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Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)

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I wrote a long response to Lana's first shitty explanation on Twitter a couple days ago which I'll post when I get around to screenshotting it, but for now I'll content myself with responding to some of the many bad takes here:


I'm so glad Lana is playing the only democracy in the middle east

Yeah, call me when Palestinians in the occupied territories can vote for representation in the Knesset.


can we like just put politics away for like just one second?

Member of oppressor class in apartheid state asks that we "just put politics away" (i.e. turn a blind eye to the denial of basic human rights to others by that oppressor class) for just one second so they or other members of that oppressor class can attend a fucking pop concert.


I do however have an opinion about the annoying brats harassing her to cancel on fans over there who want to see her just like the rest of us and how entitled they are to think those innocent civilian fans don’t deserve to see her in concert because its in a war torn country.

It's not about it being "war torn" or "dangerous". It's about occupation, the systemic oppression of Palestinians under an apartheid system, and the disproportionate use of force employed against resistance to that.


I have zero respect for anyone who prioritizes their fandom for an artist over supporting human rights.


I sympathize with Israeli fans who want to see Lana. I really do. But this is bigger than you or your desire to see one of your favorite artists.


When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Israel and not just in LA :awk:

When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.


Your family isn't being murdered either. If you are sooo passionate and care about palestine, why don't you go there to help? Oh wait. You won't. You just spend money on Lana instead LMAO passionate indeed!

assuming you are telling the truth that your family is from there, then you admitted that you only "care" because of your family. Yet you were telling us that people "only care about themselves" ? Well you do the same. :facepalm: Since you are so vocal to call others out abt not "caring" then you better start caring for every other country too!!! Not just for palestine bc your family is from there. :usrs:


And your family isn't being murdered. You are in Brazil. :usrs:

JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.


she already performed in turkey and russia. selective outrage about israel is just as stupid as blindly defending their politics.

This might be an argument against performing in Turkey and/or Russia. It's not a good argument for performing in Israel. It's also an argument against nuance and the ability to make distinctions between somewhat repressive regimes and apartheid states.


oh my god who even cares

It's one thing to argue why it doesn't personally bother you. It's another thing to dismiss the concerns of others, some of whom are directly affected.


I really don't get this outrage about her performing at this festival. I said this before in another thread but, should artists also not perform in America because Trump's seperating kids from their families and putting them in literal concentration camps? Are we just gonna ignore that the US military bombed Syria and killed innocent people? Are artists supporting this by performing in the US?

I mean, if artists want to boycott the US for these reasons as a political statement more power to them. But the apartheid nature of the state of Israel uniquely warrants it. There is historical precedent for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions having an impact. And the people being oppressed are calling for it.


Lana has fans in Israel who also wanna see her live.

People shouldn't be punished because their government is fucked up.

Israelis are responsible for what their government does in their name and boycotts, divestment, and sanctions can be an effective way to put pressure on a populace to demand change from their leaders. But give me a break. Not being able to go to a Lana show is like the mildest form of collateral damage you can imagine.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Imagine if she announces new music at the festival, almost everyone who has something to say will suddenly get amnesia and forget they ever had an issue. Some of Yall are so "woke" but have the attention span of 5 year olds. And that's the tea.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.


Instead of selectively quoting (convenient to you) posts of mine alone (I mean you should have quoted also the person I was answering to/quoting him with those posts AND the other posts I made too in order for ppl to know exactly what happened and why I said what I said) and saw the whole picture, you would have known that I specifically quoted that person for a reason. Allow me to explain why and please don't try again to manipulate my posts like that again thank you. The particular person went on a rant in more than one threads and yelling at people "you don't careeee, you won't careeee. You will only care about yourselvesss" in an attempt to make them feel bad for themselves eventho they really didn't do anything wrong aside from voicing their opinions. I wasn't vile nor was my intention to be vile. In fact I was absolutely very clear in my posts. I simply pointed out to that person that while he's been calling other peoples names about "not caringggg" and being aggressive due to that, it got proved that he only cares bc he does have relation to family being from palestine and they apparently moved to Brazil.


See now the reasoning behind those posts? My intention wasn't to be mean to that person or anyone else. I simply wanted to point out how he falls very well into the same category he tried to brand others for. There is no harm in pointing it out. And I responded accordingly to people based on how they treated me too, I returned the same treatment.


And since you put the effort to quote a post of mine, would you be a dear to respond also to my reply to your post from earlier?

This one: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10218-galilee-israel-meteor-festival-sep-7-2018-confirmed/page-11&do=findComment&comment=669591

:woot: giphy.gif :woot:

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I wrote a long response to Lana's first shitty explanation on Twitter a couple days ago which I'll post when I get around to screenshotting it, but for now I'll content myself with responding to some of the many bad takes here: Yeah, call me when Palestinians in the occupied territories can vote for representation in the Knesset. Member of oppressor class in apartheid state asks that we "just put politics away" (i.e. turn a blind eye to the denial of basic human rights to others by that oppressor class) for just one second so they or other members of that oppressor class can attend a fucking pop concert. It's not about it being "war torn" or "dangerous". It's about occupation, the systemic oppression of Palestinians under an apartheid system, and the disproportionate use of force employed against resistance to that.I have zero respect for anyone who prioritizes their fandom for an artist over supporting human rights.I sympathize with Israeli fans who want to see Lana. I really do. But this is bigger than you or your desire to see one of your favorite artists. When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora. JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile. This might be an argument against performing in Turkey and/or Russia. It's not a good argument for performing in Israel. It's also an argument against nuance and the ability to make distinctions between somewhat repressive regimes and apartheid states. It's one thing to argue why it doesn't personally bother you. It's another thing to dismiss the concerns of others, some of whom are directly affected. I mean, if artists want to boycott the US for these reasons as a political statement more power to them. But the apartheid nature of the state of Israel uniquely warrants it. There is historical precedent for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions having an impact. And the people being oppressed are calling for it. Israelis are responsible for what their government does in their name and boycotts, divestment, and sanctions can be an effective way to put pressure on a populace to demand change from their leaders. But give me a break. Not being able to go to a Lana show is like the mildest form of collateral damage you can imagine.




1) this is a “fucking” pop singer forum.

2) I live in that country so I have the eligibility and probably more knowledge of what’s happening in my own country except for stories that runs in social media.

3) it seems you’re forcing your “opinion” into people in that forum.


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When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.


Well, I bet if they invited her to a music festival, she would've went right away so  I don't see the point of this argument

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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Why can't some ppl educate others about what's going on instead of being a condescending asshole? Just a thought.

I was thinking the same.


1) this is a “fucking” pop singer forum.

2) I live in that country so I have the eligibility and probably more knowledge of what’s happening in my own country except for stories that runs in social media.

3) it seems you’re forcing your “opinion” into people in that forum.

And all this 100%.

:woot: giphy.gif :woot:

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Because there were more bad takes that you're allowed to quote in one post:



''Lana will perform in Israel this year...therefore, she 100% supports genocide (and other really bad stuff)'' is a really really stupid thing to say, and now, the bored twitter ''stans'' that have nothing better to do with their lives created this huge drama out of it, just so they can entertain themselves and to get some likes and followers with their ''woke'' statements. Wow...

It doesn't mean she 100% intends to support injustice and oppression. But her actions have that effect despite her intentions.


her not going won't make a difference

It helps set a precedent though. And as one of the bigger artists on the roster the success of the festival could largely fall on her.


This might be a reach, but there are so so many very questionable regims in the world. Does anyone think the obsession with israels (although horrible) wrongdoings is somehow connected to a kind of latent antisemitism?


I mean, maybe not in the case of Americans, considering America and israel has a special relationship, but for me as a European whose country has little to do with israel I find the israel/palestine conflict oddly overrepresented in the media. There are so many other shit governments in the world I know nothing about, because we just don't care the same way.

Yes, some critics of Israel are motivated by antisemitism. And yes, there are many other bad regimes. And yes, there may be good arguments for not performing in some of them as well. But Israel is an apartheid state whose oppressed inhabitants are asking people to stand in solidarity and boycott and divest.


She should release pro-Israeli statement, deflect the idea that some apartheid is even going on and stand behind her jewish friends. Please, Lana.

That would be pretty hypocritical given her reference to Giuliani's "truth isn't truth" comment.


Just going to carry on and pretend none of this is happening, stream Lust For Life.

This is moral abdication.



Jack Antonoff, who is a Jew, probably convinced her to perform there. I'm okay with it if she premieres new music!  :flutter:

Yeah, but didn't he produce Lorde's last album, who famously canceled her show in Israel?


I know it's fun to 'cancel' people for any perceived mistake but it's just getting old and tired at this point.

I don't want to "cancel" Lana. I just want her to cancel this show.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Well, I bet if they invited her to a music festival, she would've went right away so I don't see the point of this argument

This take... do some of you just lack critical thinking skills

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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I support Lana on this one. To her she’s still in a touring state of mind. She obviously doesn’t want to get involved politically & I respect that. There are many political problems going on in the Middle East so it makes sense to not want to open that can of worms & just do what she does & sing for her fans. Knowing Lana she doesn’t give a damn if people get mad at her. She’s the type of person to go to Israel then Palestine the very next day. She might care about politics from time to time, but at the end of day she cares about the music


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I wrote a long response to Lana's first shitty explanation on Twitter a couple days ago which I'll post when I get around to screenshotting it, but for now I'll content myself with responding to some of the many bad takes here:


Yeah, call me when Palestinians in the occupied territories can vote for representation in the Knesset.


Member of oppressor class in apartheid state asks that we "just put politics away" (i.e. turn a blind eye to the denial of basic human rights to others by that oppressor class) for just one second so they or other members of that oppressor class can attend a fucking pop concert.


It's not about it being "war torn" or "dangerous". It's about occupation, the systemic oppression of Palestinians under an apartheid system, and the disproportionate use of force employed against resistance to that.


I have zero respect for anyone who prioritizes their fandom for an artist over supporting human rights.


I sympathize with Israeli fans who want to see Lana. I really do. But this is bigger than you or your desire to see one of your favorite artists.


When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.


JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.


This might be an argument against performing in Turkey and/or Russia. It's not a good argument for performing in Israel. It's also an argument against nuance and the ability to make distinctions between somewhat repressive regimes and apartheid states.


It's one thing to argue why it doesn't personally bother you. It's another thing to dismiss the concerns of others, some of whom are directly affected.


I mean, if artists want to boycott the US for these reasons as a political statement more power to them. But the apartheid nature of the state of Israel uniquely warrants it. There is historical precedent for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions having an impact. And the people being oppressed are calling for it.


Israelis are responsible for what their government does in their name and boycotts, divestment, and sanctions can be an effective way to put pressure on a populace to demand change from their leaders. But give me a break. Not being able to go to a Lana show is like the mildest form of collateral damage you can imagine.


i’m on mobile so i wont go through this long post to delete half of it but i just wanna say tht turkey is bombing/ killing syrian and kurdish children, russia is supporting this as well. theres relatively little media coverage of this but turkey is very restrictive when it comes to the rights of the kurdish people and turkey (and irak) are the countries with the biggest (native) kurdish populations. there’s some kurdish people living in turkey safely just as there are arabs (palestinians) living safely in israel but there’s also those who unfortunately aren’t.


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1) this is a “fucking” pop singer forum.

2) I live in that country so I have the eligibility and probably more knowledge of what’s happening in my own country except for stories that runs in social media.

3) it seems you’re forcing your “opinion” into people in that forum.

1. Goodness gracious! How dare I use profanity to emphasize how trivial I find someone's desire to attend a concert to standing up for human rights! What a travesty! #CertainTravesties

2. Members of oppressor classes, particularly when they are propagandized by their government and state-friendly media, are often the last to come to terms with the reality and extent of that oppression. And if you're suggesting that my position on this issue is informed only by histrionic social media posts, that's funny. You forget I'm old and have followed this issue since long before social media existed and despite a historically strong pro-Israel bias in US media.

3. Forcing my opinion? How? I mean, I have every right to express my opinion as much as anybody else here. You say this as if I've somehow abused my mod powers to silence or punish differing views about this. I haven't. If anything, quite the opposite. Members have reported offensive posts in this thread that I think objectively warrant discipline, but I've recused myself and left them for other mods to decide. I will note it is funny how often on this forum accusations of "forcing" or "imposing" an opinion generally correlate with an inability to articulate much of a rebuttal.



Instead of selectively quoting (convenient to you) posts of mine alone (I mean you should have quoted also the person I was answering to/quoting him with those posts AND the other posts I made too in order for ppl to know exactly what happened and why I said what I said) and saw the whole picture, you would have known that I specifically quoted that person for a reason.

This is honestly hilarious. Your quotes in their original context look way worse and make you look like that much more of an asshole. If anything I did you a favor.


And since you put the effort to quote a post of mine, would you be a dear to respond also to my reply to your post from earlier?

This one: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10218-galilee-israel-meteor-festival-sep-7-2018-confirmed/page-11&do=findComment&comment=669591

Sigh, if I must. :eyeroll:


It's a strawman, on multiple levels, but here's one: Its implicit premise is that in the quote of mine it responds to I say people have to stop saying certain ideas. I don't. I merely politely asked people keep the plight of Palestinian victims in mind as they post. I literally say please.


Why can't some ppl educate others about what's going on instead of being a condescending asshole? Just a thought.

Let's see. What post of theirs did I quote and how did I respond to merit being called a "condescending asshole"? Oh. I merely mirrored their own words back to them.


When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Israel and not just in LA :awk:

When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.



I find it funny how I'm being asked to educate others about the situation when I've referenced more relevant facts about the situation than most if not all the people commenting in this thread even though that hasn't been the focus of my posts and it's not my job to educate people.


i’m on mobile so i wont go through this long post to delete half of it but i just wanna say tht turkey is bombing/ killing syrian and kurdish children, russia is supporting this as well. theres relatively little media coverage of this but turkey is very restrictive when it comes to the rights of the kurdish people and turkey (and irak) are the countries with the biggest (native) kurdish populations. there’s some kurdish people living in turkey safely just as there are arabs (palestinians) living safely in israel but there’s also those who unfortunately aren’t.

Again, this is an argument against performing other places, not an argument for performing in Israel. I wouldn't perform in Erdogan's Turkey either. But Turkey isn't an apartheid state denying basic human rights on the scale of Israel to half the population and I'm not aware of any mass popular movement on the scale of BDS there asking people to boycott, but if there is I'd honestly like to know.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Imagine if she announces new music at the festival, almost everyone who has something to say will suddenly get amnesia and forget they ever had an issue. Some of Yall are so "woke" but have the attention span of 5 year olds. And that's the tea.


a) She won't

b) Even if she did, we can still care about her support for apartheid. 


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I'm done with reading or saying anything in that matter since many people stay oblivious anyway, but there's one more thing I wanna know: she said she's looking forward to playing music for everyone i.e. both Israeli and Palestinian children, can I ask exactly how you guys think she's gonna do that? Is she gonna play an ukelele song in a field hospital or what exactly is she referring to?


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I wrote a long response to Lana's first shitty explanation on Twitter a couple days ago which I'll post when I get around to screenshotting it, but for now I'll content myself with responding to some of the many bad takes here:


Yeah, call me when Palestinians in the occupied territories can vote for representation in the Knesset.


Member of oppressor class in apartheid state asks that we "just put politics away" (i.e. turn a blind eye to the denial of basic human rights to others by that oppressor class) for just one second so they or other members of that oppressor class can attend a fucking pop concert.


It's not about it being "war torn" or "dangerous". It's about occupation, the systemic oppression of Palestinians under an apartheid system, and the disproportionate use of force employed against resistance to that.


I have zero respect for anyone who prioritizes their fandom for an artist over supporting human rights.


I sympathize with Israeli fans who want to see Lana. I really do. But this is bigger than you or your desire to see one of your favorite artists.


When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.


JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.


This might be an argument against performing in Turkey and/or Russia. It's not a good argument for performing in Israel. It's also an argument against nuance and the ability to make distinctions between somewhat repressive regimes and apartheid states.


It's one thing to argue why it doesn't personally bother you. It's another thing to dismiss the concerns of others, some of whom are directly affected.


I mean, if artists want to boycott the US for these reasons as a political statement more power to them. But the apartheid nature of the state of Israel uniquely warrants it. There is historical precedent for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions having an impact. And the people being oppressed are calling for it.


Israelis are responsible for what their government does in their name and boycotts, divestment, and sanctions can be an effective way to put pressure on a populace to demand change from their leaders. But give me a break. Not being able to go to a Lana show is like the mildest form of collateral damage you can imagine.

its funny you're just sitting on your computer whining about something instead of directly contacting her since you're so devastated about it. You couldn't care less about palestine, ur fake wokeness is showing. 

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