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  1. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Mer in favorite song off of born to die ?   
    Lucky Ones. Suck my dick if you don't get it. 
  2. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by bambi eyes in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i hate when people think im “forcing” myself to like blue banisters when i say its my fav album…  
    like no i just genuinely prefer it over her other albums 
  3. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Sweet in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Chemtrails Over the Country Club is/has been THAT bitch but y’all are not ready to have that conversation! 
  4. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    She dresses like a normal person which y’all are not used to seeing a celebrity do  
  5. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by Mnomnom4 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Arcadia is her best song
  6. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    All of Lana's title tracks go hard as hell and it's hard to even rank them.
  7. Venice Peach liked a post in a topic by Mnomnom4 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Arcadia is her best song
  8. Blackestday x CN liked a post in a topic by Mnomnom4 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Arcadia is her best song
  9. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by average BB enjoyer in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    1) tracks that ruin their respective records:
    body electric money power glory fmwttp god knows i tried tulsa jesus freak tulsa jesus freak is fucking horrible and should've stayed as an unleaked, scrapped song for cotcc.
    2) lfl is one of her best works
    3) her best work are her most recent records. we all love nfr (...right?) and the cool ppl love cotcc but i adore blue banisters for how calm it is. granted my least favorite tracks on it are her most stripped back (sorry beautiful and vfr fans ) but my favorites on the record are still way more quiet and bare than her previous work (is it clear that blue banisters is my top record? lmao). i don't HATE btd, uv etc at all, i love 95% of the tracks on them. it's just that nfr-bb (and hopefully ocean blvd) are consistently great and i love them the most 
  10. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    If she didn’t sound like Lana we wouldn’t have thousand’s of publications on the topic- Lana didn’t invent the vocal style but no one in the 00s was doing the low,breathy husky voice-so yes you can make the comparison.

    For the trend’s real genesis we probably need to look back to 2010 and the arrival of Lana Del Rey with a style that combined the delivery of dark, expressive storytelling with a sense that she might be wondering whether she’d remembered to lock the bathroom window. Between them, Lana and Lorde, who appeared a few years later, inspired a raft of major signings.

    I guess you know more than journalists sourcing however 
    Its okay for labels to seek out similar talent and mold them-it happens all the time.
    you can have your POV-I don’t agree however-in no way did I refute myself throughout anything I said-if anything it was consistent.
  11. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don’t see how it’s a reach at all- I don’t hear any alanis in lanas music tbh-she just doesn’t have that vengeful aggression even in UV-you oughta know has no correlation to any of lanas work.
    Lorde even indirectly stated she was an influence on the record-but flipped it around at that time and said it was bullsh*t to sing about topics like that hence we have royals-her lyrical sing rapping on songs like team clearly borrow from Lana- I can’t even name 1 song from 09-12 in popular music that mentions beauty queens funnily enough prior to Lana.
    If it’s such a reach, we wouldn’t have major articles documenting said comments and how they played into lordes music 
    you would have to be delusional to say solar power doesn’t have songs directly lifting from NFR-there’s whole articles about it 
  12. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by shady in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've heard that many times actually and it's not unpopular at all. Every time indie pop girls and tumblr culture is mentioned Lana is always credited as the blueprint. The indie girl pipeline always starts with Lana or Marina, but mostly Lana. We also have countless of micro subcultures/aesthetics like couqettes, sad girls, Paris chic, soft grunge etc. for which Lana's music is their theme song if you know what I mean. 
  13. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    "I've had like a long time interest in all things ancient and occult like so many people and I guess I draw on a little bit of that inspiration for my music."
    She's mapped out the Tree for you in her albums. The constraint built by men is the Tower; the two tigers in Born to Die. It's about anamnesis and remembering the Self within that has been abandoned. Alchemical coniunctio is a "death" preceding new life. "Knowing that you're your own doorway to the answers."
    I mean, did you think she made Tropico just for fun? "Walk in the way of my soft resurrection" was her message.
  14. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From Philip K. Dick:
    Anamnesis. "Can you hear me?"
    From "Get Free"—
    "Finally, gone is the burden of the Crowley way of being"
    Why did she say this? Why does she mention Aleister Crowley? Could it be she actually practices Thelema? Why does her position in the "Blue Jeans" music video mirror that of the Hanged Man in Crowley's Thoth tarot? Is this not another exhortation to "remember"? It is important to her because she believes something important has been lost; something in all of us. 
    "I'm the queen of alchemy
    I know a way to make gold by mixing our
    Souls to escape reality"
    Why does she always mention fire? Why is she always burning? 
    "Anyone can start again
    Not through love but through revenge
    Through the fire, we're born again
    Peace by vengeance brings the end"
    People simply refuse to stop and think about what any of these lines actually mean. My unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread.
  15. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
  16. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by lanaismamom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    well.. time for a really unpopulat opinion 
    yayo 2012 > yayo 2008, even tho this song wasnt supposed to be luscious and the atmosphere of OG song really hits right places but this damn production on 2012 version is inmaculately gorgeous... just like the rest paradise tracks, i really adore how this album turned out and genuinely dont undetstand any hate for this masterpiece
  17. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Sunset Opal in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    So true bestie ! Amazing taste 
  18. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I can see pitchforks and torches outside your window 
  19. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    keep that shit to yourself 
  20. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by PatentLeatherDoOver in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don’t listen to much of Lana’s unreleased music..
    I adore a handful of them (I Talk To Jesus, Tired Of Singing The Blues, the demos for LFL and BP, etc.), but past that, I don’t listen to many others. 
    I don’t find the others bad, really—just not my preference musically, I guess.
  21. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i don’t necessarily agree with you about 13 beaches being better on NFR but i do think often about how Tomorrow Never Came and BPBP would’ve enhanced the sonic landscape of NFR a lot better than they do LFL and would’ve complimented songs like MAC, Love Song, How to Disappear, California, and HIAB very well
  22. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by tjf supremacy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i’m not sure if this is unpopular but 13 beaches would’ve been better on nfr and the next best american record would’ve been better on lfl 
  23. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by Steeqhen in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I actually really like Coachella - Woodstock in My MInd
  24. Mnomnom4 liked a post in a topic by nectarofthegodss in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'm always sad seeing people hate on Beautiful since it's my favorite track on Blue Banisters :((((
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