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About Quincy

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  • Birthday 02/03/1987

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    Moore, OK
  • Interests
    Photography, traveling, weather, the outdoors and Lanita.
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  1. Pardon my ignorance, but does anyone know when this record is actually going to drop? I think it’s safe to say this month isn’t going to happen (despite articles and even this thread title still saying September 2024), but are there are concrete updates, other than unspecific clues or vague remarks made in interviews? Is this a situation where it will be kicked down the road indefinitely and just randomly drop with little to no notice?
  2. How much you wanna bet she doesn’t change the setlist much? Like I’m sure she’ll do a few country covers and probably sprinkle in a Lasso tune or two, but I lowkey don’t think it’s going to be a drastically different playlist. We totally need Nikki Lane though! And get her to do a song with Zella Day too
  3. That Coda is a mistake This City is a Miracle This C*nt in a Marquee That Chic is a Machree Thin Cola of a Maltose This Clue in a Message
  4. Anyone know anything about prettylittleart.com? It looks questionable and there’s barely anything about it online… I ask because I stumbled upon this shirt that I really like. I’m just worried it’s a scammy site… https://prettylittleart.com/_/search?q=Pretty
  5. I doubt it, but who knows. There have been so many wild events over the past month or so that it wouldn’t totally surprise me. Apparently Oprah is throwing her support for Kamala and the only other time she got involved with an endorsement was Obama in 2008. That was kind of a big deal. I’ve been only casually following the DNC speeches. It’s all very long and drawn out, so I’ve mainly been popping in for the bigger names. I wouldn’t say it’s cultish like the RNC, but there’s still a lot of pandering and fluff talk. It was no surprise that Bill spoke. He’s probably one of the more beloved democratic presidents of the modern era, despite some of the scandals. Even though he left office 24ish years ago, he’s still younger than Trump There have been some solid speeches and Shapiro can give a speech, but something about that way he comes off rubs me the wrong way… I really think Walz was an ideal pick for VP. Even though I barely knew anything about him prior to this past month haha In some ways, the DNC has been a lot like a concert. Big names. A whole lot of waiting. The acts come on super late and everything is delayed. Why can’t they even come close to staying on schedule? It ends up going until after midnight on the east coast. Do they realize a lot of dem voters are in bed by 9? Biden should be too
  6. Quincy

    Southern Gothic Music

    Not sure I have a firm grasp on what southern gothic is, but a few tracks off Kicker by Zella Day kinda feel like they’re maybe southern gothic-ish? Shadow Preachers Jameson Maybe The Outlaw Josey Wales to some degree, lyrically, but it’s more upbeat than I’d envision southern gothic really sounding.
  7. All that physical activity burning calories ☠️ wonder if he banged her so good that she said ILY
  8. Anyone ever think that maybe she sings for herself and what she’s comfortable with? All of the h@te for her setlist is growing more old and boring than the setlist itself. Yeah, it’s far from an ideal setlist, but I’m not complaining. We got Body Electric for f#ck sake. Also, did we figure out why she changed the lyric to March in COTCC? Thank you thank you thank you 💜 just listening now because I just got home and it’s great quality, even if it’s not lossless. Sounds like proper radio audio/soundboard. Yes!! I just spent the last half hour reading through this thread and y’all never stop entertaining. It got super unhinged right before she went on and into the first few minutes. (Before it got boring b!tching about the setlist again) I’ve kinda given up on any fall tour around the western U.S., so I’ll take anything I can get, like tonight.
  9. Strippers in the Snow (Lana’s Version)
  10. Quincy

    Taylor Swift

    More details on the foiled plot. Scary stuff. Good thing authorities were able to get on top of this, or it could have been very bad. AP | Officials say suspects in foiled plot at Taylor Swift shows hoped to kill as many people as possible
  11. I think Walz was the safe pick. Shapiro would have been great for trying to win Pennsylvania, but it sounds like his baggage might have been too much to overcome. With so much on the line, I think Kamala made the right choice!
  12. Sources say she’s chosen Tim Walz https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna163448 I don’t know much about Walz. My initial thought was that we don’t need another old guy on the ticket… but it does sound like the one demographic that Kamala might be struggling with is older voters. Apparently they’re both about the same age The one picture I saw of him in a news story made him look super old. He’s 60 and Kamala will be 60 this October. I just hope he’s not a Tim Kaine 2.0 pick. Is he at least charismatic? I need to do some more research lol
  13. I also believe the announcement is scheduled to happen in Pennsylvania, which would make sense if she picked Shapiro.
  14. J.D. Vance recently did an interview and started it off by doing a toast with Diet Mountain Dew I can’t find the actual segment, but this clip shows it starting at 0:39: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YyvizyXhgCQ&t=247s
  15. I think you nailed it. I’ve been saying that Kamala cannot repeat the mistake that Hillary did with picking a boring VP like Tim Kaine was. I understand that she can’t pick another woman (our country is stupid), but I really hope she keeps the excitement going with a VP candidate who also excites. It won’t happen, but Pete Buttigieg would be amazing. He’s so talented and extremely well spoken. Hell, he goes on Fox News and wipes the floor. Don’t pick a boring old dude and don’t pick someone who people think is an insider.
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