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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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It does! I didn’t know about it I was so surprised lol. I’m also getting the blue vinyl not sure if it’s gonna be exactly the same. It doesn’t ship til the 9th tho, they playin w me. 

Mailmen have A LOT of power imo lmao but yes!!! Ok I'm so glad, like, ok bc no bc I know that the checkered version's gonna be like an official release version, so it's like having both versions can't waaaaaait ah, treasure that, it'll probably a good collector's item. It's like getting a diff version of the record and I'm ecstatic rn 


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All the faggots of lanaboards

Wearing clown dresses for their tea parties

Playing games in the pre release thread

Meditating in the post release one


And I love all the little games we play

In the pre release thread

And when at last the era's done, they lock the thread

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Did she say in the livestream she has videos for every song? I swear she did but then I went back to find where she said it and I can’t be fucked watching the whole livestream again lol

Yes she said she wanted to make a video for each song. She wants the Love song video to be like a living Monet painting, and the triple video for NFR, Bartender and HIAB is coming in October!

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Just caught up with everything that has been said on the livestream. I LOVED the NFR demo lyrics tumblr_inline_ogtbrfBdmW1szkflc_500.gif

If anyone actually thinks she will fulfill that promise of a music video for every song... :creep: I think by the time NFR - Bartender - HIAB comes out she will already be over it.

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Y’all omg the triple video will be 20 minutes long which means we get 7 MORE MINUTES of scrapped & spliced video footage :legend:

The songs all together isn’t even 15 minutes :hooker:

Also, tbh the only other song I can see her doing a video for is Love Song. Then she’ll probably call it quits. Although I’d hope she’d do a video for hope as well. It bothers me it’s the one single which didn’t get a video.

Although that’d mean we’d have 10 videos & I find that very VERY hard to believe we’ll ever get from her :toofunny:


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Seems to me she teased the NFR mv wayyyy earlier than usual ... usually she teases mv's a week or so before release.


I fully expect her to tease the other two before the release in October.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I remember she said she wanted a quiet release for NFR, but I guess she changed her mind again LOL. I'm not mad tho, love all the incoming video's and songs <3. 

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So after 4 days of listening to only NFR here are sone of my thoughts:


• the album is good and I understand all the praise but it did not connect on personal lever with me so far


♤ my favorites: Bartender, NFR, Love song, California, MAComplex and Cinammon girl


♡ least favorite is The greatest


♢ though she has really great lyrics and some of her best... many songs have rather simple and totally uninspired lyrics which any schoolgirl can write


♧ I can see this album - like Honeymoon - being the one I play the most as it is relaxing as a whole. No stand out tracks on it as with other albums


☆ So many songs but NFR are so reniniscent of Fiona Apple and I like that.

Tori Amos is another one

would be good to know what Lana thinks of them


¤ I dont have fav lyric from this album yet


▪ Original Next BARecord is better but this one is by no means bad


i to je to!


I can't connect to it on a personal level either, and I assimilated it all very quickly, so it feels 'used up' already, whereas I can still listen to songs like 'Ride,' 'Old Money,' 'Terrence Loves You' and 'Summertime Sadness' and they feel fresh and full of 'underground currents' for lack of a better term. 

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