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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Thank you for this post. There’s nothing else to say or speculate at this point and it’s very unhealthy like you said for some of us to be this invested in an artist to the point where people are posting it’s affecting them. I’m not going to be dismissive and say “You GuYz Need 2 Go OuTsIde” or “read a book”. No, focus on yourselves and if you find yourself caring less and less about NFR or Lana herself, DON’T feel guilty. If you feel sad, feel sad. Eventually you move past it and you might discover better coping mechanisms for hidden personal issues. That’s a good thing for you and everyone else. If anything Lana needs the lack of investment from her fans. If NFR isn’t as successful as it should’ve been then that’s on her. That’s not on you. And maybe she doesn’t care if it is either. Seek help, whether it’s speaking to someone, discovering a new hobby, enjoying a new artist’s music, going on a little adventure. This is sort of why I seriously wish the thread gets locked. There’s nothing else to say and that’s okay.

Like many people on this site, I feel like I have a very strong and special connection to Lana and her music. The last thing I want to come off as is dismissive. Not when so many of her songs still bring me to tears. Not when she's written things I could have (or have) written myself. At this point I don't know what's real and what's not, I don't know what to believe. They might not even be her own words for all I know. But still, that connection I feel is still there, as strong as ever. Only now I see her more as a fictional character, of an unknown author -or several. Lana and Lizzy existed, even if only as characters. No one can take that away from me. No one can take that away from us. I'm starting to see ole Bess Elizabeth as more of an actress, and that makes it easier.


I have not had an easy life. I'm sick, and not getting better. But there's hope I might eventually, so there's that. As much as this "era" frustrated me, I'm thankful for one thing. I can't deny how much it inspired me and motivated me as an artist. I'm writing all the time, and I'll start recording again whenever I can. I know quite a few of you are also artistically inclined, and I encourage you to do the same. The less she does, the more I want to do. The lazier she gets, the more driven I become. It's weird, but I love it. I'm not going to tell anyone to gO oUtSiDe or rEaD a bOoK. Just do whatever brings you joy, whatever adds something of value to your life and your mind. Do...whatever you think Lana should be doing. (you know what I mean :P)


I've said this before, but it came off as bitter and spiteful at the time. I think it would be for the best if we didn't financially support NFR (...whenever it is that she decides to release it). We know she has money. She knows she has money. And even though money is never truly enough, I doubt Lana obsesses over accumulating wealth. I used to think she simply didn't care whether NFR did well or not sale-wise, that she didn't mind making less money if it meant doing things her way. But now, I'm starting to think she wants it to fail commercially. There's something incredibly liberating about failure sometimes, under certain circumstances. Lana is in a position where she might actually win by losing. If NFR (and whatever else might follow) flops, she will not go broke. She will still be able to maintain the lifestyle she wants. She will not be disgraced, she will not lose any of the acclaim she has received to this point. She will still be iconic. But she might fade into obscurity, and be able to live her life without having to answer to anyone.


We...we're being ghosted. We need to see it for what it is, we need to get the message. We're the Khloes to her Tristan, and it's not a good look. She doesn't want us, she doesn't need us, and the best thing for us to do is gather whatever scraps of dignity we have left and end this.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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does anyone else kind of feel like Lana does just want to disappear?  i was thinking waaaay earlier, when she announced the title Norman Fucking Rockwell, then released Venice Bitch and said that the label execs were like "why are you doing this to us?" then released that uh... interesting album art for Hope Is A Dangerous Thing - she seems to almost intentionally be going anti-commercial.  And now she's intentionally ignoring the hype she started, ignoring all her fans who keep asking about the album, then taunting everyone with shitty pics of her insta saddie friends.


what if she got what she always wanted, became a star, and then realized it's not what she thought? what if she just doesn't want to be famous anymore?  what if she's trying to flop so everyone forgets about her and she can just be that rich old lady with two kids and two cats in the yard?  it's kinda dumb bc her whole Lana Del Rey shtick was being the wannabe famous singer.  but now she IS the star.. and in 2019, its kind of a joke.  idk, this is just my thoughts on it, but i could see it being true.

That's exactly what I think too. After everything that's happened, I have to wonder if she's trying to get her label to let her go, or at the very least lose interest in her.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I cannot get over how good Chuck’s photos of Grimes are :deadbanana:


At this point, it’s clear that only Lana is to blame for the utter laziness characterizing her career now. She can’t be bothered to release, can’t be bothered to have nice visuals after creating a career out of them, can’t be bothered to look like a star, can’t be bothered to promote, can’t be bothered to interact with fans anymore, can’t be bothered to pursue more soundtracks or film projects. She’s lost her creative spark and just dials it in because she knows her obsessive fans will still pay for her Matcha and premium IG filters.

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god... it seems like this is the whole fucking song and the final will just be the same but longer... she really teased half of it and cant even release it. does she take classes on how to kill all hype or something?

NEVER forget @Peroxide saying Lana should take a writing class


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let's all call her Elizabeth from now on as she's clearly not Lana anymore and doesn't deserve to be named after this beautiful talented star who died too soon (a.k.a creator of Born To Die, Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon.. never forget <\3)



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((not gonna get my hopes up and say it’s lana because i know it’s not lmaooo probably some rando pop star... but i’m gonna pretend it is so i have something to look forward to then be disappointed by.))


miss born to lose

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that would be legendary! but from what weve been getting served lately i expect the least. 


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What if she was doing a play on words with this album and it means “rock well”


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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((not gonna get my hopes up and say it’s lana because i know it’s not lmaooo probably some rando pop star... but i’m gonna pretend it is so i have something to look forward to then be disappointed by.))

idk.... he said BIG in all caps! i would live for a surprise NFR release but-- youre probably right not to get hopes up. hope is a dangerous thing after all  :facepalm:

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((not gonna get my hopes up and say it’s lana because i know it’s not lmaooo probably some rando pop star... but i’m gonna pretend it is so i have something to look forward to then be disappointed by.))

lets all tag lana and make her trending on twitter


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((not gonna get my hopes up and say it’s lana because i know it’s not lmaooo probably some rando pop star... but i’m gonna pretend it is so i have something to look forward to then be disappointed by.))

It's probably Katy fucking Perry, but we live in hope.


If it's our sis then it'll be leaked on Thursday.


Also OT af but Baz Lurhmann is doing an Elvis biopic and I want Lana as Priscilla or at least on the fkn soundtrack. Go post on his Twitter and tell him.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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