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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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T. But does that mean that all the songs she has released so far might not even be on NFR?

They are ofc. Her team just didnt release official info, so the mag didnt want to spread any unverified information.

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In before, all her singles from now on are only "fan" singles with no proper release.

"I'm not really an album artist I don't know... Something about mixtapes and singles really let me have creative reign..."



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Oh, just saw this. Venice Bitch is on #20 of the 100 best songs from 2018 if this Swedish newspaper gets to decide. And Lana's feature with Cat Power is on #69.




About VB:



Hoppas Lana Del Rey aldrig slutar skriva ballader som är djupt romantiska och störda på samma gång.

Let's hope that Lana Del Rey never stops writing ballads which are as deeply romantic as disturbed at the same time.

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If she wanted to release a fan single she should have released Yosemite so she could put Salvatore out of his misery.

If you think salvatore is miserable, you should see the other founding members of the YSC...

We have the same borderline psychotic breaks every now and then about it, we just aren't as vocal with our eternal burning desire for that masterpiece



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If her ying-yang magnum opuses Venice Bitch & MAC aren't on her best album...  :crossed:

Impossible: they represent the atmosphere of the whole thing and they refer to each other, and to the title track. 

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I’m so relieved, all of the songs she’s released are top notch but the releases have been so underwhelming as if she’s just uploading the songs herself, I’m glad we’re gonna have an official first single release.

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This era can stay messy as hell as long as the songs stay being this incredible.


I feel bad for complaining since these three songs were just teasers given to us. We’re usually complaining that she keeps us in the dark and rarely teases any songs before album releases.

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Funny they say Hope... might not be on NFR, since I was thinking Hope's sister track might be Happiness is a Butterfly?

On another note, when you relisten to the 3 tracks out now, it screams winter album... I kinda hope she  releases NFR early spring and not in May lol. But I guess the poetry book is "getting in the way" of a fast release. 

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