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  1. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Yes I got a 30% off code too so that’s cool only if new stuff is added lol. But I’ll take it!! I did see on eBay that they have them for good prices but I agree I know the shipping can get high.. good luck!
  2. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Fordham Rd in Euphoria   
    This last episode was so visually stunning but I feel like... nothing really happened?
    Even though Kat was never my fav character in the first season it's frustrating to see them just back off f a character to such a degree. Like her storyline could have gone so much more interestingly. What if she got into some serious shit with one of the guys she was camping with? what if she got a stalker? I feel like the possibilities were endless and instead they put her in this dead-end relationship with Ethan who hasn't had more than two words this whole season either.
    The Rue storyline is getting stale too as well unfortunately. I still really love her as a character and am invested in her recovery but episodes like this last one are way to stale for me. She got herself into some REAL deep shit in episode three with the drug selling, and in this episode it isn'y even mentioned at all? I wanted a little bit of fallout from that, you know? I mean I'm sure it's still coming but it's jarring to the viewer to have the main character make such a detrimental decision in one episode and not even mention it in the next...
    TOTALLY agree that Cal and especially Cassie are carrying this season on their backs. Maddy and Nate are interesting enough with what they're given but I feel like the writers don't exactly know where to take their relationship from here either. Like, they've already soared so high and crashed so hard... why do we need them back together again? (though Maddy would clearly disagree that they're "back" )
    Equally, I actually am interested in this Jules/Elliott shit and think they are both super interesting characters (and it's even more interesting that they've become interested in one another) but again I wish they would have them DO. SOMETHING. I swear to god if I have to watch another scene of them in Elliott's room just rolling around and flirting I will lose it. Let's level this storyline up!!! (I realize they robbed a convenient store in this episode and that was fun, but then they followed it up by just dumping their drug-addicted friend on the side of the road all alone at night? wtf was that? not at all in line with that these characters are typically like and really took me out of the scene)
    Sorry for the rant but last episode just got under my skin. I have faith the rest of the season will recover though. Sydney is coming for that EMMY ya'll!!
    p.s. I also just realized... what happened with the fez and Lexi stuff? They teased us so hard with that then just dropped it. I feel like it will probably play more into the end of the season but still... ok now I'm really done <3
  3. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Yes LMAO a free tote, the black one that says “Blue Banisters” and has a couple blue flowers on it or whatever. I wonder if you can get the CDs on Discogs or EBay for relatively cheap since they’re CDs and not vinyls? Sorry you didn’t get them. I already had a copy of each and decided to just have two cause I really liked them and they were cheap, so not a huge loss for me but I hope you get to find them. 
  4. venicebitx liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Ugh tbh out of everything I ordered I mostly wanted the exclusive CDs but oh well. Is your free gift a tote bag as well? It's definitely better than the lip balms 
  5. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Welp there goes my chance of a complete BB collection 

  6. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    I got the same email lol. And I love that first they said it was lost in transit, then they said it was delayed due to the mugs production. Whatever I’ll be getting the rest of my stuff next week probably I guess. 
  7. boom like that liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Welp there goes my chance of a complete BB collection 

  8. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by drugmunny in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    I'm dying at the ✨✨✨✨However✨✨✨✨
  9. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Instagram Updates   
    For a person who is constantly in the spotlight, such solitary and contemplative moments when you can just take a breath and be at peace with yourself must be a real blessing.
  10. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Euphoria   
    cassie and cal are eating this season up! the dancing scenes made me so emotional. both of them simultaneously reaching their breaking point  
    also the cinematography this season is breathtaking like those final scenes wow

  11. fl0r1dakil0s liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Euphoria   
    I'm starting to not like Elliot 
  12. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by bff in Euphoria   
    I think youre just gay
    same he’s so weird… it feels like he’s trying to split up rue & jules, and the way he blew away the drugs Rue left in the bathroom doesn’t sit right with me. it’s almost like he only wants to fuel her addiction. I don’t trust him
  13. bff liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Euphoria   
    I'm starting to not like Elliot 
  14. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Euphoria   
    I’d happily attend 45 parties with hip hop and rnb tbh
    Episodes 4 ending with Cal’s revelation to his family, wow, he did that.
    I hope he bumps into his high school friend this season, only so i can witness some serious zaddy sex

    Cassie is an absolute trainwreck. 
  15. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Euphoria   
    it’s either that or basic edm from 2009 
    either way it’s very boring 
    there’s lots of great hip hop and r&b that is soulful and catchy it just happens to be the kind that never really takes off
  16. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Put your red boots on, baby,

    GIDDY UP! 

  17. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Instagram Updates   
    I just wanted to stop you and let you know that you have the worst energy I've seen this week.
  18. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in Instagram Updates   
    Are you trying to win "biggest lana hater" on the next lipster awards or something?
  19. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    i geniunely don't understand people who are members of this forum, yet say such rude things about lana, she's just trying to be positive & show gratitude for the happy things in her life, sheesh... 
  20. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by littleseashell in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    This album makes me want to fly to the moon again, get high by the beach, and snort like a champ 
  21. littleseashell liked a post in a topic by The Siren in [Contest] Win either 'Ride' or 'National Anthem' 7" Vinyls!   
    i was confused for a second
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