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The Sun Also Rises

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  1. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I read "America" by Allen Ginsberg for the first time today and it became clear to me that LA Who Am I to Love You is a reference to it: 

    You can read America here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49305/america-56d22b41f119f 
    WARNING, the poem has some ethnic slurs mentioned, proceed with caution 
    Or here: 
    We know Allen Ginsberg is one of Lana's favorite poets, but the connections are undeniable here even without any references she had previously made to his work. Knowing this just enriches this poem even more for me now! 
  2. Unidentified Major Tom liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I read "America" by Allen Ginsberg for the first time today and it became clear to me that LA Who Am I to Love You is a reference to it: 

    You can read America here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49305/america-56d22b41f119f 
    WARNING, the poem has some ethnic slurs mentioned, proceed with caution 
    Or here: 
    We know Allen Ginsberg is one of Lana's favorite poets, but the connections are undeniable here even without any references she had previously made to his work. Knowing this just enriches this poem even more for me now! 
  3. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by ImenaOphelia in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    tbh this poem on vinyl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.this poem on cd/readen. Idk, it gives a vibe of vinyl
  4. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    Note: edited for clarity.

    I haven’t heard anyone talk about this line:
    “Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”
    maybe it’s obvious to the point that there wasn’t really a need to really analyze it but-
    The way ‘plots’ is used in this line reads to me as plots of land. ‘Murder plots’ and the picture is pretty clear.
    It’s possible that the house in question may just be built on top of land that has some negative historical significance unrelated to Lana.
    But the way Lana mentioned looking more into her family tree, the concept of karmic lineage and her commitment to projects acting as sort of reparations to Native American communities makes me wonder if there’s an underlying motivation based on more personal factors.
    I mean, we know Lana comes from a pretty WASP-y background so it’s not hard to imagine she might’ve discovered possible ancestry that may have been involved in something like slavery or some other unjust events that took place in the US’ distant past.
    So the idea of her having negative karmic lineage as mentioned in Black Bathing Suit for example and in this context would make a lot of sense.

    Anyways, it’s a semi controversial take and want to reiterate its purely speculative and not based on any public information we know of, at least at the moment.
  5. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I have to admit I rarely listen to any other album atp  Thats how much Opus Blvd gives
  6. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by blackenedrussianpoetry in How to Disappear   
    now its been years since I left New York
    and i got a kid and two cats in the yard
    the California sun and the movie stars
    and I watch the skies getting light as I write
    as I think about those years 
    and I whisper in your ear-
    i’m always going to be right here
    no one is going anywhere
    what a woman and a songwriter
  7. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in How to Disappear   
    The guitar build up in the bridge literally fixed my credit score, paid my rent for the next 3 months, AND filed my taxes months in advance.
  8. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Elle in How to Disappear   
    Cracked the code of this song after @@Nick Del Rey reminded me of a puzzle piece I was missing. So, Lana stated in her livestream she wrote this song after "getting back to New York from Boston" after being "fucked up in Boston"
    Nick reminded me there was a rumour of Lana going to Boston to watch her boyfriend who was coaching, which lined up during the same time period as I noticed she was in Rhode Island on October 3rd & New York October 5th with Jack, same day she shares first snippet of HTD along with video captioned "pre-recording dance"
    The rumour seemed to originate from a girl who worked at a store Lana was shopping at while in Rhode Island.
    Rhode Island - Oct 3 (traveling there)
    Boston - Oct 4 (meltdown happened w this guy)
    New York - Oct 5 (wrote HTD)
      The man in question seems to be this boxer named Joe Schilling, who a bunch of fans attacked on instagram by commenting rats under his instagram posts on October 21st after he dragged her music, and Lana had to tell her fans to back off. That makes perfect sense given the lyrics: "Joe met me down at the training yard, with cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard" (which would make sense bc he's a boxer)   October 5th: "At the Red Sox vs Yankee play off game at Fenway Park tonight. We’ll be wishing a mother fcker would." (Fenway Park is in Boston, and Lana was there to watch him train the day before... y'know, down at the training yard)     whew that man really hurt her x
  9. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in One-album wonders   
    Jeff Buckley. Obviously, he only had one album because he died but he deserves to be mentioned. I often wonder if he were still here, what his other albums would look like and where he would be in life today. 

  10. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    I always wondered why there's 2 mixes officially released of West Coast: one from the music video (that one's on the album) and then one from the audio on YT which has softer drums and differently mixed vocals? Has this ever been adressed?
  11. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by lanaismamom in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    yeah boz told about it while he was here: “The simple answer to this is that Rob Orton, UV's mixing engineer, was still mixing the tracks at the time of WC release and they just attached earlier mix to it. Pretty sure it was even released on streaming later as Rob Orton mix or something”
  12. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wait that actually sounds really fun lemme start collecting my thoughts and writing it down so im ready in time  
    me expanding on what someone said in this thread months ago calling the A&W - Jon Batiste Interlude run the most Lynchian thing she's ever done and connecting it to the entirety of Twin Peaks + Mulholland Drive + Inland Empire in my track by track breakdown 

  13. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    We all should post track by track posts on Ocean Blvd one year anniversary tbh. Streaming the album and reading long ass paragraphs about every track. Then we watch the Candy Necklace music video, some live performances,   interviews, her Grammy speech she gave after she won and eat an A&W restaurant  meal while doing that and don't forget the root beer or the milkshake from A&W You could try and recreate those meals and the milk shake if you don't have an A&W nearby and /or don't live in the US
  14. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wrote this huge ass track by track thought on the album but this shit is so long I only got to Fingertips before giving up  and this was back in June so now my ranking and thoughts have shifted and im jus like bruh 
  15. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Let The Light In and Margaret the smash hits you are
    Kinda wish they would send Let The Light In to radio stations ( if that didn't happen yet lol), I think it truly deserves

    And I love how the Grandfather Let The Light In Margaret run feels like a warm hug and is very uplifting Fishtail, Peppers and Taco Truck x VB obviously slay too and are giving us LIFE
    I just realize once again how good every part of that album is, she really did THAT 
    Also the way Kintsugi is not only right in the middle of the album but it's the heart of the album too
    That post was kinda filled with random thoughts but I love Ocean Blvd so much, it's my fave along with Honeymoon and ugh I could go and on and on
  16. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Just thought about how in an alternate universe Lana would decide to scrap Ocean Blvd after the laptop was stolen and songs like A&W would just randomly leak with no official release
  17. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    LTLI +700k, Margaret +565k and the album did 2.54m on spotify yesterday
    SMASH album
    margaret and let the smash in coming for 1m daily updates
  18. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    I never meant to be bad or unwell, I was just living on the edge
    Right between heaven and hell, and I'm tired of it
    This is my idea of fun
    It's the middle of winter but in my mind it's summer
    Life doesn’t always work out like you planned it
    They say, "Make lemonade out of lemons,"
    But I try and I just can’t understand it
    All this trying for no good reason
    Man makes plans and God laughs
    Why do I even bother to ask?
    High up in the Hollywood hills, taking violet pills
    Writin' all of my songs about my cheap thrills
    You're a hard man to love, and I'm
    A hard woman to keep track of
    You got your youth and you got your dreams
    Roses out in your country house
    We played guitar in your barn
    And everyday felt like Sunday, and I
    I wish we had stayed home
    What cruel world is this? Nectar of the Gods
    Heroin gold in my veins, you in my thoughts
    I'm on the freeway racin' at a million
    And I just can't stop
    I call you up twice, hang up the phone
    Call again, I wanna talk
  19. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    There are violets in ur eyes
    There are guns that blaze around u
    There are roses in between my thighs
    & fire that surrounds u
    It's no wonder every man in town
    Had neither fought nor found u
    Everything u do is elusive to
    Even ur honeydew
    Our... Honeymoon 
  20. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by lannisterpussy in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    You think I'll ever transform into the man
    God meant to make when he began?
    from the bridge in drive is an all timer lana lyric to me and i can’t believe she’s never reused this. so so stunning
  21. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by violentvioletsky in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    I sing the national anthem while I'm standing
    Over your body, hold you like a python
    And you can't keep your hands off me, or your pants on
    See what you've done to me King of Chevron
    You're so fresh to death and sick as cancer
    ^When I was younger I was shook when I first heard these lyrics lol. They're intelligent and evoke such vivid imagery
  22. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by violentvioletsky in Underrated Lana Lyrics   
    I don't really wanna die
    I just want the pain to be over
    I know that I dreamed about it all my life
    Then the dream got closer
  23. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    candy necklaces mv nominated for the art directors guild  why the topic was taken down? 
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