she do this BUT SHE DID IT. And it works so perfectly that i am actually terrified of her craziness (yes, she gets mad towards the end, living for it bitches) 
    To those who constantly complain Lana "losing her authenticity" / "i want old Lana back" /"born to die 2.0" and all that type of stuff, shame on you if you decide to shit on Black Bathing Suit. She literally gave you what you asked for! Be grateful for Gods sake. 9.5/10
    6. If You Lie Down With Me
    An adorable sequel to Lizzy's "On Our Way" ♡♡♡ 10/10
    7. Beautiful
    The "raindrop" piano intro is what JACK antonOFF wishes to do. Melody-wise, this song reminds me of Folklore era of Taylor. The lyric really lives up to its own title. 8.5/10
    8. Violet for Roses
    This gave me strange, bittersweet feeling of nostalgia. Reminds me of the first time i heard "Video Games" and discovered Lana on 2011 MTV PUSH (my fifth grade) 😭🙏 . Once again, the piano of this song is a living proof that shows how badly Jack's Piano lacked soul in the last project. 8/10
    9. Dealer
    This song screams camp (literally a SCREAMER,  can't wait to torture my neighbour on drunken depressed karaoke nights in my "party for one" meltdown). 10+++/10 (I've actually grown fond of Miles Kane lately).
    10. Thunder ⚡
    Another bonfire cold night on the beach anthem that i always NEEDED. People been bashing the remake but i LOVEEE the violins (yes, the violins in this song really said "WE ARE GIVING YOU VIOLENCE") - chills & thrills at best. 9.5/10
    11. Wildflower Wildfire
    It's album release date to day. Can we stop the WW unecessary hate for good already? God these people. 9.5/10
    12. Nectar of the Gods
    I don't care what y'all saying about this track. It's my baby child forever and i will protect it at all cost from ur ruthless slanderings (even i wasnt its biological mother but who tf cares) 😡😡😡. Hold you close to my soul since the "leak", keep you in my heart to infinity & beyond. 10/10
    13. Living Legend
    Sweet baby Jane really has her moment to shine. Still a beautiful song tho. Glad that she decided to keep the electronic-distroted "woaow woaow waow grawogggg" towards the end. 8.5/10
    14. Cherry Blossom
    Not her best lullaby & some say it sounds boring because there's just once again, piano for this track. But regardless of the simple production, this song never fails to make me feel like i'm in a ghibli movie scene, taking a nap under a cherty blossom, feeling nutured by mother of nature. 7.5/10
    15. Sweet Carolina
    This song literally shows that Lana herself is full of love running in her veins. 9.5/10
    Overall — its a 8.4/10 for me. A one heaven of experience, but not just a "Lana experience" - it's the one aspect of Lana that we've never seen before. It was a privilege for me to get to discover & witness her growth as an artist. And I agree with Pitchfork, quoted: "LDR's 2nd album of the year is a sweeping survey of her talent as a songwriter, stripped of the aesthetic borders she often places around her work". 
    As a die-hard stan since Born to Die. I am so proud of her, like really. 
  23. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Too much Kane. Would have been better if all Lana.
  24. nosorangegrape liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i'm honestly too lazy to do a full-fledged review so i'll just rate each track & share a few key thoughts...  
    text book - 9/10
    blue banisters - 8/10
    arcadia - 7.5/10
    the trio - 7/10
    black bathing suit - 10/10
    if you lie down with me - 6.5/10
    beautiful - 6/10
    violets for roses - 6.5/10
    dealer - 7/10
    thunder - 6.5/10
    wildflower wildfire - 10/10
    nectar of the gods - 7/10
    living legend - 8/10
    cherry blossom - 8/10
    sweet carolina - 6.5/10
    i'm still not a huge fan of iyldwm, beautiful, & violets for roses, i just can't seem to really "click" with them, iyldwm may just be a matter of warming up to it more, but beautiful & violets for roses don't interest me at all, i don't find anything intriguing or interesting about them, they are pretty, nice songs, but that's really it, pleasant, pretty piano ballads, i just don't click with them  also, not a fan of the reworked thunder, the instrumentals feel out of place, and maybe it's because i'm used to the 2017 version, but the piano & acoustic guitar just don't feel like they fully "fit" the track, also some of the vocals, especially near the second half of the track sound really muffled & strange, i think my last major issue is simply the fact that she included nectar, living legend, & cherry as they were, i really think she would of benefitted from reworking them, at least thunder sounds different, but i didn't really feel anything about nectar, cherry, or living legend being here, i do agree that this album feels more like a collection of songs/playlist rather than an album, i feel like i'm the only person who's not really fully feeling this, but it seems like everybody else is, which i think is amazing & great! i will say that black bathing suit & wfwf are absolutely incredible, i'm so glad we have them <3
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