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About fl0r1dakil0s

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  1. https://youtu.be/tsZjzNBlMO0?si=TlFDiknh9NApuQv- i have a feeling you got everything you wanted and you're not wasting time stuck here like me you're just thinking it's a small thing that happened the world ended when it happened to me
  2. she honestly shouldn't even be commenting on blind items... it looks silly considering there are dozens of insane blind items that come out every day and most are largely BS - why draw attention to it?
  3. fl0r1dakil0s

    Azealia Banks

    azealia on jeremy: "Lana bout to get beat up by a poor redneck in a trailer park honey, he bout to file divorce take half her shit and John Benet ramsay her ass Please." https://x.com/azealiaslacewig/status/1903133767545344045?s=46&t=w9cCNaJUxFOFqgWg4aEj3Q
  4. fl0r1dakil0s

    Lexie Liu

    "girls and gays like me" being a line in the chorus of her new song and the grindr notification at the start of the music video 😭😭😭 okayy lmfao
  5. they have a great streaming service btw if you love classic film
  6. i'm on the other side of coldwater but i have been to that park haha it's v cute
  7. i'm so excited for this i hope the crowd isn't too annoying and i can get close without camping all day.. i'm also going to be feeling some type of way from all the substances i will have consumed at coachella a few days before 😭 i should be going weekend one but alas
  8. when she told me not to post our selfie i didn't omg that girl is sick i've also seen lana at this ralphs twice it's at the corner of ventura and coldwater i live like 10 minutes away
  9. azealia just posted on twitter that her and lana will never reconcile.. i'm dying to know what went down with them
  10. she didn't do anything of the sort.. ever since Froot her records have been for a lack of better words generic and lifeless.. TFJ is the opposite of all of that
  11. "Had the roles been reversed.. if I were the black girl threatening her with physical violence, police would be at my door. So it's not really a gag. It gets sensitive and kind of racial when it didn't need to be" https://www.sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/azealia-banks-ar-har-och-ska-flytta-till-stockholm
  12. zombieboy and lovedrug
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