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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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bitch wasnt uv and hm enough for you

Bitch UV isn't a jazz album and HM wasn't pushed enough... Sorry for having taste and wanting some jazz

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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In all seriousness though, I totally see why UV can be considered jazz on some aspects, I mean it's a big reason why I rly disliked SoC AT FIRST don't @ me I love it and TOW is basically a jazz cover, but apart from that je suis confusion, I don't see how you can call the whole thing jazz when there is two jazzy songs at most


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I really, really think a textless album cover would be great for NFR. Maybe a painting type style - kind of like the Melodrama album cover? I think we're past Lana's BTD font and the one used on LFL.


I think it definitely needs to be textless yeah haha. Norman Fucking Rockwell just wouldn't look right on any album cover, and especially for sales in store. 




Damn You I waiting through like 5 loops before I realised this gif was about waiting and nothing was gonna happen

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I'm 100% here for a textless album cover, a really artsy one, either like a painting or a normal, reallly artistic photo. For the vinyl, the instinct is to say either light green, dark green or cream, 'cause these are the colours of the era so far...Her site is cream and dark green, the VB cover is cream and green, the MAC cover is the same. It would be nice to stick on with this scheme of colours till the end to give it a consistency and cohesiveness all the way through. However, a really cool thing would be a splatter style vinyl, 'cause she's never done those. A splatter of blue and green would be AMAZING. The green fits with the earthy style of music and the blue goes on with her nostalgic feel and for the sea elements that are sprinkled in the lyrics and the surfy vibe of the album. 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I think Neil should do the cover on this one. I love how his photography turns out and if he could do a bright orange cover... that’d be cool. Or a dark blue cover, I’d like that. But dark blue I want her to save for another dark UV type record


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Last night I had a dream Lana was in a castle or something and she was taking photos for NFR and it was amazing  :toofunny: she was still wearing jeans and a basic tshirt and the pictures had a lot of filters but it was pretty anyway, the pictures had a lot of green in them, mostly of Lana lying and walking on the grass, some of her with red roses and one that stood out for me was her wearing jeans from head to toe standing by a woman wearing old clothes picking something in the bushes, it was amazing. Now I want something similar to that and I know I'm setting myself for disappointment and I'll probably cry when I see the pictures taken by Chuck of Lana standing by a white wall or something  :defeated:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Textless album cover is a great idea! This album feels very artistic in terms of aesthetic due to the overall tone of MAC and Venice Bitch. VERY cohesive so far from the things she's done so far. I definitely see a green for the vinyl. I hope she's in front of a plane for this album ughh


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