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  1. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in [SINGLE] Say Yes To Heaven + Sped Up Remix + 7" Picture Disc - OUT NOW   
    i think the song has a deep meaning to her and the cover has something to do with it
  2. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    Why is this thread dead the day after lala released one of the best MV's of her career  
    I'm gonna write a long analysis explaining my thoughts on the video when I have time later, it's too much to cram into a short one 
  3. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Stoned Mary in the Garden in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    I had my 78 year old grandma watch the video (she adores Lana) and she CRIED 
    she said, and I quote, “she knows exactly who she is” yess grandma. Leave those lights on for me gurl
  4. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by RideOrDieConeyQueen in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    Lana is definitely referencing Marilyn's death and comparing it to her own life, so I did some research.
    Stay with me, sorry it's a bit lengthy
    First, we have to look at some theories about Marilyn's death for context.
    In a recent Netflix documentary, Marilyn's housekeeper, Eunice Murray, stated Robert Kennedy was at Monroe's home in the afternoon on the day she died. In the days leading up to her death, Marilyn told a friend that she was "very much in love and was going to marry Bobby Kennedy." The housekeeper also stated that Bobby and Marilyn had a terrible fight on the day of her death. The documentary confirms that Bobby flew to the airport in a helicopter to catch a flight around 2 or 3 am on the night of her death.
    According to an article discussing Marilyn's death, an LA District Attorney "believed that Monroe was given just enough chloral hydrate to make her unconscious. Someone then dissolved about 30 Nembutal capsules in water, which was given to Monroe via an enema bag. The drugs were absorbed by the large intestine, and that was how she died from an overdose. Based on his theory, Miner said that someone else killed Monroe."
    When the pills are taken normally, orally and undissolved, they leave a yellow stain on the small intestine. Marilyn's did not have a stain.
    Continuing with this theory, Marilyn was crossed by her lover, Bobby, who decided to kill her after their argument earlier that day. He gave her chloral hydrate and injected dissolved Nembutal into her large intestine and she died.
    I think this is highly convincing, especially because her organs conveniently disappeared after the short investigation concluded.
    The video as it relates to Marilyn:
    Looking at the video, it's clear the old man is Bobby and Marilyn is playing the role of his sugar baby, "dancin like the young and reckless". The necklaces represent the gifts he gave her and how the dangerous nature of their relationship, and the thrill she got from being involved with someone as notorious as "Rockefeller," kept her holding on. The same could be said about her relationship with fame. She eventually lost her sense of self after "playing" Marilyn for so long, and it led to her death. The candy necklaces can also be seen as metaphors for his, or fame's, materialistic/romantic/sexual possession over her, and you can see her uncomfortably pulling at the necklaces later in the video wanting to be free.
    Later, the bloody car and trunk heighten the gruesome truth of the paparazzi and media publicizing photos of Marilyn's gruesome fate.
    Over-all Message: 
    At 4:07, Lana says, “The whole thing about the video–why it’s all supposed to be behind the scenes–is because all these women who change their names, change their hair–like me–it’s like they all fell into these different snake holes. The whole point is: how do you learn from that and not fall into a thing?”
    These women fell into "snake holes" while playing their celebrity personas, like actresses, and got hurt searching for fame and its benefits. The downside of entertaining a celebrity persona is your persona begins to split between your character and your true identity. Eventually, you lose your grounding, and someone takes advantage.
    Down the thread, @wildheart noted the similarities between Lana's and Veronica Lake's outfit in "I Married A Witch" promotions.
    "Veronica Lake was born Constance Ockelman and changed her name when she came to Hollywood. She was known for blonde wavy hair and her style became very popular in the 40s. She struggled with alcoholism and while she didn’t die, her addiction did have to do with her leaving Hollywood to find recovery."
    Lana is paying homage to Veronica, and pointing out similarities between her, Veronica's, and Marilyn's stories. They all created Hollywood personas with new hair, names, and personalities.

    The last shot with her sitting on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a reference to this pic of Marilyn, I think. Pretty sure it's edited using pics of Norma Jean on the beach but conceptually, it's strikingly similar.


    Lana also isn't wearing a necklace in this shot which shows she is free from him and her desire for the thrill
    She's reclaiming herself and her accomplishments, free of anyone's control.
    (She's referencing the Love music video with the hair, makeup, and outfit - I LOVE)
    In the video, Lana explores the dangerous power dynamics and situations that can be forged when someone creates and maintains a Hollywood persona.
    She questions how you can learn from these situations, and how you keep from falling into similar ones. Additionally, how can you regain your stolen safety, stability, and sense of self after playing a Hollywood persona/splitting your personality for so long?
    Lana is referencing the Born to Die era in multiple shots throughout the video. Going by my theory with the Marilyn and Bobby parallel, I'm guessing she was in a similar situation with someone around the BTD era (my guess is Harvey but who knows). Ultimately, she was haunted and thrilled by her relationship with Rockefeller/fame because of how dangerous it could be for her. She was so caught up in playing the part, she lost herself.
    SUCH an incredible music video 100000/10
  5. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by bluedealer in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    I used to think that the 'old men' in her previous videos were referring to her "taste for men who are older"
    And now once again the old man appears out of nowhere just like in West Coast and Shades of Cool 
    I have no idea what does it mean but I'm sure it is very important to her  
    This film is huge, just like Ride and Tropico. I was not expecting that after all these years  
  6. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfViolence in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    I must admit that I wasn't expecting this much various outfits and different set locations.. just wow.. This video was more unexpected than AW's up-beat outro lol
  7. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Rico25 in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    My thoughts: it's a GREAT short movie but a slightly annoying music video
    Pros :
    - The LOOKS
    - The aesthetics really fit the era photoshoots 
    - On top of referencing famous actresses I  think she also references different eras of herself (I'd say Lizzy, early BTD, Paradise, NFR with the FIILY video mention and even BB as she seems to be annoyed to be doing these videos, which also echoes to the official CN visualizer)
    - the theme is reminiscent of some songs on the album such as A&W or Grandfather, maybe Sweet too
    - it gives another dimension to the song or explains it more
    Cons :
    - it cuts the song WAY too much
    Which of course is the concept but that's why I think it's a great short movie but slightly annoying music video 'cause it doesn't do CN any justice sonically
  8. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by syrup amour in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I’m someone who cares about cohesiveness, and I could honestly talk about this forever. I do actually think Ocean Blvd is cohesive. It’s not the kind of album where you immediately understand the ‘vibes’ and feel, but as you listen to it you realize that it as a whole really I cohesive. 
    Yes, many songs are different from each other, which I think is actually good. An album should have diversity, it should be a ride. It shouldn’t sound like one long song. The beginning is a beautiful heart warming song, The Grants, which really sets the setting and some themes of the album — heaven/morals/religion, and family. Though I have to complain about the gospel singing in the beginning… It doesn’t fit the album imo, it would have been more impactful with the intro only. The grants is a good opener since it’s emotional and personal, but not directly sad. Then as it goes on to the title track, it goes a shade darker. Lana’s fears and inner demons, she wants people to like her for her. She’s afraid of being forgotten. But everyone sees her for everything but her, she is the very tunnel under ocean Blvd, which everyone has just forgotten. I’m sweet she’s a little fed up, ‘If you want some basic bitch’, if you can’t see her for who she is, her kindness and intellect (she’s sweet ya know) then that’s your problem not her. Indifference turns into anger in A&W, she brings up the societal witch hunt against women. She embodies the role, which  she has spent the last songs on the album describing, in the Jimmy part of A&W. She is the American whore. The whole Judah Smith interlude is amazing. To be frank I have not quite completely gone into the depth of his message, but he is discussing what Lana did in the earlier songs. How men are blinded by desire and superficial beauty, and forgets what’s underneath the surface of a woman. Beauty in thoughts, feelings, and intellect. Acceptance turns into sadness in Candy necklace. It’s so dark, and overall the album is dark and eerie, yet sweet. Candy Nevklace is probably my personal favorite, but it’s hard to choose. The Jon Batiste Interluse embodies the eerie feel of the album, it’s a good interlude! Kintsugi and fingertips both discuss family, loss, sadness. The sad themes continue. She shares what she never has before. Deep personal thoughts and experiences. The things people don’t know about her. People always make assumptions about her, yet there are so many things they ont know. She wants them to know. She begs them to see her. Paris Texas is such a gorgeous song. She has one last anecdote to share. She describes loneliness and a feeling of being lost. Family is a sense of belonging, yet she has a hard time feeling one.
    She has said what was needed to be said now, and at this point of the album her heart feels a little less heavy in her heart. Grandfather is so beautiful. She doesn’t really care that superficial beauty is all people care about, it doesn’t invalidate her inner beauty. Themes of family are obviously presented. Let the light in speaks for itself. She describes in kintsugi how you have to let your heart crack and break in order to let the light in, to find happiness. She has let it crack, and light is pouring in. It is very lighthearted, and not very serious, which I think many of the last songs of the album are, she has already said what she needed to say.
    Margaret is a lighthearted and simple song. Not my favorite, but it’s fun. Fishtail is unique in the sense that it’s unlike her other songs. And though it feels darker than the other last songs of the album, it’s a ‘you liked me better when I was sad, but I’m happy now.’ Peppers is a lighthearted bop. I love peppers. Taco truck x vb is also a bop. Both peppers and taco truck x vb are more ‘silly.’ Taco truck x vb explains that she understands that the media hates her, but it simply doesn’t matter to her anymore.
    The album goes from heavy and dark to light and fun. I personally think the next album might embody the lighter and more carefree themes of the second half of the album.
  9. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Great video, one of her best. And Lana rises like a phoenix at the end. 
  10. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    I kinda actually like the breaks between verses. Candy Necklace has an amazing cinematic piano so the whole thing just feels like a movie and the breaks are the soundtracks if that makes sense? (I even maybe preferring the breaks to the verses)
  11. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    Oh she re-uploaded for the third time  
  12. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    perhaps they also represent everything superficial, which we strive for, but which doesn't really make us happy at the end
  13. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Offtotheraces01 in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    Like she literally looks so insanely good i told yall glamour was coming back monthssss ago! And she has served this era on a HOT PLATE MAMA. She delivered and covered the shipping! The big hair and eyeliner at the end, the hollywood waves, the white coat, the wigs, the dresses, the jewels, the makeup, the glamour, the beauty, the allure, the art
  14. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    This made me even more excited about what's next for Lana (like she even herself said "where do we go from here")
  15. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    The music video somehow reflects her entire career. The rich old man represents the music industry, the diamond necklaces her success, which becomes more and more a burden. In the end she exchanges them for simple sugar necklaces and is happiest with them.
  16. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    So many things to say about this, but her paying homage to herself was the most full-circle moment I never expected from her.   
    The fact that she doesn't look a day older than on the National Anthem music video set shook me to the core. 
  17. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    The star Lana Del Rey is not killed at the end. She saves herself from the trap and become succesful as we see from the Hollywood Walk of Fame scene which implies that death scene is only from the movie. This is unlike the actresses she's portraying in the music video, who fell into this trap and ended up with tragic deaths.
    "all these women changed their name, changed their hair like me, they all fell into this different snake holes, so the whole point is how you learn from that and not fall into your own thing.""
  18. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    this is so cool
    its so funny how she swings between these high concept videos and random iphone footage of a chicken in her back yard
  19. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Candy Necklace - Music Video [OUT NOW]   
    I don't think you're too far off at all, I just wanted to add that these women are all also depicted as being vulnerable almost to a fault - where they may feel a certain type of way (MM died by suicide because the man she loved didn't love her, BD may have been killed by someone close to her, but who knows.) I think a lot of the people she chose to play in this video were chosen by purpose too, coincidentally lining up with her own eras. Marilyn Monroe / May Jailer; Elizabeth Grant / Elizabeth Smart (Black Dahlia), then at the end Lana Del Rey as Lana Del Rey. It's interesting that all were called stage names that weren't their birth names. It's just interesting little details.
    The blood to me is more representative of the cost of this lifestyle, which you might consider a tragic end. Lana with the media. Marilyn with the sex icon and publicity of the love she had for someone who would never truly be hers, the Black Dahlia wanting to be a famous actress but ending up dying while chasing that dream. By the end of it, Lana isn't wearing any necklace, so she has fulfilled the dream without costing her her life, while still costing something else to her. Whatever that is.
  20. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Raise Me Up in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Covers)   
    i hear lady gaga more than lana 
  21. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wish she would do livestream & that we can tell her in the comments at least that the new record (including the last 4 songs) is great. Sis needs to go back to reality.
    I can't imagine that she thinks that we hate Peppers & Taco Truck  it's really not the case 
    At least Jen's sister told her 
    And whoever this bitch is who told her that,  when I catch you
  22. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfViolence in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    oh god where did she get these infos from about the songs that people like.. She needs to hire a lanaboards member to objectively tell opinions about the songs
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