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  1. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in It's "Yes To Heaven" or "Say Yes To Heaven"   
    It’s Say Yes to Heaven - can’t remember where but it was ‘officially’ confirmed.. well as officially as an unreleased song can be ..  
    Also everyone I know has switched to calling it Say Yes to Heaven since the confirmation, YTH feels wrong now 
  2. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in It's "Yes To Heaven" or "Say Yes To Heaven"   
    I think it’s unreleased and we can call it whatever we want  I have this song titled Stewed Tomato Soup  - Eye On You
  3. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by TerrenceOnKilos in It's "Yes To Heaven" or "Say Yes To Heaven"   
    everyone says "Yes To Heaven" but the song is registered as "Say Yes To Heaven" and nowhere does it say that "Yes To Heaven" is the final name. Lana once in a live said "Say Yes To Heaven" so I do not know what to think... what you think about this?  
  4. Venice Peach liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  5. fishtails liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    i get faded, vintage navy blue and baby blue vibes. honestly, what everyone is saying i so get and get those vibes, despite the fact that some are completely different vibes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
  6. Venice Peach liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    it’s totally possible. i have a feeling she will post something on honeymoon. 
  7. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  8. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    More complaining about wanting certain eras back....just go listen to one of hundreds leaked songs from those eras then. We have access to so many material, years worth...appreciate where Lana is now or tune out already. She's not making another BTD or UV. Give it up
  9. Morningcrow liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  10. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    welcome to the pre-release thread it’s always the same discourse over and over again for every era 😭
  11. Fingertips liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  12. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by details in Charli XCX   
    it depends on what kind of music you're into really, as with most artists i'd recommended going from the debut upwards, it's a nice way to see the sound evolving. i'm assuming you're more into alternative music so true romance would be a great starting point
  13. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by stillrun in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    like really. stop posting in here because i come and there ain’t shit in here to see except people writing random shit!
  14. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by knives in Lana Using Big Words   
    not super big but "anonymity" is fuckin hard to pronounce and it took like 10 listens to freak to get myself to pronounce it correctly 
  15. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana Using Big Words   
    no, but they’re larger words, that typically aren’t in a bridge, let alone a lot of songs.
  16. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana Using Big Words   
    the entire bridge for hope
    There's a new revolution, a loud evolution that I saw
    Born of confusion and quiet collusion of which mostly I've known
    A modern day woman with a weak constitution, 'cause I've got
    Monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off
    A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off
  17. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Jon Batiste Interlude in Lana Using Big Words   
    Wasn't quite what I meaned
  18. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by cherrytropico in Lana Using Big Words   
    btw you guys can also include interviews and other things. and the words don’t have to be crazy big, just anything that stands out to you as unique. 
    "The burn that can come from that really can incinerate your whole thinking life and your daily processes.” (interview about swan song)
  19. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Lasso in Lana Using Big Words   
    When I saw your face, it was incredible
    Painted on my soul, it was indelible
    in queen of disaster... that's my favorite word in my native language, I love that part sm 
  20. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in Lana Using Big Words   
    She said, "Most men don't want a woman
    With a legacy, it's of age"
    She said "You can't be a muse and be happy, too
    You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry
    And be happy"
    not a big word but a super long sentence she says kinda fast
  21. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Lana Using Big Words   
    Take that body DOWNTOWN 
    Not such a big word but one of my favorite Lana phrases. 
  22. Get Drunk liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  23. stillrun liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there’s nothing wrong with preferring lana’s older eras over her newer ones. there’s nothing wrong with wanting her to embody those same eras again. what’s wrong is expecting her to create newer music similar to her older music and not appreciating her newer music. i personally love how personal her newer music is. in blue banisters she mentions chuck, nikki, etc. in ocean blvd she mentions harry nilsson, which is a singer she loves and is inspired by. again, liking her older music over her newer music is normal, but you need to respect her newer music as well. 
  24. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Charli XCX   
    You seem like you're more into lyrical artists so Id say True Romance and kitschy tracks judging by your love of marina and Lana.
    I don't think id recommend her later stuff for you but try it anyway-theres a lot to love.
    A lot of her old unreleased is a sister to Lanas unreleased.
  25. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Britney Spears   
    Is she shading Sam 💀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaWlhSLOjC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
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