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maybe lana being homophobic is justified..

She isn't though. She proved it many times, and even though she goes to an homophobic church, it doesn't mean she supports every single thing from it.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I'm not a big fan of her personality right now, at least what little of it we've been given this era. But I feel like, give it 6 months and we'll probably get a different personality from her.


Queen of mutiple personality disorder. I hope we get to see classic Lizzie show up soon. Fingers crossed.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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She isn't though. She proved it many times, and even though she goes to an homophobic church, it doesn't mean she supports every single thing from it.


When has she proved it? When has she proved it in like, the past five years? Or since the first hillsong sighting? And even if she isn't explicitly god-hates-homos homophobic, she's still giving money to people who are, so catch me burning my stan card and pretending her career stopped with swan song.

locals only

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Are we really back to ‘Lana is a homophobe’ debates

Apparently it’s now the same weekly banter “she’s goes to a homophobic church she hATES GAYS OMG SHE HATES US” and then “she’s not releasing the album shE HATES GAYS SHE HATES US”


Snooze.... zzzz..... zzzzz....


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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She isn't though. She proved it many times, and even though she goes to an homophobic church, it doesn't mean she supports every single thing from it.


I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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When has she proved it? When has she proved it in like, the past five years? Or since the first hillsong sighting? And even if she isn't explicitly god-hates-homos homophobic, she's still giving money to people who are, so catch me burning my stan card and pretending her career stopped with swan song.

I think if she was homophobic she wouldn't be so close with Win, the fan that follows her everywhere. And someone said Chuck was part of the LGBT community? I didn't know that but I will say that if it's true, it'd be pretty weird for Lana to be so close to Chuck if she was homophobic. And she was going to gay prides years ago. Going to church doesn't mean being homophobic, stop looking for every opportunity to drag her down.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I can’t believe some of y’all think she’s homophobic. And I’m laughing at some of you entertaining the trolls saying “she’s friends with that gay fan” etc. Obviously she’s not homophobic. You can practice a religion and not agree with every single thing about it you know... smh. Also, not @ some of u saying you’re revoking your stan card yet talking about Lana related things on Lanaboards every. Single. Day.

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When has she proved it? When has she proved it in like, the past five years? Or since the first hillsong sighting? And even if she isn't explicitly god-hates-homos homophobic, she's still giving money to people who are, so catch me burning my stan card and pretending her career stopped with swan song.


thinking about it swan song really was the end of the classic "Lana Del Rey" persona

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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I don't believe that Lana is homophobic, even if she goes to that church. For all we know, she could just be attending AA meetings that take place inside the church.


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lana during a hillsong service when they start preaching anti-abortion and lgbt sermons yet she thought it was only a gospel concert with snacks 

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I think if she was homophobic she wouldn't be so close with Win, the fan that follows her everywhere. And someone said Chuck was part of the LGBT community? I didn't know that but I will say that if it's true, it'd be pretty weird for Lana to be so close to Chuck if she was homophobic. And she was going to gay prides years ago. Going to church doesn't mean being homophobic, stop looking for every opportunity to drag her down.


I've had 'friends' that I found out were disgustingly homophobic that knew I'm bi, that would listen and nod when I talked about girls, that thought having a token LBGT friend made their vile views acceptable. It's called moral licensing. And yes, joining a homophobic church and giving money to them, or holding the view of 'hate the sin, not the sinner' is pretty homophobic, even if she isn't at westboro levels yet. I'm not looking for every opportunity to drag her down. I'm allowed to be disappointed and angry that she's openly aligning herself with churches that hold these views, no matter her own personal views, and given that one of her current friends posted that picture in that hotel and then deleted the comments reminding her of the boycott, I'm not too optimistic about her personal views tbh. I'm not here for this 'let celebrities live their life without judgement' shtick when their lives involve waving away human rights lmao.

locals only

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She isn't though. She proved it many times, and even though she goes to an homophobic church, it doesn't mean she supports every single thing from it.

skdhf i was joking, she's not homophobic, people who are saying that are doing the Most


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