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About rancidgirl

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    in a rancid world

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    battling with larynx's
    staying forever young
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  1. AND SOMEWHERE THERES A DESERT OMGGGGG we are one song closer to please be my prisoner leaking … i’m so excited
  2. the azealia question was so out of pocket i was giggling when i watched
  3. finally someone bringing these up😭😭😭people are so shocked about her telephone answer like she hasn’t been saying this exact statement for years
  4. praising killah and then saying lovedrug is when the album goes downhill is a choice
  5. ok i just finished my top 3 is Zombieboy, How Bad Do U Want Me, and Garden Of Eden zombieboy is literally the offspring of summerboy idk if that was intentional but likeeeee it’s amazing the snippet did it no justice.. i’m also SOOOOOOOOO sad that killah wasn’t good i had so much hope for it
  6. does this album have a star is born vibes to anyone else? and that is NOT a bad thing hair body face is a collapse
  7. rancidgirl

    Kim Petras

  8. Love Song (i wanted to do this again it’s so fun) 1. In The Car 2. I’m Your Baby 3. Burning Through You 4. Once In A Lifetime 5. I’m A Fucking Mess 6. The High Life 7. Die To Make You Proud 8. Love Song 9. Clothes On The Floor 10. Safe To Be Who We Are
  9. Kinda Outta Luck! 1. Born Bad 2. Dark Sides True 3. I Did What I Had To Do 4. Femme Fatale 5. Pour Me A Cold One 6. Kindness Of Strangers 7. Daddy’s In The Trunk 8. Kinda Outta Luck 9. Killing Someone 10. Can You Be My Savior? 11. Dangerous Girl (an actual song too that’s kinda cool)
  10. instead of leaking whatever you guys should leak a certain calico/pang outtake with a very iconic sample as the instrumental please
  11. green heart.. purple heart.. this love.. is art..
  12. Does anybody feel like this album is going to be an album?? I’m probably wrong though but it’d be cool if it was
  13. I NEED TO HEAR WACO TEXAS 20 MINUTE VERSION ITS SO AMAZING AND SHES SO TALENTED but she’ll never post it…😞😞😞😞👀😞😞😞👀😞😞😞😞😞👀
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