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Best New Track  by Pitchfork https://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/lana-del-rey-venice-bitch/


whew the ACCLAIM w9WhydX.jpg



Man p4k have really had to eat their words the last few years. The BtD review was so scathing (and not very well written tbh), they pretty much designated her as flavour of month who would not be remembered after the video games hype died down. They then spent the next 2 albums calling her a bad feminist, saying her dad bought her career etc. I guess we've finally come full circle and lana is finally the real deal, here to save music.


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Lana really is growing as an artist

Y'all saying that her label will drop her are just being dumb. Lana is one of their best selling artists with the largest cult followings of all time. She might not be having huge hits right now like Dua Lipa but the biggest difference is that Lana will be an artist that people still listen to in 30 years from now, while probably most of us will have forgotten about Dua Lipa because her music isn't timeless and sophisticated like Lana's. Don't get me wrong, I love Dua Lipa too but she's nowhere near as good as Lana, and y'all know it.


Lana is incredibly prolific, working on new music all the time, and her label knows us rapid gay stans will always buy her albums and make them a shit tonne of money. Besides, how many artists can sell as many concert tickets as Lana? Not many. 


So honestly leave Lana the fuck alone and enjoy her best era in her whole career. 

I adore you

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Man p4k have really had to eat their words the last few years. The BtD review was so scathing (and not very well written tbh), they pretty much designated her as flavour of month who would not be remembered after the video games hype died down. They then spent the next 2 albums calling her a bad feminist, saying her dad bought her career etc. I guess we've finally come full circle and lana is finally the real deal, here to save music.

OMG I didn't knew that. This literally makes me horny. Justice boners are the best kinds of boners. Is it the same person that did all reviews?


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OMG I didn't knew that. This literally makes me horny. Justice boners are the best kinds of boners. Is it the same person that did all reviews?


No it's been a different reviewer every time. Also hilariously, her scores have gone up and up with each consecutive album. According to p4k her best album is LFL :toofunny: NFR will probably get around an 8 should the trend continue :lel:

But no, the reviewer who did the BtD review, Lindsay Zoladz hasn't written for them since about 2014.

Can we please ban the words:




Magnum Opus



Fucking thanks.



you might be in the wrong thread if that tilts u


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Man p4k have really had to eat their words the last few years. The BtD review was so scathing (and not very well written tbh), they pretty much designated her as flavour of month who would not be remembered after the video games hype died down. They then spent the next 2 albums calling her a bad feminist, saying her dad bought her career etc. I guess we've finally come full circle and lana is finally the real deal, here to save music.

I remember when that dumb bitch you wrote the BTD review admitted a year later that she was probably a bit too harsh on the album. OH OK.

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I remember when that dumb bitch you wrote the BTD review admitted a year later that she was probably a bit too harsh on the album. OH OK.


Only after doubling down in a podcast and questioning if Florida Kilos is racist :toofunny: :toofunny:


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Now after this record I need a full on jazzy sax heavy album from Lana in the vein of Terrance Loves You with her vocals when she did the live jazzy vocals and I’ll be completely happy lol “I got that ja-a-a-azzz honey” “tra-a-a-ashed baby”


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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If I have patience to listen to a 23 minutes long track (pink floyd - echoes — great song by the best band of all time, you guys should check it out) I’m sure we can all handle a 10 minutes long song. Let’s just show Lana our support. Even though we aren’t all on the same page we can at least show some appreciation for another album that I’m sure will be fantastic. We owe her our love and support, guys. After all we are her stans.


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i'm a bjork fan and her latest songs are +6 min (with some exceptions)

and the song is good imo

This album title perfectly encapsulates how

This album title perfectly encapsulates how ****ed America is at th moment. What a thoughtful, twisted, and brilliant album title. I’m shook!


what do you mean with that i'm dumb

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Are we gonna ignore the fact that miss May Jailer overcome her dissociative identity disorder and finally is working on her pilot license, our girl could be flying fighter jets all over the nation any time soon :oprah:


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