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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Since the studio version has this christmas vibe, I actually like playing it even more nowadays that we are officially in the christmas season :)

I think this cover is amazing. It was briefly on youtube, but deleted shortly after. Luckily I snatched the audio real quick




ugh fuck yes

so needed this


thank you! 

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Looking back, so many people here were complaining about how the album was released almost a year after the first single, but I have the feeling that 2019 was a total mess for music in general. So many artists made the public wait months and months between the first single and the album. And look at Zara Larsson, even worse; she released Ruin My Life in October last year and she haven't even announced the album yet. So I feel like we weren't that unlucky with NFR in the end LOL

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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It's a great cover! I love his voice. Not a fan of the arrangement. The key change and the strings make it sound quite cinematic to me, which I don't think fit the song. Would've been a good arrangement for Honeymoon! The song is meant to be raw and the instrumental powerful. But I love how he still brings the emotions. He felt it which is important. If you don't feel a song, it doesn't sound the same when you sing it. There are tons of covers on YouTube that people praise because of amazing vocals or high notes, but that are lifeless to me. So yeah, he did a good job! Thanks for sharing


Edit: I also listened to his cover of HTD and it's so emotional. A really talented guy


I don't really think the cover sounds too cinematic -very under  Lana's standards on that dept., at least-, or not too much to sound out of place on NFR. It's actually the kind of big but down to earth sound I thought we were going to get when we first heard the snippets from Love Song ("In your car", by that times) and California itself, and both songs ended up being a big dissapointment to me. I think that the message and the sonority of California fit much more to a kind of ballad sound, and hearing it as a rock track sounded quite forced for me, which is one of the reasons I dislike that track. Like, I'd quite prefered it sounding as a beautiful and honest redemption song (with a production way more cared about than the one that we ended up getting), a bit cinematic maybe, but not bombastic or barroque, lets say.Something in the vein of how MAC sounds, maybe. That would have done for a more cohesive album, also ( I think that California is with Doin Time the song that's the most out of place of NFR, in sound terms). After listening to this guys cover, I got to think that California could work incredibly as a gospel song. Maybe someday someone will give us that kind of cover, I'd truly love to hear it!

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I went to a FNAC in France and they're playing Venice Bitch in full!! Taste!! I had never heard it anywhere before!


Edit: they're actually playing the full album! What a surprise <333

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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listening to the album on my stereo rn as i clean my room and honestly, what a lovely fkn album. the only song i really skip these days is Love Song. even California and TNBAR, which i didn't care for before, i don't skip. it's so nice to listen to this album as a full body of work  :flutter: i particularly enjoy the flow from the end of Cinnamon Girl to the start of How To Disappear, it just works so well even though the two styles of song are different.


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Yes this is exactly what i thought lol VB was like 1 week old and people were already calling it her best song ever made


Venice Bitch is obviously a great song, but it's clearly not her strongest lyrical effort, let's be real. Also, the long/hazy/dry musical outro basically beefs up what is a pretty ordinary song to begin with. Just because it's ten minutes long, doesn't make it one of her best song.  :makeup:

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Venice Bitch is obviously a great song, but it's clearly not her strongest lyrical effort, let's be real. Also, the long/hazy/dry musical outro basically beefs up what is a pretty ordinary song to begin with. Just because it's ten minutes long, doesn't make it one of her best song.  :makeup:



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Venice Bitch is one of the three songs from NFR where the lyrics create a mood rather than tell a story (the other 2 being Fuck It I Love You and Cinnamon Girl). That song is genius and innovative for her for the musical take-off. I just get totally lost in the musical part when I drive. Plus the trippy California vibes are just quintessential Lana. To me, it’s one for the best songs on NFR and one of the best arguments for AOTY Grammy nom. This is also where she earns her alternative title when categorizing her music.

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