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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i took y'all's advice and went outside. i just kept walking with the endless summer sun beating on the back of my neck. sometimes i swear i could hear the sound of piano chords being hit in the distance... a faint melody... the smell of PBR and sweat. it seemed the day lasted for years before the sun began to set. as i was passing under a bridge, a group of bums were gathered by a small trash can fire. they were burning copies of Vogue Italia June 2019 for warmth even though it was sweltering. i was sweating so profusely that i became delirious........ a screeching sound... a car pulls up as my eyes begin to flutter closed. a- a. white.. mustang.


next thing i knew, i was strapped in front of a computer with internet access but all websites were blacklisted except for Lanaboards. I'm here again. the album still isn't out. my eyes are held open with those shitty coke spoon necklaces Lana used to sell as merch. i'm praying they break from poor quality soon so i can blink and shut out this horrible computer screen. idk who my captors are because they always wear masks when they come in to force feed me white bread and matcha, but one of them has long blond hair and these weird fitting jeans that are ripped in the front. i swear she may have had bunny ears also, idk, maybe that was part of the mask.


i tried to go outside. this is my story. you dont wanna be like me, you dont wanna see all the things i've seen .... im dying............ dying :judgingu: :scream:




but.... where is the music. key point here

It’s lit rally on Spotify luv, she has put out 4 singles in the past year and literally teased half her album and poetry book

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maybe we're saying she should retire because...idk....the shitty way she's been handling the NFR promo and basically treating her career like it's a joke


If her heart isn't in this, and she wants move on to other things, she should just tell people that and stop stringing along her fans

The thing is, all those hundreds and thousands of high fashion photos, numerous magazine covers, videos, etc. were LDR’s choice and/or done with her acquiescence. No one forced her to do anything related to all the various kinds of visuals. SHE made them important to the world and to her success, no one else did. Image IS important in the pop arena, we all know that.


So the responsibility is hers. She publicly exploited herself and set that ball rolling.


And when you get up on either a literal or physical stage, sometimes you get applause and sometimes people throw tomatoes or boo you, and you have to take responsibility for both, for getting up on stage willingly and willfully in the first place.

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okay i know i partake sometimes so i don't wanna sound hypocritical but can we make a separate thread for fighting about her behavior/career?? i have a headache 


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okay i know i partake sometimes so i don't wanna sound hypocritical but can we make a separate thread for fighting about her behavior/career?? i have a headache 

where's the fun in that :/



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where's the fun in that :/

ur right... maybe it should be an exclusive discord discussion instead and the thread is where people can publicly beg for our approval to be added 


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It’s so weird thinking there’s gonna be people that become fans because of this album

My first era was Honeymoon, which is kinda late but wow I can’t imagine stanning her for the first time 8 years into her career. So trippy to think about.

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y'all the reason people are talking about her retiring is because SHE HERSELF sure seems to want to. it's not because we don't want her music, it's because of...well honestly i don't even need to get into it because there are literally dozens of extremely well written posts laying it out and if you didn't get the message those times you're just being deliberately dense



For Christmas I want a private group chat with my favorite ppl from here.


make a pm group!!  :hooker:

it's just the way i feel

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ur right... maybe it should be an exclusive discord discussion instead and the thread is where people can publicly beg for our approval to be added 

Finally a Discord to rival with the other clan of problematic now-banned members



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It’s lit rally on Spotify luv, she has put out 4 singles in the past year and literally teased half her album and poetry book

You know.. you're right and I guess this is the problem. I've been able to fully immerse myself in the music through Honeymoon ,maybe even LfL too, but I guess the content just ain't cutting it. I had hope she was saving the best for the record but now we know NFR isnt ever happening. Her four songs haven't touched my soul since like March. I listened to Doin Time like five times and felt it lacked passion. How to Disappear was the last time I felt moved and then.... Sis disappeared.


I bet the album sucks and that's why she's not releasing

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Can we drop the “She was deleting comments” bullshit already? Literally the next day all your bullshit comments whining about nfr and whining about her deleting comments were there again. Even that one user who claimed she deleted the polite post and kept the rude one, both were there the next day. We confirmed it was a glitch ages ago. Now let’s drop it and find a more realistic conspiracy theory. Are you guys really too lazy to go back and check? This is exhausting. We shouldn’t have to cover this 100 times.


oh give it a rest, you're whining as much as anyone else you just think you're somehow superior cos you don't criticise her. have a drink 

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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For Christmas I want a private group chat with my favorite ppl from here.


Also since NFR is coming out in December she’ll rework some of the songs into carols & maybe I’ll finally like Christmas



In my teeth

From your kiss

Jingle my bellsssss


In Your Sled, Happiness is a Gingerbread, How to Decorate, North Pole Bitch, Marinade the Chicken Complex, etc

Not Marinade the Chicken :toofunny:


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This has probably already been said, but oh well. I know Lana was talking about photoshoots for the album cover, but I think a hand painted picture of Lana would be perfect, considering Rockwell was a painter. Maybe a soft, dreamy shot of her in a car?





If there is an album, of course :eek:




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oh give it a rest, you're whining as much as anyone else you just think you're somehow superior cos you don't criticise her. have a drink


You’re missing the point, probably deliberately. This isn’t about criticism. It is about how you’re still whining about something that was proven wrong. But just live in your bubble where you make up your own “facts” if that makes you happier.


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You guys I feel really bad I have failed us. Ive been single for legit like 2 full years after being in some of the best relationships of my life. Finally I meet this guy and everything is different. When I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. He was charismatic, magnetic,



Anyways we did the nasty and right after I checked my IG and Lana had revealed NFR was coming in two months!!! Our sex was magic, it literally had a magnetic pull on NFR. But now I’ve messed things up w him and we’ll never get the al boom. (This is te only theory that makes cents btw) I’m so sorry girls and gays :toofunny:


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You guys I feel really bad I have failed us. Ive been single for legit like 2 full years after being in some of the best relationships of my life. Finally I meet this guy and everything is different. When I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. He was charismatic, magnetic,



Anyways we did the nasty and right after I checked my IG and Lana had revealed NFR was coming in two months!!! Our sex was magic, it literally had a magnetic pull on NFR. But now I’ve messed things up w him and we’ll never get the al boom. (This is te only theory that makes cents btw) I’m so sorry girls and gays :toofunny:

Swallow ur pride and some other things. But. I also hope ur ok. Now get that abloom hunty 


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yall... go outside. take stroll. eat sum ice cream. your life doesnt have tp evolve around lana or NFR x

It’s 40 degrees outside you can go sit outside alone I’m staying here with the AC on full blast

Finally a Discord to rival with the other clan of problematic now-banned members

Not quite yet!

It's only my dark city, only my new man...

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